Chapter 611 Military Punishment Team and Interrogation Camp

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  Chapter 611 Military Punishment Team and Interrogation Camp

  As soon as these words came out, everyone present felt a chill in their hearts. It had only been more than ten years since the outcome of the Great Holy War, and everyone still remembered the harm caused by that Chaos invasion.

  Kislev, which was originally still able to rely on itself, only has two cities left, and its population has dropped by at least 40%, but this does not seem to be as serious as what the witch said.

  "The reason, the process, why it has such consequences." The general remains skeptical and will never fall into anyone's language trap. This is his motto today.

  The old woman took out many bottles and cans from the bag she was traveling with, mixed them together with skillful techniques, and finally made a bottle of green, misty soup.

  She pinched the mouth of the bottle and shook her arms to persuade,

  "The answer is here."

  Dettlaff wanted to grab the glass bottle, intending to be the first to test what this thing was. The vampire's physique made him not afraid of toxins.

  The old woman twisted her arm and avoided Detlaff's snatching at a speed that was not suitable for her body age.
  "You are a vampire and cannot save this land."

  Detlaff had a gloomy face and planned to take action seriously, "But I am also defending the country. The duty of the army is to save this land."

  "Bring it here, Dettlaff."

  Rascal put down his musket, but did not let everyone relax their vigilance. He did not believe that he would die in this bottle of soup, and his destiny was not yet fulfilled. How could one end one's life.

  These words made the old woman hand the glass bottle to Dettlaff, her eyes seemed to be looking forward to Raskol, but out of the corner of her eye she was always paying attention to Mazov, whose expression remained unchanged.

  This god's co-choice seemed to have different ideas...

  Rascoul took the glass bottle and drank it all at once without fear. This potion with a strong hallucinogenic effect immediately took effect after entering the throat. to the effect.

  A giant elemental bear made of rock and earth, far larger than the one Katrin summoned during the Great Crusade, was fighting the dire lizard.

  Below the two giant beasts are armies fighting each other.

  Not far away in the north, a group of undead warriors wearing worn-out bear skins were holding desecrated battle axes to meet the charge of the Imperial Knights.

  The final scene, of which there is only one, shows Kislev covered in eternal snow and ice, like the Norsca Mountains in the north.

  The two remaining cities were ravaged by countless creations of Chaos, leaving no hope at all.

  He shook his head, removed these fantasies from his mind, and murmured in a low voice,

  "The body of Queen Khan..."

  The old witch nodded and said, "You should have seen the elemental bear that fought with the dinosaur lizard, it is The remaining will of Lidrosang is still calming the turbulent energy of the earth. The vampire has corrupted Queen Khan, and under the control of Katrin, the coalition forces are regarded as enemies..." Raskol roughly interrupted the old witch's chatter

  . In other words, the real scene is far more convincing than words. Combined with the delay in contacting the communicator, this statement is largely confirmed.

  Even in the Twilight Tide of Nagaros, communication magic can still be used intermittently after a short period of debugging. This is by no means a fact that there is no news at all today.

  "Your idea."

  "The witch will command the beast army to create chaos. You must kill Catlin before Lidrosan's will is torn into pieces."

  Rascoul looked at Mazov and Olivier respectively. He thought that he did not have the strength of a one-person enemy force like the Dragon Prince, so this kind of action was completely unsafe.

  Mazov pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement. Oliveira, on the other hand, frowned and thought. The original strategy required the support of the necromancers in Kislev City. If they broke through now, they might be able to share some pressure on the frontal battlefield.

  But it is the witch council that does not know the details that determines whether the beheading team can succeed.

  Out of ignorance of this Kislev legend, he chose to abstain from expressing his opinion.

  After receiving the opinions of the two people, Raskol immediately explained his decision, "There is a tunnel on the left rear of Kislev City that leads directly to Rat Street, which is the route of action of the beheading team. I don't care what method you use, it will at least cause commotion for a period of time. ."

  "Leave it to us." The old woman didn't even say her name, just like in the legend, she stepped on the shadow and left.

  "Gather and prepare to set off in ten minutes. The target is the Gospodar Palace!"

  Following the general's order, everyone began to pack up their belongings and set off, including muskets of various calibers, grenades, portable flamethrowers, hunting crossbows, and Several heavy tower shields bearing the blazing eagle sigil.

  Each person can carry hundreds of kilograms of equipment and still run at high speed for a long time. They are simply the Kislev version of the Holy Grail Knights.

  Oliveira, who did not have so many heavy items, tightened the sword hanging on his waist. He cherished the weapon more than ever and was reluctant to let it go even when he was sleeping.

  He kicked the big ogre Mugol, who was still sleeping soundly, to remind him, "Hurry up, get ready for action. If you continue to be in this lax state, you will be sent to the military punishment team." After hearing the military punishment

  , The words, several ogres' bodies were still shaking unconsciously even in their sleep. They must have been deeply impressed by this place during their short service career.

  They took advantage of the last moment to place several pieces of meat next to each other and furiously tore at the half-remaining brown bear.

  The seven ogres ate enough to eat, and in less than half a minute, only the spine was left to prove that there had been a brown bear in the world.

  The big man Mugel, with his mouth full of blood, was still tearing apart the bear's ribs. With the help of his men, he spliced ​​the thick iron armor on his body piece by piece.

  Priest Vaal has a headache on how to make equipment for these ogres. For weapons, just find a few steel ingots and combine them into maces or axes, but armor is a very troublesome thing.

  It would be extremely wasteful to use Yselama mithril, but the all-steel version would be too bulky. With their IQ, it would be difficult for them to complete the tedious process of wearing plate armor alone.

  So a set of simple and easy-to-understand armor appeared, with a fine chainmail covering the whole body on the inside, split armor on the outside, and the iconic plastron.

  During the whole process, you only need to place the outer pierced armor in the corresponding position of the chainmail and tighten the rope of the shoulder armor.

  In the words of the responsible Val priest, "Even the stupidest giant lizard knows how to install it alone."

  The speed at which the ogres put on armor angered Oliveira. He had heard that these ogres were very fast. Stupid, apart from fighting, I only know how to eat, but I didn’t expect that I didn’t even put on the idiot armor in three minutes.

  "Two minutes, otherwise the military punishment team and the interrogation camp will be together."

  The ogres who had briefly seen the situation in the interrogation camp hurriedly speeded up. They never wanted to experience what those masked bean sprouts knives felt like. They were killed in the tyrant showdown. Swallowing it is more comfortable than having your brain stirred with a knife when you are conscious.

  Mugol was the first to prepare under the service of his younger brother. He lifted the giant mace placed on the rock wall and put it on his shoulder. I really didn't understand how Douya knew our favorite size.

  But it doesn't matter, as long as you can work hard and have enough to eat.

  He smiled, revealing two rows of teeth still stained with blood and hair.
  "Let's talk about it first, we don't eat the undead. After this fight, we will have enough food for a month, preferably the salt and pepper chicken nuggets we had last time."

  (End of Chapter)

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