Chapter 271 Mo Li (1)

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  Chapter 271 Mo Li (1)

  Chapter 109 Mo Li (1)

  Xuan Yi returned to the woods again and took out the wooden card.

  At this time, two days had passed since the fish soup dinner that night. Xing Lihua didn't know whether it was true or not that she had found a job. In short, she still went out early and returned home empty-handed.

  Xuan Yi's clearing up of his thoughts has basically come to an end now. Children's bodies have given the boy great constraints. Until now, Xuan Yi has not thought of a real solution to the problem.

  Of course, the good news is that the clues and ideas for solving the problem have been clarified.

  The thin wooden sheets are covered with drained black ink. Even in a fantasy world, the quality of the ink mixed with pine ink appears to be extremely poor. Because the precipitation and grinding are not meticulous enough, the handwriting is very uneven. serious.

  Fortunately, Xuan Yi never intended to preserve these wooden scrolls for a long time. Not to mention that these handwritings could be effectively preserved for a year, Xuan Yi would be satisfied if they were preserved for a month.

  But after all, this is the only way he can escape this illusion as a child.

  The first wooden card still contains the first few words he wrote

  : "I am Xuan Yi."

  Then there are the bits and pieces of information and clues he had written down before, such as the existence of the wooden box, such as himself. After searching for the key, Xuan Yi made the final judgments that guided his next actions.

  "My purpose."

  "Escape from this illusion."


  "Unknown for the time being."

  "The number of days to come to this illusion is seventeen days."

  "The duration of this illusion is tentatively judged to be one month."

  "So next All actions are carried out based on one month."

  "The first purpose of this action."

  "Trying to open the wooden box in the wooden house in the living room."

  "In other words, it is to find the key to the wooden box. After previous observations and reasoning, I have reason to believe that the key to the wooden box is with my sister."

  "Although I have never witnessed it with my own eyes." "

  Secondly, verify another law of this illusion."

  "This is a top priority."

  "Thirdly, if the second item is verified, I We should try to find other truths about that time."

  "The above three points are the three goals of this mission." "

  Next, there are several time points that need attention in this mission." "

  Let me enter the illusion. This month is the standard."

  "The first incident: I was picked up and brought home by my sister." "

  The second incident, my sister saved me with her last medicine." "

  The third incident, my sister and I temporarily lived together. "

  "The fourth incident was that my sister, who had terminated her mission and lost her source of income, finally found a job." "

  Then, it was the fifth incident."

  "The poison in my body broke out again, and the attack was dangerous, and my sister no longer had anything in her hands that could effectively suppress me. She may not even have enough money to buy ordinary medicine due to the toxins in her body." "

  This is the upcoming time."

  "The sixth incident."

  "According to my memory, I fell into a coma for the next few days. , after my sister tried all her methods to buy medicines that were ineffective on me, she followed the doctor’s advice and bought me liquor for pain relief.” “If I can see Xuanji in this illusion, then it will be

  in This stage."

  "If not, if I follow the process, I should slowly get better." "

  But if it develops according to the real deduction, I should die." "

  This should be paid attention to."

  "Then, comes the seventh incident. ."

  "If possible, this should be the end of the incident."

  "My sister spent all her savings. Her original job income was too meager to make up for the expenditure. Moreover, she had no time to work because she took care of me all day long. ."

  "Next, she said goodbye to me."

  "Doing what she said she would only do for the last time." "

  I once thought that the possibility that my sister had misled me has now been overturned." "

  It seems now, What my sister has to do is to accept the ANBU mission."

  "Then kill people."

  "Then, my sister began to slowly adapt to this kind of life because my illness kept getting worse and ordinary work could not support me, and she began to make ends meet every once in a while. When the time comes, she will go out to pick up a mission again."

  "And from the first time she picked up the mission."

  "The wooden box in her room."

  "It disappeared."

  Xuan Yi read the last word, and then used his little hand to He lit the match and put the flame into the dry leaves. The orange flame immediately started to burn happily. Then Xuan Yi saved the first and last pieces of the wood, and put the rest in piece by piece to gradually burn. He stood on the fire and allowed the bright red flames to engulf the wooden rafters and the black writing on them bit by bit.

  Because these are no longer necessary.

  This took me almost a week to prepare. After reasoning it out, I have finally figured out what I have to do now and what I can no longer do.

  It was like lighting up a beacon for him in the boundless fog, allowing him to finally find the direction he could work towards.

  The fire grew bigger and bigger.

  There are fewer and fewer wooden sticks in Xuan Yi's hands.

  Those complicated reasoning processes are not needed. When the boy confirms that the trajectory and conclusion he finally recalled are true, retaining those clues, memories and thinking process is an extra burden for the four-year-old boy.

  Xuan Yi was afraid that he would have to watch those lengthy processes again every time.

  After all, he really has this tendency now.

  In fact, it’s not just the elderly who have poor memory.

  Children's memory is also bad, especially those between three and four years old.

  When the last piece of wood disappeared in his hand, Xuan Yi still did not move. This time he was just reading, not writing, so there was still a lot of time. The young man watched intently as these wooden pieces that recorded his thinking process were completely transformed. In order to remove the ashes, he used a wooden stick to pull out a few dark roasted potatoes from the middle, and then used his hands to crush them bit by bit with soil.

  After reading the beginning and the end for the last time, Xuan Yi buried the two pieces of wood again. As for the quill and ink, they had already been processed when he confirmed that he had finished writing yesterday.

  Today is not only a math check, but also proof of the child's poor memory.

  After doing all this, Xuan Yi wrapped the roasted potatoes that were charred on the outside and tender on the inside with a few broad leaves, then hugged them to his chest and stood up.

  Next, I have to do the second thing listed in the plan.

  To prove a certain truth in this illusion.

  That is, can Xuanji simulate things that he has never known, or that in his unknown realm, the world is actually darkness and chaos.

  For example, now, Xuan Yi has never known what the meagerly paid temporary job that Xing Lihua found was, and according to the original trajectory, he will never know.

  But what if I take that step now?

  Is there an abyss ahead or a smooth road ahead?
  Xuan Yi is actually looking forward to it.

  (End of chapter)

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