Chapter 305 The progress of the plan

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  Chapter 305: Progress of the Plan

  After receiving Judith’s reminder, Raskol bowed his head slightly to indicate that he understood, then turned and walked towards Mazov who was waiting at the door.

  The two faced the curious eyes of the onlookers and walked side by side on the street. Raskol asked Mazov with some curiosity,

  "How did you pass the criminal record test?"

  Mazov took a small bag of dry food from the mobile vendor. Tobacco, and then lit it with half-burned charcoal in a small box, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "That's how it

  passed. I answered truthfully."

  This answer surprised Rascol, From the looks of it, Mazov must have passed the test, but would these Caledorian elves accept a murderer?
  Mazov seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. After all, he was not very sure about this matter at first, but the words of the dragon prince were very impressive.

  "Homomorphic revenge is not something to be encouraged, but if you are in a country where the legal order cannot guarantee justice, the avenger can retaliate against the injustice of the criminal based on what he thinks is justice." Mazov repeated

  Zhu After what Dis said to him, he continued,
  "Of course, the dragon lord will ensure that you receive fair treatment during the next service period. Your task is only to do your job as a soldier. If anyone wants to violate your rights, Legal power, the palace will ensure that every case is handled fairly."

  After finishing speaking, Mazov shrugged and expressed that he did not believe this at all. After all, there are not a few people who go south to Kislev to act as mercenaries. It can only be said that life is better than It is better to serve as local soldiers, but they will still face discrimination and unfair treatment.

  But Raskol thought deeply about these words and couldn't help but stop where he was. What he thought was justice...

  Seeing his companion starting to think, Mazov did not stop and wait. He planned to leave immediately and said he would meet in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. Let Rascal be careful not to be caught by the Boyer family in the past two days.

  The two of them parted ways on the street. One stood there thinking about justice, while the other headed towards a less traveled place, intending to deal with some enemies before leaving Kislev.


  In the evening, outside the city of Kislev, where the Caledor army was stationed, a high-level meeting was being held.

  The large round table was full of people, including the dragon prince, Vaal priest, and pyromancer. Only the main seat was empty, which was the position of the dragon lord, even though Masno had been appointed by Imrik to replace him. Controlling military and political power does not mean that Masnow will choose to sit on this chair. This is a kind of respect and has been recognized by most people.

  Masno, who was second in the seat, picked up a report sheet and looked at it. The hangover at the Gespoda Palace last night did not affect him, and he still sat as straight as before.

  "There were some problems with our agreement with Katrin. Her one-week recruitment never achieved the expected results. Only less than 800 people signed up out of the planned 3,000 people, and the behavior of 200 of them did not meet the standards." Masno looked at the dragon prince Judith who was responsible for this matter, hoping that he would have some opinions. Judith, who was sitting next to him, thought for a while. His status was not low, and he was a member of the backbone noble class of Tal Kaled. Although his achievements were not as good as those of the senior dragon princes, he was very capable in handling some things. .

  "Obviously the future female tsar does not want her soldiers to follow us to the new world. According to the planning book left by the prince, we will pay her an agency fee, but according to my recruitment work during this period, most of them The people who choose to be recruited are all poor soldiers, or people with unique ideas. If she doesn't cooperate, maybe we can use the money elsewhere." Judith paused for a while while speaking

  . , continued,
  "For example, Erengrad."

  These words did not surprise Masno. The situation in Kislev City had become a bit complicated. The ice witch seemed to have some plans and just wanted to let the others The forces invested money in Kislev, but their influence was not enough. Even if Caledor wanted to establish an embassy here to facilitate subsequent recruitment work, it would not work.

  He thought for a while and then said, "I have communicated with Agathel. He is ready to take action against the Orthodox Church. However, the recruitment work in Erengrad is also somewhat difficult. It was expected that only less than 5,000 people were recruited out of 7,000. , we need to try our best to recruit as many people as possible in Kislev City to avoid having to make another trip later."

  Under the gaze of everyone, Masno looked at Davian, who was sitting at the bottom of the table. Because of his special status, As a result, he was unable to receive the treatment he deserved from the military council within Caledor, but everyone knew his contribution.

  It's just that the prince has not clearly defined his identity. Is he the dragon prince of Caledor, the magic swordsman of Saffrey, or both. As a result, when the prince is not present, he can only stay at the last table.

  "Davian, I need you to talk to Katrin tomorrow morning. No matter how you use it, you must fill up the staff in the next three days. We have to go to Erengrad next. We can't stay in the base all the time. Sirif City."

  Davian, who was staying at the bottom, did not refuse. Whether it was a personal relationship or Masnow's current status as "regent", this kind of order was a matter of course.

  "I will let that Ice Witch know the consequences of fooling Caledor."

  Masno nodded after receiving the reply, intending to continue arranging other things. In the past few days, he has been dealing with the Empire, Kislev, and the dwarves, except for Carter. Except for Lin, a future female czar with a somewhat strange idea, good progress has been made with Magnus and Erickson.

  During the state conversation with the Empire, although Magnus said verbally that he was not the Emperor of the Empire and could not give an exact answer on many matters, he believed that the Empire and Caledor should have more in-depth exchanges. He sincerely Invite Masno, who represents the Dragon Prince, to Nuln to thank Caledor for traveling thousands of miles across the vast ocean to come to the Old World to support the great holy war.

  Although this kind of words does not quite fit Magnus' image as a savior, Masnow knew that the bald man was a shrewd politician, but he was not an idiot. During the exchange, he also vaguely revealed a lot of things about cooperation, but He needs to wait until he is crowned Emperor of the Empire before he can put these things out in the open.

  During the exchange with Erickson, both parties temporarily put aside their thousands of years of hatred and discussed the plan to recover the Bafeng Mountain for a long time, including the march route, combat personnel, logistics supplies, etc.

  But it is a pity that Belegar of the Angland clan has always insisted that the elves do not need to participate, so this exchange is only between Masno and Erikson. As for Thorgreen, he has already gone to Erengrad alone. , because I heard that Dulong City sent ships to support Kislev, and planned to return to the country of the Norscan dwarves in a hurry.

  (End of chapter)

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