Chapter 270 The ferocious beast

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  Chapter 270: The
  so-called ferocious beast is afraid of those who are violent, and those who are violent are afraid of death.

  Xinghunya was considered to be both barbaric and tyrannical, but Xi Benan was truly barbaric, tyrannical, stupid and desperate at the same time.

  Seeing the gray-haired boy walking toward him step by step, carrying a gloomy and gray aura of death, Star Dusk Crow sighed, and then the black wings behind him suddenly opened up, floating and flying with the whole person.

  Xi Benan is good at everything.

  But he just can't fly.

  However, the gray-haired boy looked up casually, then squatted down slightly and bent his knees.

  Yes, it's true that he can't fly, but he can jump.

  And he jumped very high, even higher than Xuan Yi.

  Because Xuan repeatedly boasted to the sky, it was just the state of knowledge.

  And Xi Benan is a genuine Dongxuan realm.

  In the blink of an eye, Star Dusk Crow flapped its wings and flew dozens of meters above the mountain peak, but Xi Benan jumped faster.

  His figure shot out like an arrow, arriving first and then reaching out to hold the Star Dusk Crow's ankle with an expressionless expression. The gray aura was intertwined with the darkness, and no one could do anything about it for the time being.

  But Xi Benan didn't think about doing anything to Xing Duan Crow. He also ignored the frightened expression on Xing Duan Crow's face at that moment. He just held the opponent's ankle tightly, and then used force to round his arms as if he killed a crow. Smash the opponent straight into the mountain, several meters into the stone.

  Castration is quicker than incoming.

  After doing all this, Xi Benan slowly fell from the air and continued to walk towards the pit he had just made with an expressionless, decadent and indifferent expression.

  The battle has just begun.



  Ye Ya was in the dark cave, guarding a small candlelight. The sleeping Xuan Yi was beside her, and the boy still showed no sign of waking up.

  "Is this what you call Ye Qing's power?" the girl said with a gloomy expression.

  Just when the people outside were about to clear away the rubble left by her and break into it, Ye Ya couldn't care less and forcibly activated the Green Wings according to the method Xuan Er taught her, but what happened next But it was completely out of Ye Ya's control.

  The girl only felt her whole body swell and ache, and in the next moment, she felt something burst out of her back.

  Yes, the feeling of breaking out of one’s shell.

  She felt like slender wings suddenly sprouted from her back, but when the wings were waved in front of her, the girl saw that they were long and glowing tentacles. Controlling them was like controlling her own limbs, as long as she thought Even the smallest glowing tentacles catch up and cut everything in the path smoothly like cutting paper.

  It was not her turn to hesitate next, because the attacking enemy was right at the entrance of the cave. She could only control those tentacles to meet the enemy. In just a few blinks, these glowing tentacles came out one after another, easily destroying the invading enemy. While the enemy advanced and swept out of the cave, they also had the opportunity to wave and roar in the sky to declare their return to the light of day.

  She only had time to retract the tentacles quickly, and while retracting them, they swept across like a sharp sword, once again completely destroying the cave that had just been cleared.

  Even more thorough than what she did last time.

  The girl who has done all this will not be happy no matter what.

  Because there has never been a ninth princess who has shown such a figure as she does now.

  Six luminous tentacles like the arms and legs of an octopus grew and floated behind her, lifting the girl's body up and floating there easily.

  Such tentacles may seem weak, but just now, it was these tentacles that extended to thousands of meters in a few tenths of a second, sweeping away all enemies in a frantic manner.

  The speed of its attack even exceeded Ye Ya's thinking speed.

  This form is more appropriately said to be a devil than an angel.

  "Yes, the filthy appearance of an innate demon." Xuan Er's voice faintly echoed in Ye Ya's mind.

  "The first life-saving straw that idiot Ye Qing grabbed."

  After hearing the confirmation from Xuan Er, Ye Ya was not surprised at all.

  It even feels a bit natural.

  Although she had never learned this method of use in the Ninth Princess's standard course, there was no doubt that these operations were in line with the basic operating specifications of Blue Wings.

  More importantly, this form is actually rooted in the Wings of Blue, which means that Ye Qing, who originally created it, clearly used this form as his own combat status.

  Incomparably savage, extremely primitive.

  But it is also extremely efficient and powerful.

  Although I don’t know why, the first-generation hero Ge Sheng did not pass down this method of operation, causing it to be completely lost among the nine princesses in the past generations. However, Xuan Er, as one of the people who experienced it, accurately mastered this method.

  It is a method that allows you to use the Blue Wings to the fullest in the body of the Realm of Knowledge.

  Yes, the state of Zhizhi. In the past few hours, classmate Ye Ya, who is also immersed in the state of perfection, completed her own simple and quick breakthrough.

  Her path to knowledge did not follow the path Ye Xuan had designed for her, the Ice and Snow Lord's route, but she chose the most suitable path at this time.

  Down to the smallest detail.

  Observe in detail, manipulate in detail, and think in detail.

  Everything is to fit in with Qing Zhiyi. Only in this way can she exert the strongest fighting power of the Ninth Princess at the lowest level.

  But Ye Ya still asked softly: "Why?" "

  Because praying to the gods does not get an answer." Xuan Er smiled and replied: "So only by feeding the devil with your body can you gain the final strength." "Ye

  Ya Only by exhausting his life and luck step by step can he catch up with the enemies who are out of reach in front of him." "Thereby, he

  transformed into a ferocious beast, entrenching himself around the things he cherished, cutting off all those who dared to Coveted minions and eyes."

  Ye Ya nodded silently.

  Nowadays, the nine princesses in the past practice the improved Ye Qing's Kung Fu, which requires a great deal of life and effort. So the entire training system created by Ye Qing, who overcame all obstacles and obstacles, allowed her to step into the era of blooming wild flowers. While she is one of the strongest in the world, her lifespan is also fixed at twenty-four years old.

  If this is the case, it is not impossible for Ye Qing to create such a form to fight.

  Ye Ya let go of Qianye Liubi's hand.

  The Blue Wings are just magical weapons, and they must be combined with Qianye Liubi to exert their strongest combat effectiveness, because Qianye Liubi is the supporting energy source of the Blue Wings.

  But now that Qianye Liubi is occupied by Xuan Yi, Ye Ya has no choice but to let Qianye Liubi charge the Blue Wings before embarking on the battlefield.

  Because the battle above was already rumbling, if Ye Ya did not move the battlefield, it would be too dangerous for Xuan Yi now.

  Just like when a poisonous snake attacks, the mother bird will lure the poisonous snake away so that they will not swallow the eggs, Ye Ya is doing the same thing now.

  "I'll take the liberty to ask again." Ye Ya's body was floating in the void, with three pairs of luminous tentacles floating slowly behind her like jellyfish in the water.

  "I don't know who can kill you."

  Xuan Er smiled: "Can I refuse to answer?"

  Ye Ya nodded, and then floated upward.

  Xuanji's answer slowly rang in her mind.

  "Emperor Tianwu, Xiche."

  (End of this chapter)

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