Chapter 793 Strangers from outside

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  Chapter 793 Stranger from Outside

  Chapter 55 Stranger from Outside
  Ye Ya has absolute trust in Xuanyi. She originally came to assist Xuanyi, but now that Xuanyi said that she does not need her help, or Said that this kind of help would cause some harm to Ye Ya herself, so Ye Ya chose to believe it without hesitation.

  The girl withdrew the three light wings that had just attacked, and stood frozen in the air. The six light wings slowly fluttered and danced behind her, like a god.

  Most people in the Guijian clan have never seen Ye Ya in this situation. At that moment, they thought there was a new enemy. Many of them were nervous and subconsciously transferred all the attacks originally aimed at the giant beast to Ye Ya. On the body.

  Ye Ya just calmly controlled the light wings to stretch in the air, and then let go, just like the autumn wind sweeping down the fallen leaves. All those chaotic attacks were blocked by the light wings. At the same time, Luonan Feng had also stopped most people. aggressive behavior.

  This time they finally noticed.

  This is the largest and most powerful monster they have encountered since entering this broken world, and now it seems to be struggling in pain.

  It was clearly a monster that had been difficult to fight and overcome with almost everyone's strength before, but now the opponent clearly felt the pain.

  "Look, that person, that person is on the monster's head." Someone soon noticed Xuanyi, who was still embedded in the monster's head like a nail. He was holding the rusty long sword with both hands. The foot is almost trapped in the monster's skin. The monster's flesh and blood, which is highly poisonous to ordinary people, does not have much impact on Xuanyi. In a sense, the Qixi Ziwei in his body is even stronger than The flesh and blood of those monsters were even more poisonous.

  "Is this person the outsider?"

  "Is he the firebird that has been flying in the sky?"

  The Guijian clan began to inquire about Xuanyi. After all, the people in the Xingyu team had received direct help from Xuanyi. This boy A sword light once protected Captain Xingyu, who almost died at the claws of a monster, and later provided medical services to most of them.

  But the people in the team that met later basically still had their initial impression of Xuanyi - the foreigner who was recruited by Luo Nanfeng to form a team, the firebird who could fly very fast in the sky, and who suddenly went crazy just now. The impression of someone rushing into the distance.

  But now, this impression has been unified into a person standing on the head of the strongest monster, and even about to inflict heavy damage to the monster with his own strength.

  For any Yin clan, respecting the strong is almost instinctive, because they are the last clan to survive in the most chaotic battle of hundreds of clans, which almost only relies on fists to survive, and the Guijian clan has gone through the most difficult times. In the difficult years of turmoil and chaos, although the Gui Jian clan has now become the strongest among the hidden clans due to this broken world, their history has never been obscured during those years, because Ju'an needs to think more. Danger.

  But now, this outsider that they didn't pay much attention to has now done something that they didn't even dare to think about. After all, most of the Guijian people have already seen these chaotic and ugly monsters. So far, , those who can kill one independently are basically considered to be rare and powerful, and the giant beast in front of them is obviously more powerful than ordinary ones.

  According to people who came earlier, when they first saw this monster, they clearly saw an egg.

  Or a cocoon.

  Almost anyone with a little common sense can't help but guess whether this monster is undergoing fusion and evolution. In this case, how powerful this monster must be, should they run away or fight, and if they fight, can they win? If they run away, If the monster succeeds in breaking out of its cocoon, what losses will they suffer?

  But in fact, all these thoughts became redundant because someone made the decision for them.

  The first moment Xuanyi discovered the monster, he fired the Huangtian Ancient Sword, and the next moment his own people rushed forward.

  Now it seems that Xuanyi's judgment was correct. Even without the help of others, he has the ability to fight against this powerful monster.

  "Are everyone outside so powerful now?"

  "Or is he the only one who is so powerful?"

  "You didn't see the sudden appearance of the birdman above us. She seems to be from outside, maybe. A little more powerful than that fire bird."

  With Luo Nanfeng and Xingyu suppressing them, they did not continue to attack the giant beast or the birdman in the sky for the time being, because this might not only hurt Xuanyi, but also The important thing is that the attack just now obviously had no impact on this giant beast.

  This is a bit sad, so they can only be spectators, exchanging whispers on one side, and completing their obligations as spectators on the other side. Watching the further development of the battle in the distance, from the current point of view, Xuanyi seems to be in an absolute Advantage.

  Because this giant four-legged monster that looks like a hill, although its body is constantly squirming and deforming, even rolling and pressing Xuanyi under him, or in other words, taking him with it and crashing into the hill in the distance, Xuanyi always looks like It was as motionless as a nail, holding tightly with both hands the Emperor's Ancient Sword that had been firmly inserted into the opponent's body, constantly absorbing its power and transforming it before re-injecting it back into its body, constantly destroying the internal texture of the body structure. , apart from this matter, Xuanyi did not do anything extra.

  Because only one thing is needed to kill with one hit.

  This process didn't even take too long. After about ten minutes, the giant beast stopped its struggle and fell to the ground. However, Xuanyi still stayed there, sparing no effort to destroy the remaining parts of the monster's body. After exhausting himself and confirming that there was no power left to transform the attack, he pulled out the Emperor Tian Ancient Sword inserted into the opponent's body.

  The Huangtian Ancient Sword was originally a rusty ordinary long sword that no one could see anything unusual about, but after repeatedly experiencing the baptism of monster body fluids, Xuanyi now even saw a little purple edge.

  The young man once saw a fake Huangtian Ancient Sword and knew that the real appearance of Huangtian Ancient Sword was a golden body and purple-edged Bafang sword. But now, this sword seems to be gradually returning to its former appearance.

  Xuanyi thought like this, raised his head and looked into the distance, and saw the Guijian clan members who were watching almost dumbfounded, and Ye Ya, who had been protecting him in the sky.

  The young man smiled at Ye Ya, and then looked at Luo Nanfeng. The Emperor's Ancient Sword in his hand was stuck on the ground in front of him. Behind him was the completely dead black beast, as huge as a mountain.

  "As promised before, this monster is my trophy."

  (End of Chapter)

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