Chapter 109 Camel

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  Chapter 109
  Luotuo Xuanyi shook his head.

  "No, if such a day comes, then I will definitely die."

  Ye Ya smiled: "I have never heard of such a devil with such intention."

  Xuan Yi looked at her and said quietly: "Actually, before this, I have always been confused about how I will choose when this day comes, so I can only try not to think about it, or try my best to postpone or even prevent this day from coming." "But not long

  ago , I met someone, and she said something to me. At that time, I realized that, like her, I had already been prepared for it, but I had never wanted to think about it, or admit it. "

  I always thought that for people like me, only my own life is the most precious. In order to survive, I don't mind selling my own mother into a brothel." Xuan Yi smiled and said, "If I can find my own

  , ."

  "But it wasn't until that moment that I realized that I was just trying to be brave." "

  My world is small enough to only hold two people, but if one day someone tells me that I can only choose one, I will only choose Sister."

  "It's not because I was able to survive because of my sister."

  "But because all I have thought about for so many years is how to let my sister live with me." "

  If my sister dies, then I will feel that I There is no point in continuing to live."

  Ye Ya looked at the other person, watching the other person say these words calmly, she didn't understand why the other person said these heartfelt words to her.

  A person like him shouldn't always show off his mask to others, always telling lies after another to confuse others. But why, no matter how Ye Ya reasoned, she felt that what the other person told her was the truth.

  Ye Ya's perfect ability to detect things is truth inference, but when her ability told her that what Xuan Yi said was the truth, she began to question her ability for the first time like never before.

  How could she hear these truths?

  The girl looked into the boy's eyes, and at that moment she understood why Jiaoyue suddenly wanted to impersonate him and attend the dance in this identity.

  Jiaoyue's ability is perfect acting, but even if she doesn't use the ability of perfect acting, she can still impersonate most people seamlessly. As long as she gets enough information about the other person, she can simulate nearly 80% of the other person's psychological activities, thereby perceiving the other person’s heart.

  Then Jiao Yue probably wants to know what Xuan Yi is feeling in her heart.

  That's why she had eyes so similar to Xuan Yi's now, always shrouded in a layer of vague mist, making it difficult for people to see all the emotions hidden under those eyes.

  They were a pair of eyes belonging to an elk. Under the soft light like lake water, there were countless undercurrents hidden.

  So she sighed slowly, then bent down and patted the non-existent dust on the rocks under her feet, then sat down holding her skirt, raised her head and looked at the other party, who could not see her aqua blue eyes, But I believe you can see her kindness.

  "If possible, can you tell me your story?"



  Xuan Yi's story is very long, long enough for the sun to set in the sea, dyeing a large area of ​​sunset and sea water as crimson as blood. .

  But even Xuan Yi didn't know why he said so many inappropriate things to this guy he had known for only a day.

  If we really want to find a reason, then we can only say that he met the right person at the right time.

  From the moment he understood his destiny, for more than ten years, he has been a silent camel, silently carrying all his worries on his shoulders, never knowing who he should trust.

  The only person in this world that he could trust without reservation was Xing Lihua, but he was destined to hide most things about himself from this sister whom he respected and loved the most.

  Therefore, for most of his life, he was a truly lonely person, even if a girl like Xiang Jiu San quietly became interested in him and collected all his information to try to understand this person who grew up with him. Big boy, but this is always a one-sided understanding.

  Until now, Jiu San is the person who knows him best in the world, and he knows him better than Xing Lihua. However, Xuan Yi knows too little about Jiu San.

  He had been carrying so much and walking silently for a long time, and he had long since reached the point where he was overwhelmed. But no matter how overwhelmed he was, he could not tell anyone what he was thinking.

  For example, when he decided to take part in the seventy-fourth standard test, he had already thought about killing everyone inside no matter what, not to mention just a Xinghedu, even more terrifying people, Xuan Yi would Try to kill him.

  Either he dies or he dies.

  It's such a simple choice between two propositions.

  Who can I say this to? No matter who knows this idea, he will only die.

  And this standard test, the pressure and touch on Xuan Yi exceeded the sum of the similar tasks that the young man had participated in before. After all, most of the competitors in those tasks were fellow demon cubs.

  And when he finally went through all kinds of hardships and lost many victories, a short rest was followed by a long prison sentence. Then he was frozen as an ANBU commissioner and was forced to exile to fend for himself.

  Without the ANBU's supply of spiritual fluid, even the most optimistic estimate would mean that he could only live for about two months before dying in the most painful way.

  However, the person he should and most wanted to talk to about all this could not say a word to her. Just like when Xing Lihua asked him where he had been for more than half a month, he could only grit his teeth and bear the pain of his sister. Any untrue speculation about him.

  But - he happened to pick up this girl at the lowest moment of his life. It's like you are walking in an endless valley, surrounded by bottomless darkness. You know that you may lose your footing and fall into the abyss at any time. But you never know which step it will take.

  However, at this time, a beam of light shines in front of you, even if it only illuminates a few steps under your feet, you will still walk towards that beam of light gratefully.

  The girl who calls herself Anya is that light.

  Just as he won Anya's trust, Anya didn't gain his trust along the way. But it was the worry about gains and losses brought about by this trust that made him want to test Anya's true identity.

  But it wasn't until this moment that he finally realized that no matter who Anya was, it really had nothing to do with him.

  After listening to the long story, Ye Ya looked at the setting sun and suddenly smiled.

  She was very grateful to Xuan Yi. After listening to Xuan Yi's story, she realized how much courage the other party must have to tell her this. Of course, she knew that Xuan Yi must have hidden many things, and he must have told more than he hid.

  She suddenly wanted to tell the other person her true identity.

  This is a big risk, but for some reason, Ye Ya just wants to say it.

  She stood up: "Actually..."

  Xuan Yi sat on the rock, raised a hand and waved it quietly: "Don't say it."

  "Actually, I don't care who you are."

  "But please don't test human nature."

  "It cannot stand the test."

  (End of Chapter)

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