Chapter 562 Observer Ancient Saint

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  Chapter 562 Observer Ancient Sage

  "Master Ma, long time no see, did you miss me?" Imrik who spoke habitually jumped onto the floating chair, wanting to touch the fat belly of the big toad.

  Master Ma, who was caught off guard, obviously did not expect to be attacked in Itaza's stargazing room. He could only shake his body vigorously, with wrinkles appearing on his thick neck, trying to resist this action.

  "Old Saint."

  "Old Saint."

  The two second-generation Slann who were staying in the star observation room with Master Ma saluted respectively. They firmly believed in the judgment of the great lord, and according to speculation, Imric's situation was indeed true. It's true, only Mazdamudi still believes in his previous thoughts. Even if the elf boy changes his identity, his moral character is the same as before, so in summary, there is no difference.

  Master Ma was extremely dissatisfied and waved the cobra scepter in an attempt to stop the increasingly forceful palm with his mind, but this huge power was like a stone sinking into the ocean, unable to stir up a single wave.

  This is the protection mechanism set up by the Ancient Sage when he created a servant who is not weaker than himself. Even though Slann has the ability to change the orbit of the planet, when faced with the Ancient Sage, he will only turn into a big toad with a fragile body.

  Master Ma, who was frustrated again, was a little downcast, and his lightbulb-like eyes had lost their brightness. He didn't know whether he was complaining about the elf kid being unruly, or thinking that there were too many things in charge of the ancient saint.

  On the contrary, Imric was accustomed to this. Basically, every awakened toad had its belly touched. The final conclusion was that Master Ma's touch felt the best. It was different from the slight chill of his brother's, but a kind of warmth. This feeling deeply reflects his character, which is intense and stubborn.

  "Master Ma, why don't you stay at the South Sky Star Pyramid every time I go to Hesiota? You cause me so much trouble." "

  Hey~, why didn't anyone tell me about this? I'm busy with things. If it's urgent, Just use your mind to communicate."

  Seeing Master Ma pretending to be confused, Imrik continued to rub his belly more vigorously. The big toad does get weird sometimes, and it looks more comical than the smart lizard who really doesn't understand and acts smart. .

  Master Ma let go of his belly and already had an extra mark, jumped to the ground of the stargazing room, chose to forget what happened just now, and said nonchalantly, "So where is the toy you found? Don't tell me it's the same thing as last time." A language translator, I hate such flashy things."

  Thinking of the last time the big toads happily unearthed an ancient holy relic of an unknown magic sequence in the basement of Itaza, Imric could only express regret. It seemed that it could The giant magic instrument that destroyed an entire army turned out to be just a translator. It was an instrument made by the ancient sages to prevent the target's fragile cerebellum from instantly collapsing when communicating with primary consciousness bodies.

  The big toads are very interested in this item and think that editing and communicating information is a matter worth studying. However, the Dragon Prince only feels that it is a waste of energy. Who would want to deal with a group of brainless beasts.

  "Hey~, under the instructions of the prophecy, we explored the secrets of the past and grasped a unique one among the countless threads of fate. This gift reflected like stars in the heart of the eldest son of the ancient saint..." "Speak in human words.

  " Imrik couldn't help but interrupt Master Ma's rambling speech. A simple thing like one plus one equals two could be described as the deepest secret in the world. It seemed that as long as he understood this little thing, To be able to discern the truth is simply nonsense.

  The big red toad paused for a while, thinking about how to explain what he found. If Imric knew that the eldest son of the ancient saint actually knew nothing about it, it seemed a bit embarrassing.

  The yellow second-generation Slan, who was still standing by, took the initiative to explain that he understood somewhat. As long as Mazdamudi and the ancient saint who had not yet awakened were together, they would never be able to solve the problem quickly and clearly.

  "The Great Lord guided us to a secret location in Itaza, where a magical mecha left behind by an ancient saint is stored." The big yellow toad was hesitant in his words, and it was obviously difficult to judge what this mecha was. . This aroused Imrik's interest, "Master Ke doesn't know what this mecha is?" "

  The teacher said it is a relic of another race in the endless darkness, the only remaining symbol of a glorious civilization." The ignored Master Ma showed his presence, but in Imrik's ears, it was no different from the sage's speech just now.

  "Show me, if it's of some value, then I'll take it."

  A glimmer of light appeared in Master Ma's hand, and the two immediately left the place, leaving only two second-generation Shilans who were watching each other. After waking up, he immediately fell into a deep sleep and began to maintain Lustria's spiritual network in his dream.

  Imrik opened his eyes and saw a room engraved with a large number of ancient holy texts. The most eye-catching thing was the giant eyeball text on the ceiling.

  Being familiar with the ancient sage's text on succession, he quickly judged the meaning of this symbol - a civilized observer. After thinking secretly for a long time to no avail, he chose to ask Master Ma, "Then what is the name of
  this civilized observer? I seem to I haven't seen any relevant records anywhere."

  "We don't know either. The teacher only stated that he was just an Ancient Saint who was independent of the Ancient Saints and would not participate in any affairs." "It's

  very interesting..."

  After finishing speaking, Imrik walked towards the stone platform where the items were placed, and kept observing the items on it. Books compiled with strange symbols, gold coins with swirling patterns, pottery with octopus tentacles, gelatinous keys... many things were different from common sense

  . If you look at it from an ergonomic point of view, many items are completely unusable by humanoid creatures, such as a bumpy armor version that looks like flesh and blood.

  Picking up this arm-sized piece of convex armor, the two ends hang low and the center is concave, and the overall undulations are relatively gentle. When turning it over to look at the front, a few finger-thick tentacles suddenly pierce out of the flesh.

  After crushing this piece of biological weapon that knows no life and death, Imric felt that it should be guarded on the animal's spine, acting as a symbiote to control and nourish the host.

  But it's a pity that it is of no use to Caledo. It is too fragile, and its tissue strength is only slightly better than that of ordinary rats.

  "This Ancient Sage seems to like to get some weird things, haven't you thought about checking whether they are in line with the big plan?"

  Master Ma wanted to imitate the younger race and roll his eyes. The ultimate goal of the big plan was formulated by the Ancient Sage, and he took the initiative to destroy it. Relics of the ancient saint, this is an impossible thing for the lizard people.

  Even though... this thing that seems to be a biological weapon is a little evil and a little like a chaotic thing, it can only be regarded as a curiosity toy.

  "Most of the things here are information records of other races. What you just crushed is a parasite used by soldiers of a race that believes in genes." "It's very rubbish, and its controllability is extremely low. It is estimated that this civilization has

  already Destroyed by his own desires."

  (End of chapter)

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