Chapter 699 "Holy Ulthuan Empire"

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  Chapter 699 "Holy Ulthuan Empire"

  briefly ended the three-person meeting. The Shadow King said that he would go to the north to investigate the situation and send two kilograms of Druzi scalp as a congratulatory gift.

  As for the Dragon Prince and the Supreme Mage, they acted as if nothing had happened and came to the Phoenix Court again without any pressure. This time it was no longer a war council, but a routine state exchange.

  The Phoenix King is sitting in the atrium, with representatives from various kingdoms in the front, influential nobles and members of the municipal council on the left and right, and the outermost ones are naturally representatives of the small rural nobles.

  Although it can be called the Ulthuan Empire in name, this method of meeting seems extremely un-imperial.

  Imrik patted his father-in-law, Elzo, on the shoulder and motioned for the chair to be moved over, out of the way.

  After sitting down, he looked at Gilgalion, who had not seen him for a long time, and said hello with a smile on his face.

  The seating arrangement of the meeting is also very strange. Basically, people with some historical relationship issues are next to each other, and they want to eat each other alive during the meeting.

  Azrael leaned over and whispered, "I heard that you and Odd opened a breeding farm together?" "

  How come you are so well-informed? You can even catch up with the newspaper office in Lothern." Imrik complained, this What kind of mistake did the old guy make? Instead of looking forward to Etila having a second child, he was tinkering with a lot of new things.

  Eldra kept a low voice, for fear of being overheard by others, "Don't change the subject, can this half-griffon pull a chariot?" "I don't know, don't

  always worry about this little treasure in my hand, go to the empire if you can." Get a few."

  "My position as prince is going to be passed on to your son. What's wrong with getting something?" Eldraine kept muttering in a low voice, for fear that others would not know that he was conspiring with Imric.

  In fact, this situation happened everywhere in the conference hall. Lila Ze was always whispering something to Oded, while Aislin maintained his usual style and took a nap with his eyes squinted.

  Teclis and Eltharion talked quite enthusiastically, but they were all about exchanging magical experiences.

  But when Eldraine talked about this, Imrik was also a little curious, but not about the half-griffon, but about Tyron Locke.
  "What is your current strategic plan? Are you looking for a strange way to plan a second child? It's really ridiculous. Yes, the prince of another country is actually paying attention to the issue of Caledor having a child." "

  Shut up, if you hadn't failed to live up to your expectations, wouldn't those idiots in the Noble Council be so arrogant." Azrael cursed, it's been almost ten years, and he doesn't even have a baby. There was no movement. I really don't know if this is the curse of the Dragon Tamer family.

  Imrik had no choice but to wave his hands and said that there was nothing he could do. He couldn't just take the flesh and blood tissue of the two people and go to the incubation tank to cultivate one. Things like children depended on God's will.

  "If you really want to, you can have another child."

  Azrael cursed. Is this what a son-in-law should say? He wanted to tear Imrik in half on the spot to see if his heart was dark.

  The routine sarcastic remarks about the son-in-law ended quickly, and the Phoenix King also slowly appeared on the stage escorted by the White Lion Guards. It can be seen that Fenuba is somewhat high-spirited now. The recovery of people's livelihood brought about by the rapid development after the war is different from that of Aspen. The exchanges between Lesotho and Lesotho have been successful and progress has been made in various indicators.

  Although his actual control range is only Etain, isn't it the Phoenix King's credit for Ulthuan's strength?

  Finuba's current thoughts are to maintain the current situation, reduce the number of professional troops, narrow the defense circle, and wait for work to welcome the future. This is a safe move. Everyone in the audience should agree with His Majesty's wisdom. This move is in line with public opinion. As long as the leaders of the main war faction are more honest, the Asurs will also have a long-lost peaceful life.

  But it is obvious that Imrik is not a dove. As a representative of an absolute hawk, even if the overall situation is stable, he must not allow Ulthuan to become like a man waiting to be slaughtered.

  "I suggest that Ulthuan launch a program to encourage childbirth. Couples of the right age must raise at least three children. Four will be awarded hero families, five will be awarded medals, and six..."

  Fenuba was a little embarrassed. This move was obviously another preparation for war. , it can be seen that Prince Long is extremely dissatisfied with his country's fertility rate and is focusing on other countries.

  "Sir Imrik, this issue needs to be investigated by multiple parties. The Phoenix King's Court will organize people to inquire in various countries."

  Although this cold treatment made Imrik a little dissatisfied, it can only be like this. The kingdom's finances cannot support children. There are too many expenses. After all, the money required to organize countless banquets is enough to cause a headache.

  During the short intermission, as expected, Assanil took the seat belonging to the Dragon Prince. The Dragon Prince said nothing, but his eyes only showed one thing, he was dissatisfied with Fenuba's current policies.

  As for Imrik, who was supposed to appear on the stage, he returned to the Dragon Palace through the teleportation array, and then went to Qingyan Port, intending to meet an old friend.


  Mazov rudely told several elven negotiators to get out. The two sides had been discussing the immigration issue between Qingyan Port and Kislev for a long, long time.

  Naturally, his idea is to turn this place into a place that can provide talents to the old world. Since Mrs. Kislev can change her nationality and become a people under the rule of Caledor, it should be possible to do so instead, and she must not be used as a One way channel.

  This obviously does not meet the requirements of the palace and parliament. After the other details have been negotiated, this is the only link that cannot be dealt with.

  The busy people who were collecting materials made Mazov sigh. Although the conditions proposed by the elves were very good, they still needed to strive for benefits. Many people questioned why they cared so much about Kislev, but as the Patriot Army gradually responded On the right track, nationalistic sentiments are gradually emerging among the people with exchanges.

  He needs to control this kind of nationalistic sentiment within a reasonable range. He cannot allow the humans in the New World to do the things of Kislev nationals under the banner of Caledorian nationals. Imrik will never tolerate this kind of thing. If it happens, it will inevitably interfere with the already improving situation.

  Then it won't be as simple as sitting in front of the table and negotiating. Since your brains are not working well, let Caledo erase your brains.

  The villain's eyebrows twitched a little, and he said to the staff who were still arranging,
  "You should leave first, there is a guest visiting."

  "Yes." The staff naturally followed the instructions. This teacher who suddenly appeared was more capable than imagined. Not only can he coordinate the needs of all parties, he also seems to have some interference in the Dragon Palace.

  With a sound of pushing the door open, Mazov also put the brewed tea on the table,
  "What kind of wind brought you here, Your Royal Highness the Dragon Prince."

  "How did you think about the plan I gave you last time." Yi Mrik got right to the point, a war plan that concerned both the court and parliament.

  (End of chapter)

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