Chapter 249 Beach (please recommend for collection)

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  Chapter 249 Beach (please recommend for collection)

  Xuan Yi felt dizzy and aching all over his body, but he couldn't even lift his fingers, and the sound

  of waves and waves were heard in his ears.

  The smell of salty sea water mixed with the smell of rotten corpses made people almost sick.

  Xuan Yi opened his eyes.

  I saw the bright night sky filled with stars of all colors.

  The silver-white hooked moon hangs high.

  Where is this place?
  Xuan Yi whispered in his heart, and then tried to raise his hands to prop himself up, but found that he couldn't even lift his hands.

  The touch under your hands is cold and smooth, with a slightly sticky soft touch.

  Xuan Yi sighed, then closed his eyes, wanting to take an inward look at the condition of his body.

  What happened before was still fresh in his mind. He went to the desert realm alone, hoping to take chestnuts from the fire of Di Zijing and Xi Ziquan.

  However, the funny thing is that without the other party even knowing his existence, he was affected by the aftermath of the battle, and then completely passed out from the poison.

  But how did he get back here?
  Xuan Yi turned his head hard, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a pale face.

  The face of a dead child.

  He became a four-year-old child again, lying among the dead on the beach, with death as his neighbor.

  It was as if the previous eleven years were just a child's imagination before his death.

  Going around and around, I returned to that long, almost eternal dawn.

  Waiting for death or redemption.

  So Xuan Yi opened his eyes wide, listened to the sound of waves in his ears, and looked at the sky.

  Lost in thought.

  Now he has indeed returned to his original state, and the strength in his body is gone. He is weak, has a high fever and is sore, and death may envelope him at any time.

  If there is any good news, it is that after eleven years of fighting against toxins in the body, the toxins raging in the child's body really have no impact on his rough nerves.

  In this way, Xuan Yi had time to think about more things.

  Questions that I never had the time or thought to think about before.

  According to memory, my sister will come here in half an hour and pick him up from the beach.

  When I was still a child, I just felt that everything was so logical.

  But now it seems to Xuan Yi that this is full of absurdity and deception.

  "Xing Lihua, I have never been a prostitute."

  This was the information written on the note Jiaoyue gave him that day.

  Whether it is to sow discord or whether it is based on solid evidence.

  Xuan Yi actually doesn't care whether his sister has done that kind of thing, because if you like someone, you are destined to like everything about her.

  past, present, and give her a better future.

  However, when Jiao Yue pried off the first brick from the fortress of memory, more and more memories came flooding back.

  Such as now.

  Why on that day, a fourteen-year-old girl came alone to the beach where the ANBU dumped her body.

  What kind of courage and mood did she have to dig herself out from the pile of dead people and take her away.

  Is this something that an ordinary little girl who is even forced to sell her body can do?

  Xuan Yi had never thought about this before because he deliberately didn't think about it.

  But when he returned to this scene, there were some things he couldn't let go of.

  Because everything around him reminds him.

  At this moment, Xuan Yi heard rustling footsteps in his ears.

  It was the sound of someone's feet sinking into the sand.

  Xuan Yi used all his strength to tilt his head slightly upward, and opened his swollen eyes with force, trying to catch a glimpse of the approaching sister whom he had never seen before.

  But when he glanced at it, he was stunned.

  this person.

  Is it my sister?

  The person coming was a woman.

  She is not too tall, her long silver hair is simply tied behind her head, and she is wearing a somewhat shabby white dress. From a distance, she does look somewhat similar to the sister in her memory.

  But only somewhat.

  Because Xuan Yi never remembered that his sister had such a temperament.

  She walked step by step. Although she walked carelessly and a little lost, the distance between each step seemed to be measured with a ruler, and it was exactly the same. This meant that her steps had been trained for a long time. Cost is almost instinctive.

  If you want to describe it, this woman is like a broken sword.

  Even if it is broken, its remaining edge is extremely dazzling.

  But - this woman who looked like a broken sword didn't even look at Xuan Yi. Instead, she walked across the beach and walked towards the sea.

  Xuan Yi understood at that moment.

  She wants to commit suicide!

  Even if Xuan Yi, who was fifteen years old and at the peak of Zhizhi, really walked into the sea by himself without holding his breath and letting the sea water pour into his lungs, death would arrive as promised in a few minutes.

  After all, no matter how strong you are, your body will still be a mortal body.

  Asphyxiation remains a standard method of death.

  Xuan Yi watched as she walked step by step into the sea. The water covered her ankles, her knees, her thighs and her lower abdomen.

  He knew what he should do.

  But he didn't know if he should do it.

  The woman continued to move forward, and the seawater quickly covered her chest, and then her neck.

  She was still walking forward without hesitation.

  Then, a loud cry came from the beach.

  The woman turned back in surprise, and then looked into Xuan Yi's eyes.

  Xuan Yi saw it clearly.


  She is indeed my sister.

  The woman's eyes were like polished bronze with a long-lasting light.

  She was stunned for a moment, then turned her head in confusion in the sea water above her chest.

  Just like my sister, she sometimes has a cute and naive feeling that she can't put down.

  Then she walked back from the sea step by step.

  Chest, lower abdomen, knees, and then ankles.

  The girl with bronze eyes came to the pile of corpses, her expression unchanged.

  No fear, no panic, no joy, no confusion.

  She seemed to be looking at something commonplace.

  Then, she took a step forward, calmly stepped on the body of a child, reached out and picked up the wide-eyed Xuan Yi.

  Although the girl's body was soaked wet with sea water, Xuan Yi still smelled the familiar fragrance of magnolia flowers.

  But he didn't even have the strength to grab his sister, so he could only let the girl put him gently on the soft beach.

  His whole body was so hot that he could hardly hold his hands.

  He could only look into his sister's eyes.

  Those bronze eyes.

  Xing Lihua looked at him with interest.

  Then he said softly: "You are."

  "Want to die with me?"


  "Let's live together?"

  The girl's voice was cold and cold.

  It's like ice water lifted from a well in the twelfth lunar month.

  Then he poured it on Xuan Yi, making him feel cold both physically and mentally.

  Is this—is Xing Lihua, his sister’s true appearance under disguise?

  Was this how she rescued herself in the first place?
  Xing Lihua at that time was stronger and more indifferent than he is now.

  He opened his mouth.

  Calling "Sister."

  Xing Lihua bent down and held him in his arms.

  Hold her tightly in your arms.

  He cried himself hoarse.

   This is what really happened at that time.

    Children's memories are really countless.

    This is what Xing Lihua really looks like.

    Also - please recommend for collection.

    Xuan Yi and Xing Lihua.

    In fact, they save each other.


  (End of chapter)

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