Chapter 141 The mystery of the spiritual liquid

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  Chapter 141 The Mystery of the Spiritual Liquid
  The boy's blood was dim red. When Xuan Yi saw that the scale on the beaker stopped at fifty milliliters, he compressed the blood vessels to stop the bleeding, then took out the bandage and tied his wrist in circles.

  Ye Ya looked at the indifferent young man, who cut his wrist as if he were cutting a blood bag with scissors.

  Although she had already expected Xuan Yi's character, she still did not expect that the young man would be so cold and decisive.

  Are all Dark Star's demon cubs trained like this?

  Or should I say that Xuan Yi is the one who is the most cruel to him.

  Xuan Yi didn't care about the way Ye Ya looked at him.

  They are not from the same world at all, so they are not born to understand each other. Just like he never knows that Ye Ya’s ordinary home-cooked dishes cost more than 120,000 stars per meal. Ye Ya also doesn’t know how he is. Only then did he survive to where he is today.

  After the bleeding on his wrist stopped, Xuan Yi picked up the beaker of blood and drank it bit by bit.

  Drinking blood is a very weird behavior, drinking your own blood is even more weird.

  Xuan Yiyi felt that his blood had a faint fishy sweetness, and a faint smell of rust lingered on his lips and tongue. Because the blood was fresh enough, it still tasted warm, not as much as usual after smelling corrupted blood. The fishy smell.

  Then Xuan Yi closed his eyes.

  He made the right bet.

  In the dark sea of ​​consciousness, the blood began to slowly decompose into actual drugs.

  Recipe for spiritual liquid:

  nine grams of Bai Ling beeswax.

  Nine grams of hellebore petals.

  Twelve grams of night plantain.

  Twelve grams of black ghost mushroom.

  Ten grams each of Fallen Falcon feathers and blood.

  Ten grams of psychic Biyuan spinal cord extract.

  One hundred and fifty grams of snow-capped mountain ice.

  Twenty-five grams of distilled alcohol.

  Xuan Yi remembered the prescription that appeared in his mind, but his expression became more and more strange. It was not until Ye Ya gently patted his shoulder from behind that the boy came back to his senses.

  "Your expression was very strange just now." Ye Ya said worriedly.

  Xuan Yi smiled and raised his left hand wrapped in a white bandage. The bandage was slowly soaked with blood: "Isn't this even weirder?" Ye Ya shook her head: "No, it's different


  Xuan Yi was noncommittal and did not care about this question. After stopping, he quietly dropped the subject: "I remembered the recipe for the spiritual liquid. Can you help me complete this potion?" "The

  configuration process is very cumbersome, so I need your help."

  Ye Ya looked at the boy and thought for a moment , and finally nodded: "Yes."



  The formula of the spiritual liquid is complicated, and its processing methods are even more changeable, and Xuan Yi still doesn't have much time at this time.

  Since most of the pharmacists who remained in the hall this time did not think that they could defeat the two absolutely formidable enemies Su Bai and Di Zijing, they all chose medicines with the goal of not seeking merit but seeking no fault. It is the type that I am most proficient in and good at.

  On the other hand, Su Bai and Di Zijing were like racing, and they only passed a third of the hourglass. They completed their potions one after another, sat back down and closed their eyes to rest.

  Because of the time spent before, Xuan Yi was also the last group to take action.

  So he needs Ye Ya to help.

  Ye Ya's basic skills are very solid, but she is slightly lacking in finding and identifying medicines, so as soon as Xuan finds a medicinal material, he rushes back and gives it to Ye Ya, and tells her the corresponding processing method of this medicinal material. After he goes to look for it, When picking up the medicinal ingredients, Ye Ya had quietly finished processing the medicines she had received, waiting for the arrival of the next medicinal ingredient.

  The two of them had a happy division of labor, but Xuan Yi's expression became increasingly unhappy.

  The doubts in his mind were getting bigger and bigger.

  The medicinal materials used in the spiritual liquid are very rare, which is a matter of course, but the medicinal material library prepared by Di Zijing actually has all the materials, which makes Xuan Yi a little surprised.

  But that's not what Xuan Yi cares about.

  After he knew the true prescription of the spiritual liquid, he also roughly estimated the cost of the spiritual liquid.

  But this price is different from the price Xuan Yi knows.

  The price of the spiritual liquid provided by Dark Star was already out of reach in Xuan Yi's opinion. The value of one bottle was equal to the points he and Jiu San had earned through three months of hard work.

  But when Xuan Yi used the cost of the medicinal materials for this prescription to estimate, he found that the price given by Dark Star was only one-third of the cost of the medicinal materials.

  In the preparation process of medicinal materials, master-level pharmacists need to be entrusted to make them, and a certain percentage of the finished product rate and the portion of profits that Dark Star should earn must be excluded - Dark Star has never been a charity, and there is no way to make money at a loss. Hobby - The final price should be about ten times the price of Dark Star to be considered reasonable.

  This means that Xuan Yi has to work for thirty months before he has a chance to exchange for a bottle.

  If it were this ratio, Xuan Yi's grave could already be used to bury people.

  If you say this, then someone within Dark Star must have deliberately lowered the exchange price of the spiritual fluid. After all, even the most elite executive specialists may not always have this level of potion on their body. Only people with special needs like Xuan Yi He will continue to rely on purchasing spiritual liquid to stay alive.

  So no matter whether that person did it specifically for Xuan Yi or not, he inadvertently saved the young man's life.

  In addition, the person who can influence the price of items redeemed by points within Dark Star is definitely a big boss in the management department.

  But Xuan Yi was sure that he definitely didn't know any similar boss, and no one would do anything extra for a pariah like him.

  So the whole thing seems very strange.

  The young man shook his head, trying to expel these scattered thoughts from his brain.

  Yes, it was strange, but it wasn't something he should be concerned about.

  Now prepare the spiritual liquid. After passing this level, after Di Zijing hands over the prepared potion to him as promised, the most important thing is to take a small part of the spiritual liquid to advance to the peak of knowledge.

  According to the current progress, as long as he can enter the peak of Zhizhi and obtain the peak ability of specious pharmacological analysis, then he will have the same level as an ordinary alchemy master, which means that he can finally give Xing Lihua a better life.

  If he were an alchemy master, then his status as a pariah would not be worth mentioning at all. Any force would treat him as a guest of honor. Even if he could not defect privately because he was an ANBU commissioner, he could still do it. When you leap over the dragon's gate, you don't have to lick blood anymore, but you can get a more decent career and life.

  Thinking like this, Xuan Yi came to Ye Ya with the last small piece of snow mountain ice edge sealed in freezing wax.

  "Thank you." The young man said quietly. He smashed the frozen wax with a hammer, put the ice cubes inside into a beaker and heated it over water to melt. In front of him, all the medicinal materials he had given to Ye Ya before were arranged according to the instructions. All his requirements have been taken care of and neatly placed there, and he can already directly participate in the configuration.

  Ye Ya shook her head and said with a smile: "You're welcome, I like you very much when you prepare medicine."

  (End of Chapter)

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