Chapter 563 The Immortal and the Eternal Guard

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  Chapter 563 The Immortal and the Eternal Guard
  "So what you want is not these items that lack use value. Go in. The precious relics the teacher mentioned are placed inside and are called Immortal."

  This familiar term made Imrik He was a little dazed, but in the blink of an eye he became a little excited. If the Immortal was really like the one he imagined, the Ancient Sage would have left behind a big treasure.

  The door that had been dusty for a long time was opened again. A heavy mecha that had been corroded by time stood quietly on the spot. Four crab-like mechanical feet were firmly fixed on the ground. The worn-out twin gun barrels replaced the functions of the arms. The main body The fuselage is shaped into a rectangular shape, and crystal-like objects symbolizing eyes are inlaid on the top, making people understand that this is its head.

  At the first sight of this big treasure, Imric knew that he was prosperous. He was an immortal of the Protoss clan. He didn't expect that he would still get an unexpected surprise after the ox-hide book lost its teleportation function.

  If this mecha made of alien alloy can be activated smoothly, it may be a bloodthirsty maniac who will return to the arms of Khorne after two shots.

  Not to mention the psychic technology contained inside, which is perfectly in line with the current situation of the elves and can serve as a great reference.

  But the premise is that the technical generation gap should not be too huge, even the simplest mechanical device cannot be understood.

  When he was so excited that he wanted to rush up and stroke him, Master Ma naturally poured cold water on him,
  "After careful inspection, this mechanical device named Immortal is missing a lot of things. It behaves in a way that the eldest son of the ancient saint cannot understand. The energy keeps running, and the control room inside seems to be completely broken."

  Imrik quickly understood what Master Ma wanted to say. There was a lack of energy to provide power, and the control room was damaged beyond repair. Simply put, this immortal could only serve as Research materials, not reliable combat effectiveness.

  Walking behind the six-meter-tall Immortal, I found that the situation was indeed not optimistic. Master Ma said it was easy, but in fact the main body of the central device was almost completely damaged, and the broken lines were covered with blue dots of different sizes. The crystal spots indicate that a long time has passed since the immortal exploded.

  In order to carefully observe this big treasure, I climbed up to the empty cabin. There were still some blue liquid and crystal-like fragments at the bottom, and as the operator, there was not even a trace of the body of the Protoss Templar left.

  "It's such a shame..." Imrik felt extremely sorry and could only beat his thigh with his hands. If this thing could be mass-produced, let alone the Holy Titan, even if it were the structures of all races in the world combined, Not even enough to fight.

  In order to simply test the power of this alien technology, he pulled out his long sword and chopped hard at the crab legs at the bottom. The result was that he did chop off a small piece, but the reaction force on his palm also caused extreme pain.

  Imrik, who could never be satisfied with his power, raised a question,
  "Besides this immortal, is there anything else of value?"

  "If you talk about the flesh and blood weapons in his hands, there are still many left by the Observer Old Saint. , but this is the only machine made by embodying all the wisdom of a civilization." Master Ma's eyes are as bright as fire. As an indigenous Slann native to this world, he has far less experience than a teacher.

  A lot of knowledge is only learned from teachers, but thousands of years of thinking time have made Slan doubt whether this is credible, such as a destructive weapon that steals star energy to destroy a planet, or a teleportation technology that can Ignoring the barriers of space, it instantly sent a steel city the size of a mountain several light years away.

  But after seeing this immortal, Master Ma was somewhat convinced of his teacher's statement. The blue liquid accumulated in the cockpit was something that he and his brothers had been pondering for a long time before roughly figuring out the effect.

  If the teacher's body could be nourished by this liquid back then, there would be no need to go to great lengths to make the body accommodate the depth of the soul now.

  Imric felt that Master Ma was indeed a bit nagging, and he should really be sent to the dwarf's mountain fortress to see who could nag better.

