Chapter 612 Beasts and Civilization

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  Chapter 612: Beasts and Civilization

  Under the shroud of the evil moon, several crows flew in together dragging a piece of black cloth, putting the action team on alert.

  Unexpectedly, these crows did not show an offensive posture. The leading one told the witches their thoughts with its unique sharp and unpleasant cry.

  Even though everyone didn't understand crow language, they still understood the meaning conveyed by these cries.

  A cloak made entirely of raven black feathers was sent to Raskel. The strange way of thinking of the Witch Council made it choose to fight death with death.

  The raven, a strange bird that lives in dead trees, is considered by many primitive religions to be of great significance, often serving as a messenger between the mortal world and the underworld.

  In the legend of Kislev, the raven also has a strange name - the bird of death.

  The black cloak in the hands of the general, woven with raven feathers and blessed by witchcraft, is enough to resist most of the negative effects of the wind of death.

  Seeing a few crows flying away, Raskol made a judgment in his mind. It was a piece of equipment of unknown origin, but it seemed to be very useful...

  Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, he threw the cloak to Mazov and ordered coldly.

  "Put it on."

  Mazov stared at the black feather cloak in his hand, feeling numb for a while, why should he save a person who was seeking death.

  His own death could be exchanged for many, many things. It was not a religious saint who saved the motherland, but a villain who was no different from most people.

  Even in the darkest environment, the brightest soul can still bloom.

  "I am not a commander, just a soldier. Death is insignificant, but you are the hope of all of us." The

  general hit Mazov in the chest with the butt of his gun, regardless of whether the roar would reveal his whereabouts, showing a rare anger,
  " I'm the fucking commander, so I have the right to order you to put it on."

  Mazov, whose armor was smashed into a deep dent, still held the raven cloak tightly, but always maintained a firm attitude,


  When the stalemate continued, Oliveira touched the helmet and wondered who to support. Raskol did not want Mazov to die, so he chose to give this precious item to his brother whom he had known for more than ten years.

  He admired this spirit very much, but the prince's order should not be forgotten. If Mazov did not die, it means that the operation would be at least one-third successful.

  "Ahem, since you don't have anything to wear, you might as well give it to me. I cherish this life more. Unlike the short-lived ghosts like you, I still have at least five hundred years left to live. Since you are busy dying, why not give it to me? Some comfort for those who are afraid of death?"

  Everyone secretly despised Oliveira, knowing that he was just teasing, and then they persuaded Rascal to put on his cloak. Everyone can die, but not him.

  But Raskol, uncharacteristically, persisted and did not hesitate to use the authority of a general to suppress it.

  Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Mazov had no choice but to hang up the raven cloak first. He was a little confused about which link had gone wrong, and it seemed that Raskol was aware of his actions.

  Walking on the flank, he frowned and thought about his recent actions, except that Prokin's death was not under control.

  Could it be that they communicated something in that mist...

  The action team ran very fast, and in just an hour and a half, they arrived at the outskirts of Kislev, which they had not seen for a long time.

  From a distance, one can still see the beacon fire and light on the city. Many Cossars carrying crossbows are walking around, checking for any trace of suspiciousness.

  It seems that no matter how crazy Katrin is, she still knows the fundamentals of being supported by several vampire families. It is by no means the title of Queen of Khan, but the huge resources possessed by the owner of Kislev. The living are the foundation for her to maintain until now.

  The general used the binoculars at the entrance of Rapids Pass to carefully examine the distance between patrols at the top of the city, and ordered everyone to hide in abandoned houses.

  Finally, add some food and treat it as a meal before leaving.

  Half an hour, this was the time he did not explain to the witch council. If the witches did not cause a commotion within this half hour, they could only choose to divide their troops towards the armory, ignite gunpowder and create chaos to attract attention.

  Then after killing Katrin, everyone died here.

  Time passed little by little, and the general's face became more solemn. There was still a long time before the end of the dusk tide.

  The original expected plan did not include any thought of attacking during the Twilight Tide. This was completely asking for death.

  Oliveira, who had a keener sense, stopped to curse the ogre's stupid actions in a low voice, and put her pointed ears to the ground, which was not in line with aristocratic etiquette, and carefully discerned the upcoming aftermath.

  After listening for about half a minute, he straightened his head off the ground, ignoring the dust on his ears, and explained the situation to the commander.

  "They are coming."

  As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of an early warning bell came from the city head, and the dull and penetrating echoes could be heard clearly even in the suburbs.

  Several tall and burly deer-headed monsters emerged from the darkness. Their thick brown fur was full of tough muscles, and their claws like steel hooks seemed to be able to tear steel instantly.

  Behind the monster is an endless army of beasts, a werewolf-like monster crawling on the ground, a rare white giant bear, a giant spider with poison everywhere on its body, a wild wolf with red eyes... and

  even There are also two extremely rare bipedal flying dragons. It is hard to imagine how these monsters can coexist together and what kind of will it takes to make them succumb.

  The appearance of the deer-headed monster attracted great attention. The artillery placed at the top of the city quickly aligned its aiming point. After lighting the fuse, the black gunpowder that was difficult to burn fully emitted a large cloud of white smoke, obscuring the gunner's vision.

  But the gunner believed that this attack was bound to hit. This was during the Great Holy War when he slayed the big demon, slaughtered the demon prince, and finally faced off with the twelfth Eternal Chosen One. The dead Tsar Alex personally blessed the forged Yarei Cannon.

  The power of a single cannonball can wipe out thousands of armies and kill giant dragons. It is a magical weapon that demonstrates the authority of the tsar.

  The young gunner didn't know that this cannon played only a negligible role in the great holy war. In exchange for his full confidence, the deer-headed monster nimbly dodged this shell with extremely low muzzle velocity.

  The monster that combines the nature of all beasts is more ferocious and cunning than anyone imagined. When it first heard the sound of artillery, it had already intuitively imagined the trajectory.

  The large-caliber shell did not hit the incarnation of the beast element, but a large group of giant spiders were still dead at the impact point.

  The gunner comforted himself after seeing the effectiveness. Even if he couldn't hit the biggest monster, the sub-thunder cannon was still effective.

  These unknown beasts can be slowly ground to death by leaning against the city wall. They must be things created by those evil elves, but they still cannot break through the city wall of Kislev.

  But this idea disappeared in the blink of an eye. Several giant deer-headed monsters lowered their arms and began to run on all fours. Artillery with low firing speed and low accuracy could not hit, and small-caliber muskets and crossbows could not even penetrate the skin.

  Fifty meters away from the city wall, the deer-headed monster tensed its hind legs, leaving two deep imprints on the ground. Like an elk under the moonlight, it crossed the cliff and climbed over half the height of the city wall in one fell swoop.

  The steel hook and sharp claws tore through the fragile brick wall, and the monster turned into a gecko, walking flexibly between each shooting hole.

  It might only be half a minute before they reach the top of the city.

  (End of chapter)

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