Chapter 792 Battle for Promotion

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  Chapter 792 Battle of Promotion
  Xuanyi is of course serious.

  When he held the hilt of Huangtian Ancient Sword, the young man instantly felt confident in himself.

  Because the attack from Huangtian Ancient Sword just now clearly told him that the enemy in front of him could be harmed.

  In front of him, the black dome also began to slowly squirm and deform. Xuanyi had clearly proved that the other party was alive, but it was just that it was in some kind of dormant evolution stage of transformation.

  But now, being disturbed by Xuanyi like this, no matter how good-tempered the good gentleman is, it is impossible for him to sleep peacefully, not to mention that the monster in front of him has a better temper than Xuanyi has never seen.

  After all, they are born with an extreme lack of reason.

  Just like before the eyes, the dome began to rumble and tremble on the ground. Four thick and powerful limbs with hooks and claws grew out from around the dome. Then the dome fell down as a whole, and a giant egg grew out of the top of the dome. The ugly head with millions of eyes was staring at Xuanyi at the same time, the ugly ant in front of him.

  However, when Xuanyi looked at the giant beast in front of him, he actually felt a little calmer in his heart.

  It's not that the boy has never fought such a large monster before. In fact, on Mount Sumeru, the opponent he faced was even much bigger than the monster in front of him.

  It's just that the opponents at that time were not as ugly and mentally polluted as they are now.

  The young man clenched his long sword and took two steps back. He did not wait for the opponent to launch an attack, which is a knightly behavior. Instead, he did not hesitate to start his own attack the moment the opponent stopped evolving and changed into a form relatively suitable for fighting. .

  The so-called hitting it halfway is nothing more than this.

  The young man was extremely fast. With the help of his flame wings, he had already landed on the opponent's head with a single bounce. Holding the sword tightly with both hands, he stabbed hard at the huge eyeball growing on his head. Although the ugly monster's head was There are countless eyes, but this one is undoubtedly the largest and most vicious.

  The ancient sword of Huangtian stabbed the opponent's eyes with flames. The moment the sword blade penetrated, only the hilt remained, and black blood splashed out from the eye socket. However, Xuanyi had already activated the flow of all things. Under the guidance, the black liquid, which may be equally poisonous, was fixed in the air and became lighter little by little.

  At the same time, Xuanyi was also using the Heavenly Ancient Sword's celestial disintegration to try to drain the power from the opponent's body. In fact, the turbulent and chaotic power also surged from it. As Xuanyi had speculated before, this monster's The power is more than ten times stronger than any one encountered before.

  What's just a little embarrassing is that, just like the giant mountain turtle I met on Mount Xumi before, although its energy size and intensity have surpassed the ordinary Dongxuan peak by unknown amounts, it is still in the Dongxuan realm. Rather than above Dongxuan.

  Because its own device firmly limits it.

  So although the black giant beast in front of you is very strong, its evolution process was interrupted by Xuanyi, so it is not able to master the realm of Dongxuan now, but it still needs to rely on its own body to fight with brute force. beast.

  The massive power was still transferred from the body of the giant beast to Xuanyi's body like a whale absorbing water. Then after a simple transformation, Xuanyi re-injected the power in the body into the opponent's body, just like a handle The sharp knives with sharpened handles were inserted into the opponent's blood vessels one by one.

  And Xuanyi acts as the instrument of transformation.

  This is Xuanyi's own strategy that he summed up after a night of thinking last night, combined with his previous experience of quickly killing the monster.

  Because this kind of monster is extremely tough and has no obvious weaknesses. If it were not like Ye Ya, who used absolute strength to break through the opponent's defense and even directly kill the opponent to ashes, then it would be like when Xingyu team and the opponent The fight basically only involves one's own physical exertion, but one doesn't know when the opponent will be exhausted.

  Xuanyi, on the other hand, can use the Emperor Tianjian to communicate with Wanliu, extracting their own power and then converting it slightly before reinjecting it back. It's like transfusing completely incompatible blood into the other party, causing blood rejection. Xuanyi can also You can use this to kill the opponent easily.

  The biggest disadvantage of doing this is that if the opponent's strength is really super strong, then Xuanyi will suffer a huge backlash, so before actually using this method, Xuanyi first carried out a test attack.

  That is the act of shooting the Emperor's Ancient Sword in the sky with a sunset bow. This attack is extremely lethal, but Xuanyi never thought of using this move to completely kill the enemy, because he has already seen the powerful vitality of monsters in this world, so What he wanted to know was what level this evolving monster was at.

  And when Xuanyi judged that because of his interruption, the other party was still in the awkward position of not reaching the level of Dongxuan, he had already confirmed his victory.

  The giant beast began to struggle and roll under Xuanyi's feet, but the young man held the sword tightly with both hands. No matter how the opponent rolled and struggled, it stayed firmly on the opponent's head. Anyway, even if the opponent really turned his body upside down and grabbed the ground with his head, it would be really difficult. It doesn't pose much of a threat to Xuanyi.

  After all, Xuanyi was also a man who had fought through mountains and rivers of blood. How could he die here because of such a trivial scene?

  But this is a small scene for Xuanyi, but not for others.

  As Xuanyi gave up guiding the direction and route in the air, he first shot out the Emperor's Ancient Sword, and then quickly left the army. Although most of the Guijian clan complained about this young man's arbitrary decisions, in Luonan Under the leadership of Feng He Xingyu, the large army of thirty or forty people was still rushing towards the direction where Xuanyi disappeared, while Ye Ya had already deployed the Eternal Sky Formation, with three pairs of light wings flying in the air. He rushed there first.

  None of the Guijian clan was weak enough to enter the trial, so they walked very fast. They crossed a small hill and soon saw the black giant beast. After all, even if the giant beast lay down, it was still tall enough. It is more than ten meters long and can be considered a real behemoth.

  They were facing a formidable enemy one after another. Countless lights and shadows, including straight and sharp sword energy, and various magical attacks, all rushed towards the giant beast. However, since the giant beast had already headed towards the cave, these hastily launched How can the attack cause damage to it.

  At this moment, three wings of light came across from the sky. Ye Ya took action with all his strength and instantly penetrated the black giant beast from front to back. Just as the girl was about to repeat her old trick, she used magic power to release the giant beast's body to disintegrate him from the inside out. I heard Xuanyi's voice: "Don't move rashly, let it go first."

  (End of Chapter)

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