Chapter 108 Dividing the spoils

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  Chapter 108: Dividing the spoils
  On the rocks in the sea, surrounded by snakes, the young man actually laughed quietly.

  The sea breeze blew quietly. Xuan Yi looked at the girl who was fully wary of him, then nodded slowly and admitted: "Yes, at least it used to be."

  Ye Ya looked at him: "What about now?"

  Xuan Yi smiled. She smiled: "Now I am nothing."

  Ye Ya looked at the young man with a calm expression and was about to say something when she suddenly reached out and the long bow appeared in her hand, and then she pulled it full and shot it out.

  Xuan Yi remained motionless, watching the invisible air arrow pass through his side and shoot through the head of a leaping thunder snake behind him.

  The young man was just about to say something when he heard Ye Ya continue: "Even if you are a devil, I am still willing to trust you, but before we explain everything clearly, we have more important things to do." As he said

  this , Ye Ya stretched out her hand, a short knife condensed in her hand, and then threw it to Xuan Yi.

  "You come and protect my back, and I'll get rid of these annoying things."

  Xuan Yi took the short knife and felt that it had a special style, but it was very comfortable to hold in his hand, as if it had grown with him, and he clicked Nodding, then turned his back to Ye Ya and defended her behind. Ye Ya also turned around silently. The two stood with their backs facing each other, one holding a bow and the other holding a knife, while they were surrounded by a group of snakes floating on the water.

  Ye Ya drew the bow quietly and focused on it, not paying attention to any thunder snakes that might be approaching her. She saw long transparent arrows that pierced the clouds and sky shot out, and there were many thunder snakes that were easily penetrated through the head. , and then slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. After a while, the sea surface was covered with blood-red flowers.

  Xuan Yi, on the other hand, held the single sword in his backhand, like a bodyguard protecting the magician, killing all enemies that came within three meters of Anya. It was obviously the first time for them to work together, but their movements were so skillful that they seemed to have practiced it thousands of times. They seemed to have a clear understanding of each other, and they were coordinating each other with every seemingly ordinary movement.

  No - this is not a tacit understanding that we have worked with countless times.

  Xuan Yi corrected himself in his mind.

  Just because they are smart enough.

  When the two of them concentrated on dealing with the enemy, everything around them was included in the scope of their spiritual observation. Therefore, not only the enemy was under their control, but the allies were also under control.

  So when faced with the same situation, they both choose what they think is the best response. But when both of them have the same idea about the response, it becomes an incomparable and seamless cooperation.

  Xuan Yiyi once had this kind of commanding feeling with Jiu San, but he and Jiu San have been partners for more than ten years, and they have only known Anya for a day.

  Apart from being too weak, the opponent was perfect in other aspects. Especially when she got close to her, she used the longbow's long-range attack, both in terms of power and rate of fire, to be just right. It's short but not enough. Especially the opponent's decisive decision on the situation at that time, which can be compared only with Lan Liuyan's unhesitating surrender to one side when he was attacked from two sides and still took Zhao Xingduo with him.

  While thinking this, Xuan Yi continued to wave the short knife, cutting off all the thunder snakes that were ejected. Although the beating arcs kept hitting him, for Xuan Yi, who was tested by the electromagnetic thunder gun, This is not much different from scratching an itch.

  Of course, in the final analysis, the power controlled by Razer is too weak. If the other party were Xie Junhao, Xuan Yi would not dare to say such a thing.



  Half an hour later, when the sea slowly receded, dozens of corpses of thunder snakes were left on the beach. When Ye Ya put down her long bow and slowly massaged her arm, Xuan Yi had already returned the short knife. To the girl, she jumped down onto the slippery beach.

  "What are you doing?" Ye Ya couldn't help but ask.

  Xuan Yi had already picked up the corpse of a thunder snake, and squeezed it gently into the head of the other party, and a crystal core the size of a thumb was squeezed out. The whole body was blue, and there was still a vague electric light wrapped around it. .

  Razer's crystal core has long been a universal energy source with a wide range of uses. It directly contains electricity and can be directly used in various magic devices without conversion. It only needs to be equipped with a flow stabilizing device. It has long been in the crystal core market. They all exist as general equivalents.

  A small crystal core like this is worth three thousand stars, which is worth half a year's nominal salary as a small-time worker.

  Of course Ye Ya looked down on such a magic crystal core, but she still recognized what it was. Thinking of the poor situation that she had seen before, she was really embarrassed to stop it.

  In just ten minutes, Xuan Yi inspected all the corpses of dozens of Razer snakes. Not every Razer snake has this crystal core, and some of them are too fragmented to be used as an energy source. In short, in the final calculation, there were seventeen Razer crystal cores in total. Xuan Yi packed them into two bags with the small cloth bag he carried with him, then returned to the reef and threw one of the bags to Ye Ya.

  Ye Ya watched the boy throw the cloth bags in front of her. Although the boy had washed them with sea water before putting them in, it was not difficult for Ye Ya to imagine that they were stained with the blood and flesh of those thunder snakes just a moment ago.

  She didn't want to take it.

  "Can I not want it?" Ye Ya said softly.

  "Of course, or I will be very happy if you don't want me." Xuan Yi said lightly: "After all, I am very poor." "

  But as far as I'm concerned, I still advise you to accept it, although I know you probably don't like it. The money, or rather the dislike for them, was just dug out of Razer's head." Xuan Yi looked at the girl: "But I believe this must be the first money you have made on your own. In this sense, you You should accept it."

  Ye Ya looked at the other person, thought for a moment, and finally nodded silently, bent down to collect her share of the crystal core, and then looked at the other person: "Now, I think you should give me one Explained."

  "Xuan Yi."

  The girl looked at each other quietly, looking at the boy in coarse shorts.

  He looks so ordinary, but he is actually quite good-looking.

  But who could have guessed that he turned out to be a murderous and unblinking ANBU Enforcement Division specialist.

  At least, those old people at the fish market who saved life-saving money for Xuan Yi bit by bit must not know.

  "I think Sister Lihua must not know your identity."

  Xuan Yi nodded silently. He put the bag of crystal cores into his arms and looked at Ye Ya: "Yes, all parents don't Will know the identity of their children."

  There are only special exceptions, such as Xing Huainan and Jiu San.

  Ye Ya nodded, then looked at him: "So, you will also kill her one day in the future?"

  (End of Chapter)

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