Chapter 140 Blood Medicine (Unhappy)

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  Chapter 140: Blood Medicine (Unhappy)
  Di Zijing looked at the crimson words, and couldn't help but reveal an inexplicable smile on his face.

  "It's really the simplest and most difficult question." "

  As the question goes, you can configure all the healing potions you have, no matter the grade." "

  But, of course, the higher the grade of the potions you make, the better. The prescriptions you get from me will be of a higher grade." "

  Similarly, only if you beat me and Su Bai at the same time can you have the opportunity to ask those three questions."

  "That's right."



  Xuan Yi heard this What Di Zijing said made her heart move.

  This is what is truly valuable to him.

  No matter how perfect he is in knowing the poison in his body, even if he can really push it to the level of perfect knowledge, he will still die.

  But if you could ask questions to Di Zijing's teacher, the results might be slightly different.

  After all, Di Zijing's teacher is one of the strongest potion masters in the world, where he can get the true information about the poison on his body.

  Like what kind of poison is this.

  For example, is there any way to treat it?

  And - why he was poisoned like this, who could have planted such a terrible poison on him when he was a baby.

  Thinking like this, Xuan Yi took another look at the words on the flower tree.


  It's such a vulgar and far-reaching topic.

  But this time, without a prescription, it would really kill him.

  Thinking like this, Xuan Yi glanced at the bottle of thunder potion that Di Zijing had tasted a drop of, smiled, reached out to pick it up and made a toast to Ye Ya, then raised his head and took a sip.

  I wonder if this time, there is a chance to break through to the pinnacle of knowledge.



  Ye Ya looked at the young man in her arms, feeling angry and anxious.

  In all these years, she had never seen someone who fainted after taking a sip of medicine.

  Moreover, it was a genuine potion, a top-quality product endorsed by Di Zijing himself.

  But she was angry and anxious, and what could she do? She had to give the unconscious opponent a knee pillow and let him lie on her lap. She could conveniently put her hand on the back of his head and release Chiba Liubi's spiritual energy bit by bit. Cross over.

  Fortunately, no one here knows her.

  Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer people here, and no one notices it.

  Otherwise, Ye Ya would be embarrassed to come out and meet people for a whole year.

  Of course - Di Yungui is not considered a human being for the time being.

  The boy in her arms closed his eyes tightly and looked as fragile as a child.

  In other words, he was originally a child, only fifteen years old, but life made him appear much more mature than himself.

  Xuan Yi's serious expression when he was preparing the potion just now really made Ye Ya feel excited at that moment.

  When a person is concentrating on something, he is always the most charming moment.

  Xuan Yi slowly opened his eyes, his silver eyes cold and expressionless.

  After putting on the contact lenses, his soft, elk-like eyes seemed to be separated by a layer of ice.

  Xuan Yi lay on his back on the ground, his head resting on Ye Ya's soft thighs, looking at the other party's eyes, and for some reason he had a strange association.

  A similar association that has never existed before.

  Ye Ya is fourteen and almost fifteen.

  So flat.

  Originally, he didn't feel it when the other person hugged him from behind, but now that his eyes were looking down and up, the feeling couldn't help but become more intuitive.

  Fortunately, through the contact lens, Ye Ya couldn't see the emotions in his eyes. Xuan Yi was also very good at hiding emotions, so when Ye Ya saw the other person waking up, she patted Xuan Yi on the head pretending to be calm: "Get up." ."

  "The rest is all up to you."



  Xuan Yi stood up.

  Although he had expectations, this bottle of thunder potion still did not allow him to break through to the peak of knowledge, but only made the original tear open a little wider.

  But because of this, the young man became more and more clear about his own realm.

  If he wants to truly reach the peak of knowledge, he probably only needs to do one thing.

  That is to make a bottle of spiritual fluid with your own hands, and then drink it completely.

  The spiritual liquid is the most top-notch therapeutic potion that Xuan Yi has ever come into contact with, except for the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion. And because the bottle of Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion that Jiao Yue gave him is the exclusive technology of the Commercial Federation, there is no possibility for Xuan Yi to imitate it. , so there is no need to consider it at all.

  This top-notch therapeutic agent, which is taken intermittently in order to suppress the poison in the body, was originally developed to partially replace the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Agent. After all, the Ostrich Empire strictly controls the raw materials and finished products of the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Agent, resulting in extremely high prices. high.

  Of course, Xuan Yi also didn't know the prescription for the spiritual liquid. After all, this level of healing potion was at least master level, and the prescription was strictly confidential.

  If there is a bottle, no, just a few drops of spiritual liquid in front of him, with his current ability, he can easily deduce the formula of the spiritual liquid, and then configure it.

  If he really mastered the formula of the spiritual liquid, then he wouldn't need to spend a lot of the points he exchanged for blood to buy a small amount of spiritual liquid every month to suppress the toxicity in his body.

  After all, compared to the materials of the medicine itself, what is more valuable is the prescription for preparing the medicine and the labor of the pharmacist responsible for preparing it.

  If successful, pharmacist may be the first profession that Xuan Yi can put out in the sun and see people.

  Of course - the chef definitely doesn't count.

  But Xuan Yi didn't.

  Although he still had three bottles of spiritual fluid with him before returning from the Forest of Death, he knew that it would be confiscated if he took it back, so Xuan Yi hid the spiritual fluid together with the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion in the forest.

  Xuan Yi sighed.

  Although the key to advancement is right in front of him, and the magic weapon that can defeat the enemy is right at hand, there is no prescription without the spiritual liquid. Without the prescription, he cannot make the spiritual liquid. This is a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. It is truly an eternal proposition for mankind.

  No—Xuan Yi was suddenly stunned.

  No, I have ectoplasm.

  The young man suddenly realized this, and then he looked at Ye Ya, who was sitting quietly on Di Yungui's white cloud bed, and asked first: "Anya, do you know the recipe for the spiritual liquid?" Ye Ya tilted her head and

  suddenly Realizing that Xuan Yi actually wanted to configure such a master-level potion.

  But isn't this your second time preparing potions?

  Although judging from the first time, this is far from your limit.

  But everything must be done step by step, right?

  Also - although Ye Ya knows about the spirit liquid, she really doesn’t know the formula of the spirit liquid. After all, her level is still far from the preparation of the spirit liquid. If the day comes, she will also give priority to the preparation of the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Agent. .

  After all, the healing potions she usually carries with her are all from the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion.

  Thinking like this, Ye Ya shook her head gently: "Sorry."

  Xuan Yi smiled. He had no hope at first, and the reason why he asked was just to be polite.

  There was a silver knife on the operating table, which was used to cut medicine. Xuan Yi reached out and took it, and then quietly scratched his wrist.

  A white wound was suddenly cut on his wrist, and dark red venous blood flowed out. Xuan Yi took out the beaker he had prepared and put it under his wrist to collect his own blood.

  Only then did Ye Ya realize what Xuan Yi was doing, and she jumped up immediately.

  Xuan Yi waved his fingers gently, signaling her not to interfere.

  "I'm taking the medicine."

  I've drank so much spiritual fluid, and the smell of it must still be in my blood.

   Godfather, you are really not up to par with your sister. The scariest thing in the world is not shit, but covering shit with cake and cream to trick you into eating it.

  (End of chapter)

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