Chapter 250 Embrace

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  Chapter 250:

  In his sister's arms, Xuan Yiyi felt the other person's tears constantly flowing into his hair.

  Her arms were warm and soft.

  Then, he suddenly found that everything stopped.

  This phenomenon was not unfamiliar to him.

  Because it happened to him not long ago.

  As for himself, it was as if his soul had left his body, his consciousness separated from the powerless and seriously ill dying child, and like a dead soul, he silently ascended to the sky.

  Xuan Er sat on the moon wheel, wearing a black dress. If he added two devil horns, he would be a dedicated devil.

  "Actually, I feel that this scene is very suitable for the occasion." Xuanji said quietly.

  Xuan Yi's expression was not happy at all.

  Because this scene is really not a happy scene.

  Moreover, there is a sister inside who is completely different from what I remember, but she seems to be a sister who is more in line with the truth.

  Xuan Yi was silent for a moment.

  "Is this the real story that happened at that time?"

  Xuan Er nodded silently.

  "Why do you want me to see this?" Xuan Yi asked.

  "I've said it before." Xuan Er said with a smile: "But I actually don't mind saying it a second time." "

  I feel that this scene is very appropriate."

  "So I want you to review it again."

  Xuan Yi looked at him, Although I have always known it, I still want to confirm: "Are you fully aware of everything that happens around me?"

  Xuanji shook his head: "I, the devil, was not assigned to you from the moment you were born. Doing business."

  "But, in other words, I was watching most of the time." "

  And the memory is much clearer than yours."

  Xuan nodded: "Am I dead?"

  "It was going to be soon. Xuan Er said lightly: "But it's okay now."

  "Why?" Xuan Yi asked.

  According to the omens of life and death perception, he should definitely die.

  "You took my soul without permission?" was the only thought that came out of his mouth.

  "No, no," Xuan Er said with a smile, "A devil who follows the rules like me would never engage in forced buying or selling." "

  But." The little devil's expression immediately straightened.

  "I suggest you trade the third soul with me here."

  "Otherwise you will regret it."

  "Why should I believe the devil's words?" Xuan Yi looked at him.

  "Good intentions are worthless." Xuan Er smiled: "Occasionally the devil will give some kind advice to the contractor." "

  Otherwise, how can we cultivate feelings."

  Xuan Yi bit his lip lightly.

  Yes, Xuanji rarely lies.

  He said that he wanted to exchange souls with himself, so there must be a need for exchange.

  Besides, exchanging souls is not something that is unacceptable. After all, the little devils buy and sell with integrity, and every soul given is satisfactory, and I will think about the next time after exchanging it once.

  After all, what Xuan Er did was not a one-time deal. If he cheated himself once, he would be dumbfounded if he didn't change next time.

  But since he won't die, why should he exchange a third soul?

  He is not a philanthropist, he lives to do charity for Xuan Er.

  He had known the consequences of exchanging souls a long time ago, that is, he would be replaced by Xuanji step by step, and he would eventually be reborn in his body.

  Why should he make wedding clothes for others?

  So Xuan Yi shook his head.

  Xuanji smiled: "It's really boring. It's an expected boring reaction." "

  In that case."

  "You can go back to the cold reality."

  "As I said, reality and dreams overlap. ."

  "It's the most suitable for the occasion."



  Xuan Yi felt like he was being held in someone's arms.

  It's like my sister holding herself on the beach.

  His whole body felt hot, except for his chest, which felt cold.

  The boy opened his eyes and saw a pair of aqua blue eyes.

  Ye Ya was hugging herself, her limbs were stiff and her lips were purple.

  When she saw herself waking up, she looked happy and relieved.

  "Fortunately, it would be stupid if none of them survived,"

  she said softly.

  Her originally cherry-colored lips turned purple, and her face, which was as pure as jade, also turned purple.

  "Don't call me stupid."

  "After all, I am a stupid girl."

  Xuan Yi slowly understood what happened, and couldn't help but ask: "What did you do?"

  "You didn't do anything." Ya said softly: "Return my body, Qianye Liubi, and Qingzhiyi to Ye Xuan." "Do

  n't worry."

  "I had an agreement with her."


  Ye Ya said "you" a few times. He couldn't take a breath anymore, and he couldn't help but show an extremely self-deprecating look on his face.

  Then she let go of Xuan Yi's hand.

  The whole person slowly fell backwards into the yellow sand.

  It's like an orchid withering on the sand.

  Xuan Yi touched his chest.

  That piece of hard beautiful jade is staying there.

  Only Chiba Liubi can detoxify from such a terrifying poison.

  He pulled off the jade pendant from his chest, rushed forward and pressed it on the fallen girl's chest. Spirituality poured from his hands into the jade pendant, and green aura suddenly flowed out, surrounding Ye Ya's almost withered body.

  Without the support of Qianye Liubi, Xuan Yi immediately felt that the toxins in his body were about to start moving again. If he did not take back Qianye Liubi to suppress his own toxins, he would fall into a coma again in a few minutes.

  It's just that this time there won't be a second stupid girl giving up her life to save herself.

  At this moment, he understood what had happened before.

  In the desert full of poisonous fog just now, Ye Ya had the only jade pendant in her hand that could dispel poison and detoxify.

  Then she found herself.

  She is the most noble daughter in this land, the future ninth princess who is destined to be respected by thousands of people.

  He is the devil bastard of Star City, the commissioner of the ANBU, and an untouchable pariah.

  But she just thinks so.

  His life can be equal to hers.

  Don't allow yourself to call her stupid.

  But surrounded by Qianye's green light, Ye Ya's body showed no response.

  No response.

  Xuan Yi knew in his heart that in the process of detoxifying himself, Ye Ya was too deeply poisoned. She only managed to wake up by hugging her and sharing Qianye Liubi.

  And she also knew deeply that it was too late for Qianye Liubi to completely remove the poison from her body.

  Xuan Yi took out the Deteriorated Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion he made from the black iron ring without hesitation. Just when he was about to open the other person's mouth and pour it into her, he suddenly realized.

  Lian Yin Rejuvenating Agent.

  Not an antidote.

  It is healing medicine.

  Only under their own special circumstances, when the toxins in their bodies are so insatiable, do they need this massive amount of vitality to fill their hungry needs.

  But this thing is for the poisoned Ye Ya.


  "Xuan Er."

  Xuan Yi whispered in his heart.

  "Young man, you..."

  Xuan Yi interrupted him calmly.

  "Take the third soul."

  (End of chapter)

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