Chapter 550: Elsarion was accosted

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  Chapter 550: Elsharion was accosted. Elsharion
  walked out of the church and came to the street. He felt empty. The purchase list of 400,000 gold leaf coins for standard equipment, as well as the equipment of Tal Gaiwo Knight, made Yisharion, who was not rich, Reese made matters worse.

  But fortunately, it is all worth it. At least fighting together with Caledor has formed a virtuous cycle. Iris contributes manpower and obtains resources from the war. Caledo does not mind sharing some of the results. Anyway, it will end up in the end. Imrik's hand.

  Although the feeling of being pinched by the neck is uncomfortable, the watcher knows that relying solely on Iris's magic furnace, it may be difficult for people in ten generations to match the current Vaal Church. In order not to fall behind, they can only buy it obediently, at least Imrik does not have hidden conditions, which is much better than the Inner Ring Kingdom.

  "I will go back to rest next."

  These words made the Dragon Prince quite unhappy. It was only a few o'clock now, and the moon was not even halfway through. It was a rare visit to Caledor, and Elsharion had to feel the passion here.

  "How can a young man rest so early? You need to show some energy. Just in time, the Woodrow family held a banquet. I will take you to meet a few people." Rex winked. Many people heard about Watcher After coming to Caledo, everyone was very interested.

  Elsharion's family has ruled Yris for thousands of years, and his status is certainly not bad. His military exploits have also come to prominence in these years, and his fighting style has been highly praised by many dragon princes.

  The cold-faced Elsharion was taken to a manor in the city by the Dragon Prince, and saw a group of young people looking at the new guests with curious faces.

  "Allow me to introduce you, Prince Elsharion of Yris, and let us pay our respects to him."

  After raising the wine glass, Elsharion, the guest, became the focus. Many people were curious about his deeds, especially The prince spoke highly of the Watchers and considered them to be one of the few reliable comrades in Ulthuan.

  "Prince Eltharion, I heard that you killed Carl Calonde's high-level beast trainer Qillian before. On behalf of the Archibald family, I would like to pay my respects to you." Seeing

  Eltharion who was slightly confused With an expression on his face, Rex next to him whispered, "Fitou Archibald, whose father died in Killian's hands, is Phyllis's brother." The

  Watcher quickly reacted and said that this was just a matter of It's a trivial matter. Revenge for his comrades is what every Asur should do. How can he bear the gratitude?

  These words made people feel very satisfied, but seeing that Elsarion seemed not to adapt to this atmosphere, Woodlow, who was at home, still let Rex take him around without too much restraint.

  Talking and laughing all the way, the two walked to the steps and looked at the men and women chatting or having a tryst around the fountain. Elsarion said to Rex, "

  You surprised me a little. I thought your greatest pleasure was Stay in the military camp to train."

  "I don't deny this, but things will always change. Occasional gatherings can make training more efficient." Kress showed a strange smile and said, "And this is not their choice. Yes, the Woodrow family has been given instructions by the prince to arrange a partner for the unmarried Dragon Prince as soon as possible. Most of the people you see now are actually single." "I don't think marriage can be negotiated at this kind of banquet

  . "Elsarion looked at the men and women who gathered together to brag as a matter of business, and felt that this was just a good place to talk. Compared with the fertility encouragement conference he encountered in Avalon, it was not even an introduction.

  "I don't deny this, but we always have to work hard. This is the policy, but we also have countermeasures." Rex is full of cunning. He does not think that marriage needs to be rushed. The right partner will naturally be found at the right time.

  While the two were watching, the crisp sound of footsteps behind them interrupted their conversation.

  "Rex, don't you introduce me to me?" Rex turned around, opened his arms and showed a big smile, "Of course, this is my honor, the respected Ms. Annabel, to be able to meet you on this occasion. I feel extremely honored to meet you."

  "I'm also on the list, why can't I show up?" The lady in a crimson robe rolled her eyes at Rex, and then focused on Elsharion , "Prince Yris, I am very surprised by your arrival. I thought you would only stay in the palace and talk about family and country affairs with your wife." As an intelligence spy, Rex knew well that

  Elsharion was among the nobles. The research of genealogy is far less good than the military field, and he reminded in a low voice, "Annabel Angelo, the collateral niece of Assanil, is also the female officer serving the prince in the palace, and is responsible for the welfare of the people of Caledor." Ai accepted the reminder

  . Salion quickly replied, "I am also a young man. Naturally, I cannot be like a rigid old man who only thinks about power. Necessary relaxation can handle things more effectively." Annabelle raised the goblet and applied a little pink on her face

  . The reddish color of wine, and her mature and elegant temperament eclipsed the light, and it seemed that the whole world became centered on her.

  A pair of emerald eyes were full of smiles, looking forward to drinking with Eltharion.

  Realizing that it might become subtle, Rex chose to leave. Marriage is a very effective thing. Now that the princes have begun to look outward, many people who followed suit are no longer obsessed with people at home.

  "I heard that you came to Caledor this time at the invitation of the prince. As a lady of the palace, I welcome your visit." These words that

  revealed his identity without leaving any trace made Elsharion look at her more. The woman spoke It's very interesting that Imric never has any female companions when he travels. They are all followed by a group of grown men.

  Based on Phyllis' appearance in Lothern, it is speculated that even without Rex's reminder, she would know that his identity is not simple.

  "You're welcome. Imrik and I have fought side by side many times. We came to Caledor not only for official duties, but also for friendship."

  But these words made Annabelle's eyes shine a little brighter, and she asked intentionally or unintentionally,
  " I don’t know what official business it is. If it is a confidential matter, please forgive me for being abrupt." "

  It is not a confidential matter. Imrik wants me to go to Kislev with Mr. Berannar." "

  Since it is you and Beranar . Mr. Lannar will go together. The vampires will definitely not be able to resist the attack of the two of them. I will toast you first." Elsharion

  was a little confused, but when he saw the look in Annabel's eyes, he knew that he might be attracted, so he could only I sighed in my heart, something seemed wrong. There was no reason for me to have such feelings for the first time.

  Eltharion, who was unaware of his own charm, chose to respond politely, while Annabel became more and more satisfied with him the more she looked at him. He was serious and responsible in nature, with outstanding abilities. His reputation was well-known in Ulthuan, and his family was also extremely prominent.

  Although the old-fashioned face that has not changed for thousands of years is a bit dull, there are so many such faces in the country, and you will get used to it after seeing more of them.

  (End of chapter)

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