292. Chapter 290 Snow Doll and One Hundred Years of Solitude

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  Chapter 290 Snow Baby and One Hundred Years of Solitude

  Xue Ling stood there, still messy in the wind.

  The main reason why she was messy in the wind was of course not the melancholy that broke out in such a moment like I shouldn't be in the car, I should be under the car.

  But she was simply shocked by Huo Ying's contrasting cuteness.

  What kind of person is Huo Ying usually?

  He is calm and mature that is completely inconsistent with his age. Faced with the tragedy of his family being wiped out, he can still calmly say "I am the Huo family".

  In the process of going to the back mountain of the Crock Temple to steal the Heavenly Immortal, it was also thanks to Huo Ying's rigorous and meticulous arrangements, and the final narrow victory was due to Huo Ying's incompetence.

  But how old is Huo Ying?

  Huo Ying is only sixteen years old.

  Sixteen years old!


  What did Xue Ling look like when she was sixteen?

  Doesn’t Xue Ling know it herself?

  Of course, now that she saw the seventeen-year-old Fang Bied, Xue Ling could already imagine that the sixteen-year-old Fang Bied was also very powerful.

  But it is completely unimaginable that Huo Ying can be so powerful.

  It can be said that during the trip to Baiyun Mountain, if you can't hug Huo Ying's thigh, then you will definitely not be back after five and a half days. You will be lucky to get the immortality.

  If they were to break into the Crock Temple head-on, relying on the combat power of Xue Ling and Sheng Junqian would be completely unsatisfactory.

  Although I haven't really tried it, this matter can be understood with hindsight.

  But now, she is the ethereal girl who was strategizing and unfazed by favors and humiliations before. Originally, when Xue Ling realized that she and Fang Bie knew each other, she was still looking forward to what kind of sparks the other party and Fang Bie could collide with.

  As for now, let alone sparks, judging from Huo Ying's performance, she almost wanted to melt into Fang Bing's arms.

  Woman, when will you be able to stand up!

  Do you understand that I feel cold and shaking?

  On Fang Bie's side, after Huo Ying listened to Fang Bie's answer in Fang Bie's arms, she quietly raised her head and looked at Fang Bie's face: "I am a doctor." In fact, the words "I am a doctor" are

  almost Huo Ying's words. Hotaru has a catchphrase that can be used seamlessly in many situations.

  For example, when Huo Ying kills people without poison, she will say I am a doctor. When others question her motives, she will also say I am a doctor. I am a doctor, which represents Huo Ying's skills, medical ethics, identity, and responsibility. In short There seems to be nothing in the world that cannot be solved by saying "I am a doctor".

  If so, just two sentences: I am a doctor.

  But now, Huo Ying's words "I am a doctor" mean something different.

  Fang Bie sighed: "At least if I don't want to die, I will definitely not die."

  Even though Fang Bie and Huo Ying have been separated for so long, he can still understand the other person's intentions immediately.

  After all, to a certain extent, Huo Ying was taught by him.

  Except for medical skills.

  Huo Ying said she was a doctor, referring to the fact that everyone is subject to birth, aging, illness and death. Huo Ying was used to seeing this, so of course she would not take Fang Bi's almost bragging "I will not die" seriously.

  And only this sentence, "When I don't want to die, I will definitely not die," can Huo Ying be moved a little bit.

  Huo Ying nodded.

  The girl breathed lightly in Fang Bing's arms.

  Then she bit her lip again, and pushed Fang Bi away with a pink face: "Well..."

  Even if it was Huo Ying, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

  She was born in the Huo family, and was originally a wealthy and noble daughter of a top reclusive family. However, due to her pure Liuli Fang, she suffered an unreasonable disaster, and eventually her family was ruined. At this time, she met Fang Bie, a childhood playmate she had not known for several years, so she couldn't help but feel a little emotional for a while.

  But after you can't help yourself, you still have to face reality.

  What a thing about jumping into someone else’s arms without saying a word!

  Is this something Huo Ying would do?

  Even Huo Ying herself didn't believe that she would do such a thing.

  Since you don't believe it yourself, how can you explain it?

  There is no way to explain it.

  So Huo Ying could only say "that..." and then couldn't say a word for a while.

  Fang Bie smiled and said warmly, "You have grown taller."

  Fang Bie said.

  Huo Ying didn't expect Fang Bie to start chatting like this. This kind of childhood sweetheart chatting was really invincible sometimes.

  "Only growing taller?" Huo Ying asked.

  Fang Don't look at Huo Ying. In fact, Huo Ying has family martial arts and medical skills. Even if she encounters a misfortune, she can still take refuge in Fan Yixian, an outside disciple of the family, for a temporary shelter. No matter how much Huo Ying teases Fan Yixian for being a coward, But at least Fan Yixian still did his job as a guardian and settled Huo Ying well.

  At this time, Huo Ying was only twenty-eight years old. She could be regarded as the grown-up girl next door. She was dressed in white and had black hair. She wore a bright red flower on her head, but she didn't look gaudy at all, because Huo Ying herself She looks really plain, with plain clothes and plain appearance. Not to mention her skin is better than snow. Even her lips are a light pale pink. This little girl is just like a snow doll, with a sun-like look. She had the illusion that it would disappear if exposed to the sun, but this red flower as the only embellishment suppressed Huo Yingxue's temperament, making her whole person full of life again.

  "She's become more beautiful." Fang Bie praised seriously.

  Huo Ying snorted lightly.

  Disdain mixed with joy.

  To be honest, which girl cares about being complimented on her beauty in front of a boy and can remain indifferent.

  At this time, He Ping looked around and said quietly: "Let's go to the inn to talk."

  Fang Bi looked at Huo Ying, who nodded lightly. He Ping was the real person in charge here, although He Ping usually doesn't speak much, but when He Ping speaks, it's the final decision.

  Shang Jiuge and Xue Ling turned around to close the grocery store, and then helped the injured Ning Xia walk to the inn together. Although Huo Ying had determined that Ning Xia's injury was not serious at all, he was still bitten on the wrist by a snake after all. Even if It's a non-venomous snake, but it's also a pain in the flesh.

  What's more, because the jade snake itself is highly poisonous, it collides with the toxins in Ningxia's body, causing her wounds to be painful and numb. Even if it is not serious, it is really uncomfortable.

  The three people walked over together, but at this moment, two Zaoyi detectives rushed over from the crowd, holding water and fire sticks in their hands, and stood between the three of them and Fang Bihe He Ping.

  Many years later, these two detectives will definitely recall that hot summer when their grandsons around their knees are telling them stories.

  They stood without fear as they were flanked by several possibly top martial arts masters.

  But now, they really have no fear.

  "Boss He." They looked at He Ping and said without fear: "Someone reported to us that someone died here."

  Saying this, he turned back and pointed at the body lying stiffly on the street.

  It was the one where Sheng Jun Qian Zaifei committed suicide by taking poison.

  "Would you like."

  "Come to the Yamen with us?"

  (End of chapter)

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