Chapter 551 Destiny is a bitch

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  Chapter 551 Destiny is a Bitch
  During the morning tea session with the two distinguished guests, Adira felt a little embarrassed when she listened to Elsarion’s anecdotes from yesterday.

  Of course she knew that the church had two sets of equipment systems, one was standard equipment sold at high prices to deceive people, and the other was good stuff supplied internally, but it seemed that there was no need to charge strategic allies.

  In many matters, Iris has already stood with Caledor. If her husband wants to gain a higher status, a strong ally is indispensable.

  "As long as you say so, the Dragon Palace will naturally provide the best equipment for the Knights of Tal Gaivor."

  Eltharion wiped his mouth with a towel. He also enjoyed the atmosphere a little, as if it was a gathering of friends rather than a gathering of friends. Cumbersome court etiquette dominated everything.

  "Iris needs to cooperate further with Caledor. Naturally, we can't just focus on the Dragon Palace. We hope to establish a deeper connection with the Vaal Church to facilitate the next actions." Ai, who is in charge of the affairs

  . Tila thought it was right. Her husband had always been obsessed with the Tal Gaiwo Knight and believed that his fighting power was enough to turn the tide.

  If it weren't for Minas Nir's strong rebuttal, I would have had to take the two teams from Elsharion no matter what.

  Based on Caledor's current diplomatic policy of seeking common ground while reserving differences, it is also a good thing to have in-depth exchanges.

  "This is something that is in the interest of both parties. I will let the church provide equipment for the Tal Gaivor Knights with the best craftsmanship." "Excuse me, please

  . Now, Iris has delayed development for a long time due to environmental reasons. I hope that the kingdom can keep up with the pace of Caledor's development."

  These words of implicit appreciation made Adira quite satisfied. If some traditions are put aside Regardless, she was quite satisfied with her years in Caledo. Then she thought about what happened yesterday and felt slightly apologetic.

  "I hope Annabell didn't cause you any trouble. I didn't expect that she would actually attend that kind of banquet." "I had a

  great exchange with her. Ms. Annabell's many insights into people's livelihood inspired me a lot. If Time permits, I would like to chat more."

  Thinking of what happened yesterday, even Elsharion felt it was a bit subtle. Annabel, who originally exuded feminine charm, stopped chatting after drinking a few glasses of wine, and instead talked to him We talked about people’s livelihood management for a long time.

  From the most basic people's survival needs to spiritual enjoyment, it covers almost all aspects. How to improve the living conditions of the people has been Yris's core issue for a long time.

  "Well, this matter is indeed necessary. Even far west of Ulthuan, I have heard about Yris's environment. The two sides must not only cooperate in military and political affairs, but also in other aspects. I believe Anna Bell doesn't mind sharing some experiences."

  Suddenly, Draconir raised his head and curiously asked his mother, "Can I find a gryphon to play with in the future?"

  These words made the three of them couldn't help laughing. The members of the Dragon Tamer family Descendants looking for griffins may only have such an idea when they are ignorant and ignorant.

  Adira lovingly stroked her son's little head and said kindly, "Why would you want to find a gryphon? Isn't it the dragon?"

  "Ingersoth and Minasnir are always sleeping. The dragon is too lazy and not fun."

  You brat, you still despise the dragon. Do you know how many people are begging for Ingersolls? Adira shook her head and sighed. She knew very well what the two giant dragons thought about their children. If it was difficult to find a partner in the future, I was afraid that Ingersoll would accompany them throughout their lives.

  "Dracnir, taming a gryphon is not an easy task. I still have many scratch marks on my body from the Storm Wings. Aren't you afraid of the pain?" Eltharion half-joked, rolling up his sleeves to reveal an obvious sign. Claw wounds.

  Seeing that this big uncle had a scar as thick as his own arm on his arm, Draconil was immediately frightened and whispered, "It's better for the dragons, they won't hurt me." Adira picked up the child and put it on her lap , began to teach the significance of the dragon to the kingdom, and seeing the mother and son begin to communicate, Belannar and Eltharion planned to say their farewells and leave Tal Kaled to the Whelpling Bay.

  After returning to his residence, Belannar put on his battle armor, hung up the Star Cloak, picked up the Blade of the Wise King from the weapon rack, hung the Phoenix Book with the fate of Ulthuan on his waist, and left it with the knowledge master Koius. The disciple's staff of the Archmage.

  After changing from the amiable temperament in his regular clothes, he has become deep and powerful. Saffrey's heritage will never be lost to any kingdom. If Belannar is willing, he can even change from head to toe with artifacts.

  But after changing his temperament, the old mage is still talking,

  "Tell me carefully what happened yesterday. You are one of the few students I still have to worry about. Love is an innocent thing that everyone longs for, but your character makes me I'm very worried. Even if Morarion wants to urge him, he might not be able to speak. His nature is the same as yours, he keeps everything in his heart." "I

  met Annabel at yesterday's banquet and talked a lot with her about people's livelihood construction. I was surprised by her knowledge. She is very familiar with the situation in various parts of Caledor and gave me a lot of inspiration."

  Beranal rubbed his chin and thought about Annabelle. Her family is in Tal Kare She was among the best in Germany and she was a charming woman. She spent a lot of time at Lothern College when she was young, and then returned to Caledor Comprehensive College to teach. Imric recruited her to the palace to assist Adira in dealing with people's livelihood.

  Her reputation seems to be very good in Caledor, and she is a rare intellectual and beautiful lady in the Dragon Prince family. He also thinks that she has outstanding abilities in the occasional contact with her, and she seems to be single.

  "I don't object to this. Annabel is a very good woman. When you take care of the country flawlessly, I believe she can do a lot of work for you." "I understand, and I will ask my father what he means later.

  " Elsarion was neither embarrassed nor rejected. Solving problems calmly was his way of dealing with things.

  If marriage can benefit Iris, that is a good thing, and he also has a good impression of Annabelle. Curiosity is the best way to attract people, and there is no doubt that this elegant lady has done it.

  "Well, I'm just persuading you as a teacher. Don't think of me as a lobbyist. If your father has a better idea, just pretend that I didn't say it."

  Berannar showed a relaxed smile, which made Elsarion feels that the teacher is getting younger and younger as he gets older. The old mage always spoke strictly and would never interfere in the private life of his students, but this is also a good thing.

  "Then I will go to Whelpling Bay first and prepare some supplies to wait for the teacher's arrival."

  To give Belannar a teacher-student gift, Eltharion must first find the Stormwing in Caledor Rest, Tal Ka Red is a no-fly zone, and any large creature other than dragons flying over it will be considered a declaration of war on Caledor.

  This made the efficiency-seeking watchers uncomfortable and could only ride their horses back and forth between the two places.

  Belannar bid farewell to Eltharion with a smile, caressing the Book of the Phoenix on his waist that revealed destiny, and sighed softly as he disappeared from sight.

  "Destiny is such a bitch who plays with life. Apart from accepting it calmly, we can't seem to make many changes..." After a brief

  lament, the old mage lowered his head, swung his staff and turned into a blue light and disappeared.

  The security team of the Swordmasters of Hoth are waiting, and the Blade Lord's sharp edge can't wait to cut through the enemies of the Grand Mage's destiny.

  (End of chapter)

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