293. Chapter 291 Knowing and not knowing

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  Chapter 291: Knowing or not knowing

  . In short, I don’t know which of the gossips went to report it to the official. However, in front of the public, someone was cut down to the ground, and then foamed at the mouth. This is the so-called law of heaven.

  In this Luo City, there are probably still some.

  The two government officials in soap clothes stood majestically in the sun, holding water and fire sticks in their hands. Without waiting for Fang to say anything, He Ping smiled and took a step forward.


  "I'll accompany you to the Yamen."

  The woman in green clothes smiled calmly.

  Fang Bie stood aside and did not stop him.



  The group of people entered Xiaohun Inn and closed the door.

  "Will Sister Ping be okay?" Xue Ling was the first to ask.

  "What could possibly happen?" Fang Bie looked at Xue Ling and asked with a smile.

  Although they were only separated for five or six days this time, Xue Ling actually felt as if not seeing each other for one day was like three autumns. She hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Is it really okay? After all, someone died. "

  Xue Ling's worry is not unreasonable. Normally, Beehive kills people without leaving any evidence. For example, Fang Bie uses corpse powder to destroy the corpse after every attack. There is really no evidence at all. Leave.

  But this time, this unknown assassin - if you really want to define the other party's behavior, then it can only be described as an assassin regardless of life and death - died in public, at the entrance of Xiaohun Inn. In this way, as an inn, The hostess, He Ping is really a little bit involved.

  Who would want to get involved in this kind of life-threatening lawsuit?

  "Actually, you may not know." Fang Bie sighed: "The day before yesterday, it was almost the same location, just a little further away." "Only one person


  After saying this, Fang Bie looked at Ningxia: " Miss Ning did it herself."

  Xue Ling was stunned. She never expected that such a shocking change would occur after she had only been away for a few days.

  "What's going on?" Xue Ling asked quickly.

  So Fang Don't look at Ningxia. Ningxia also said that Han Dong came to ask Shang Jiuge to compete, but gave up because of Shang Jiuge's illness. However, they happened to be intercepted and injured by Ning Buxi. The two stepped forward to save Han Dong. On the eve of the final defeat in the first battle, Fang Bu arrived and helped them defeat Ning Buxi. When Ning Buxi's fate was finally decided, Ningxia gave him a fatal blow.

  "Of course." Fang Bie smiled and looked at Xue Ling: "Nothing happened in the end."

  "Nothing happened?" Xue Ling was incredulous.

  "Yes, because this is a vendetta." Fang Bie explained with a smile: "A vendetta has no owner, and it is not under the jurisdiction of the government. It is the responsibility of the six doors." "And now, Luo City is in turmoil

  . The head of the Six Gates is as big as a bucket. The death of this demon from the Western Region will be of great benefit to the Six Gates." "

  Of course they will turn a blind eye."

  Xue Ling couldn't help but click. Nodding: "So now, if someone dies in public, can six doors turn a blind eye?"

  Fang Bie looked at Xue Ling: "How did that guy die?"

  Xue Ling was stunned: " How else can you die?"

  In fact, Xue Ling didn't see the situation clearly because at that time she stood up in front of Shang Jiuge and blocked the exploding bamboo strips, while Sheng Junqian took action to deal with that person .

  From Xue Ling's perspective, she always felt that Sheng Junqian hacked the man to death.

  Of course, Xue Ling vaguely heard what Huo Ying said - that he committed suicide by taking poison.

  "That person came specifically to kill Shang Jiuge and Ningxia's dead soldiers." Fang Bie said quietly: "Whether it's weapons, moves, or the poisonous snakes hidden in the bamboo sticks, he came here carefully and did it well. He was prepared to take poison and commit suicide immediately if he failed."

  "The poison sac he used to take the poison is hidden in the back molars. As long as he bites the wrong teeth deliberately, he can bite the poison sac and kill him instantly." Don't look at it

  . Looking at Xue Ling, she was very interested: "This kind of dead man who committed suicide by taking poison."

  "Can he also blame our innocent inn?"

  But we are obviously not innocent.

  Xue Ling almost spoke.

  But she suddenly thought - Luo City was originally Sister Ping's territory.

  Sister Ping said that Xiaohun Inn is innocent, so of course she has the ability to settle all these matters.

  Thinking of this, Xue Ling felt relieved, and then looked at Fang Bie: "During the days I left, it seems that something happened in Luo City?" "This is a long story." Fang Bie said quietly

  . , and then, he told Xue Ling again the four-way beast chess that he had told Ningxia Shang Jiuge and others before.

  "So I'm a cat?" Xue Ling said in surprise.

  Fang Bie looked at Xue Ling's strange focus, and then nodded.

  "Okay." Xue Ling sighed. Thinking about it carefully, she really couldn't defeat the jackals, tigers, and leopards above.

  "So what kind of test do you think the assassin will be this time?" Xue Ling asked.

  At this time, they had entered the Xiaohun Inn. Once the door was closed, this place was an independent territory. Except for He Ping, who had left temporarily, everyone present was the first time that the Xiaohun Inn was fully staffed. Hei Wu, Ningxia, and Xue Ling , Fang Bie, Shang Jiuge, Sheng Junqian, and Huo Ying in Dragon Boat Festival. Even Huo Ying, who is the most junior, is an old friend of Fang Bie and can be regarded as one of our own.

  Fang Bie shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't know."

  Xue Ling already knew Fang Bie very well: "Do you not know or don't want to tell?"

  "Both?" Fang Bie said with a smile, looking at Xue Ling's expression. Somewhat changed, Fang Bi continued: "Actually, it's meaningless to know who is behind him."

  "Why is it meaningless?" Xue Ling couldn't help but say.

  Fang Bie looked at Xue Ling, smiling and saying nothing.

  No matter how naive Xue Ling was, she understood now.

  In fact, Fang Bie has already made it very clear. If you don't understand it at this point, you are really close to hopelessness.

  As mentioned before, the three current forces that may take action against Xiaohun Inn are the Hive, the Imperial Court, and the Luo Jiao.

  In terms of who is my enemy and who is my friend, once you distinguish between friend and foe, the next step will be very simple.

  As long as a simple elimination method is used, the imperial court will not resort to such despicable means. Luo Jiao has just been cleaned up. Moreover, although Luo Jiao wants to attack Ningxia, he will not use such a method.

  Luo Jiao has many elite soldiers and strong generals, and what Fang Bie needs to do here is to block them with soldiers and cover them with water and soil.

  Only Hive's method, which is almost like an assassination, is in line with Hive's style, and such a style of killing oneself after missing a hit is undoubtedly a death warrior who has been specially trained.

  Rather than a simple hive assassin.

  In other words, the knights and knights who came after hearing the news.

  After all, ordinary people have no grudge against you, but you have to fight to the death to assassinate such a delicate girl.

  In this case, what is the point of pursuing it?

  Xue Ling sighed: "Okay."

  "I understand."

  "Then, what should we do?"

  (End of Chapter)

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