Chapter 698 Three people conspired

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  Chapter 698 Three people plotted.
  Prince Caledor’s chariot was driving on the Lothern road. In order to regulate the environment of the commercial area, the city hall specially set up military and civilian roads to avoid political interference on trade to the greatest extent.

  But Imrik showed little interest in this newly repaired road, frowning as he watched the encrypted messages just sent from the old world.

  After arriving in Erengrad, Oed actually went south along the Ostermark Territory. Judging from the trajectory of his action, he will soon reach Middenheim.

  According to the analysis of intelligence personnel and the information from civilians who had contact with him, the Holy Grail Knight did not choose to return to Bretonnia immediately.

  Instead, he planned to head east from Altdorf, pass through the Blackfire Gap from the Ivey Land, arrive at the Border Prince Territory, and make a long circle back to his hometown.

  "An expected move...but it may also bring some instability to the plan."

  Withdraw the report and turn it into ashes with flames. It is not difficult to defeat Lilith, as long as she is Elf Moon. With news from the goddess revealed, Bretonnia will naturally be in trouble.

  But the crux of the problem is Bretonnia, a kingdom with a vast territory, strong elite fighting ability, and a large labor force at the bottom. Imric does not want to give up.

  Maozi's method of powerful invasion will not work in Bretonnia. The divine power of the Knight Kingdom is far stronger than the political power. The divine power must be usurped before the political power will fall into the hands.

  "Teacher, teacher." Arao reminded him a few words, motioning Imric to look in the direction he was pointing.

  Of course Imrik knew who was over there, an adult and two little kids, surrounded by bodyguards hiding in the dark, including Gladys, Drachnir and Alishara.

  "Don't worry, I'll give you two days off and go talk to your father. I hope the breeding farm can finally produce a few finished animals." He sent

  Arao away and asked the accompanying dragon halberd guards to station themselves at the manor, leaving Imrik alone. Arriving at an inconspicuous residence.

  As for why it's not a Flame Knight? The Dragon Princes and Grandpas have chosen to fully support the actions of Dragonblight and Sattusa. The old world needs their power more than standing guard in the palace.

  After opening the door, a large number of magic circles were confirming the identity of the visitor. After a delay, a white light flashed and soon arrived in the secret room hidden deep underground.

  The Shadow King Aris Anar and the Supreme Mage Teclis have been waiting here for some time.

  Finding a sofa to lie down on, Imrik looked at the two people who were silent and chose to make a quick decision. His daughter was still waiting.

  "Who said it first?"

  Shadow King took the lead in explaining, taking out pieces of bloody paper with Druchi characteristics and throwing them on the table,

  "Druqi continued to accumulate strength, but Nagarond did not act. Kuran ·Blackhand lives in seclusion in the Black Tower, deepening his connection with Malus Blackblade."


  Shadow King nodded and expressed his speculation,

  "Maybe Hargansi is still playing with the barbarians in the north. Playing a bloody game, the four main factions of Druchi are now doing their own things. It cannot be ruled out that this operation may be an attempt to compete for the position of the Witch King." The Shadow King began to analyze

  Druchi's actions in the past few years one by one. In the three-person small council, his task is to spy on Druchi's cousin and get the news as soon as the Witch King returns to the mortal world. Imrik pondered for a while. Caledor did not want to get too involved in Naggaroth at the moment. Dawn Fortress needed attention, and so did Sartosa.

  Leave this matter to Tyrion, after all, the War Lord cannot exist as a vase.

  Tigris had a normal expression and was a little unconcerned about Druchi's affairs. At least for him, he could not pay attention to matters in the north in the short term.

  "I'm trying my best to find out the Lilith believers in Savre. They are hidden more deeply than I imagined. Because of the particularity of Asul's polytheism, it's difficult for me to explain whether a mage is pious to Hoth. Still pious to Lilith.

  It will be difficult to achieve results in the short term, unless..."

  He pointed his finger at the Lilith Temple on the border of Etain. Nearly twenty years have passed since it was last destroyed by Kuran Blackhand. With the generosity of the great nobles, this most popular temple was quickly rebuilt and became more beautiful than ever.

  "Sink it, that's a good idea, tell me your plan." Imrik didn't consider how many people would die by doing so. It was their honor to sacrifice for the future.

  "The Phoenix King's Court is currently discussing a proposal. Businessmen who have a high demand for gold leaf coins hope that the fog magic will disappear for a period of time every year to facilitate the movement of merchant ships." "It seems that Caledo's policy is actually inadvertent

  . We can get so much benefit in a short period of time." Imric quickly understood what Teclis wanted to do. The removal of the fog magic will produce a short-term whirlpool of magical wind. As long as it is manipulated properly, the cause of this matter can be thrown away. Unstable magical energy.

  "This is the best plan, but whether it can be implemented depends on whether you and Eltharion can put enough pressure on Itain." "


  After finishing talking about Nagaroth and Ulthuan, the two The two gloomy men looked at Imric, who was in charge of the old world.

  Choosing to avoid talking about Oede's matter, Imrik felt that this was a good opportunity. Even if this guy died, there wouldn't be much loss. The two plans went hand in hand, which was the safest way.

  Teclis closed his eyes and began to think. In his opinion, this plan was extremely inappropriate. The most ideal way was to expose the core secrets of Bretonnia, allowing Lilith to lose control of that land, and then to The Church of Ulthuan was uprooted, its ways of meddling in the mortal world shattered.

  "Aralos, he is the only Chosen One we know now. Your previous weakness has changed the situation a lot." The

  Shadow King nodded in agreement. He originally wanted to capture Aralos, but he didn't expect it. Mrik actually returned directly to Ulthuan after the game and never entered Athel Loren at all.

  Imrik spread his hands, "If you face the risk of being accused by the Patronus, you will probably also consider whether you should continue." "

  Val?" Tigris frowned and thought of the man blindfolded with black cloth who appeared that day. Afterwards, Imrik revealed the location coordinates, which seemed to be no excuse.

  "Yes, Val, I need to respect his will, even if I don't believe in gods." "

  What is Val's attitude?" The Shadow King asked the key question. He didn't know much about Val, but as an enemy, I'm afraid It's a huge trouble.

  "With a deal, I gave Aslay a way to survive, and he provided support for the next thing. This is much more important than Aralos who has nothing to do with the overall situation."

  (End of this chapter)

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