  "Doesn't this mean that I didn't say anything, but I want this thing. I will contact you if there is any progress in the research. The current focus is to understand this alloy. If my guess is correct, it must be mixed with a Alien minerals, looking for substitutes in the mortal world to see if they can be imitated."

  "Hey~, this is a big plan."

  Resisting the idea of ​​​​giving Master Ma a dive attack, Imric asked him to take the Immortal Send it to Chakua first and let Tehenhuoyin think about it first. The big toad is a religious priest, not a craftsman. From a professional point of view, it does lack some ideas.

  Before leaving, Master Ma gave Imric a very simple and clear instruction, "Find out the blue liquid in the cabin as soon as possible. The teacher's physical activity is far from what is expected. If we continue to extract the energy supply from the giant spiritual vein network, After arriving at the Emerald Pool, it will take a long time for the Slann Council to stabilize the great guardianship, and the plan for Evil Moon will be delayed for a long time." Imric nodded in agreement. It seems that Belannar is the one who must win over, otherwise it will be just With two court mages, I don’t know how long it will take to make a breakthrough.

  The one who arrived at Chakua with the Immortal was not only Imrik, but also a lizard-man temple guard holding a star-colored stone armor-breaking stick, wearing a bone helmet and gold armor, and wearing a mysterious key on his waist.

  This made Imrik wonder. Could it be that this place was not Chakua, but Slanwupek? Why was it that the person responsible for welcoming the people was not the red-crowned skink, but the legendary temple guard Chakas.

  But after looking around, I found that there was no eternal light blue mist, but instead a familiar smell of blood.

  Thoros said nothing, as silent as a statue, his body muscles covered with scars stood tall.

  Although he does not look as tough as the Great White Lizard, he has served the second generation Lord Slanhuini Aitankui for thousands of years and is currently the oldest temple guard.

  For lizardmen, age and strength are often equated.

  Imric crossed his arms and looked at him. He was not in a hurry to figure out whether Master Ma had teleported wrongly, and began to observe Chakas, who was half a height taller.

  "Hmm..., the star-colored stone hammer that effectively suppresses magic, the key to the stargazing room that slows down the flow of enemies around, and the helmet of the guardian that makes the invisible invisible. It is really a luxurious equipment, and he is a qualified worker. ."

  Knowing the situation of the lizardmen very well, he quickly understood the efficacy of the equipment on the Eternal Guard.

  The star stones from the outside world can invalidate most magic, and the key to the stargazing room, which symbolizes the profoundness of Slann's thinking, can even make creatures with low consciousness fall into a sense of time chaos. Although the helmet made of the skull of the first temple guard A little off, but just right for Chakas.

  The temple guard's eyes were as wide as eggs, and there was only death-like silence in his eyes. Before he had any mission, he had been in this state for thousands of years, and his habit penetrated deep into his bones.

  After looking at Chakas, Imrik rubbed his chin, "Chakas, what is your mission? It can't be to be a stone statue here. Chakua does not welcome temple guards." Chakas

  has action, but he only slightly opened his upper and lower jaws and uttered a simple sentence,

  "I have received instructions from the great lord to protect your safety throughout the entire process."

  It is indeed funny to let a lizard man be responsible for the safety of the elves. .

  Imrik shook his head secretly, but he did not refuse this kindness. Even though he was at the top of the social hierarchy of the Lizardman Pyramid, Master Dank was the undoubted leader of the race.

  Even though the Ancient Saints and Lizardmen are similar, they are definitely not the same species, or the Ancient Saints are not the same species. The immortal may have been obtained by a Xel'Naga who became an Ancient Saint.

  "Then let's go. I hope Kukulza doesn't mind having a temple guard on his back. But I'm very afraid of his roar. His voice is so loud that it can be heard in Ulthuan across the vast ocean. I'm afraid I didn't know Tehenhoin was trying something new on him."

  The temple guards who didn't understand what the joke was about silently followed. Lizardmen have no so-called concept of honor, but becoming a guard who is not familiar with the ancient saints may also be a problem. Will be respected by all compatriots.

  (End of chapter)

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