Chapter 304 Fate and Price

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  Chapter 304 Fate and Price

  "What are you going to do?"

  Rascal asked Mazov what he was thinking. This man was very gloomy, but this was just the surface. More importantly, it was the crazy heart, the murderers of his father. They were all killed in an indescribable way, and the investigators naturally believed that the suspect was Mazov. However, even after a long investigation, Mazov still had no clues, and in the end it could only be attributed to a gang vendetta.

  But Raskol knew that those people were killed by Mazov, because that night, he took the sword from the Royal Arsenal from his hand.

  "I plan to join the elves' mercenary army. It's a good place there." Mazouf leaned against the wall, took out some mixture of tobacco and dry leaves from his arms, stuffed it into the pipe, and did not light it, as if he just wanted to use this familiar The smell of it made his mind clearer, and he continued,

  "I suggest you do the same and join the elves' mercenaries with me." "

  Why?" Rascal waited for a reply, and as a beheaded Ku The hero of Ergan Wizard has a great future waiting for him. If he develops smoothly, he may be awarded the title of Boyer in a remote area by the Tsar. There is no need to follow the elves to a place he has never heard of for some unpleasant things. Fight to know if you can get the gold coins.

  "The Gatyelokin family is already looking for information about you in the black market. I believe they don't just want to ask where you are from, which city gate you usually go out from, and where you like to walk and hunt." Mazov made no secret of the actual situation

  . The situation shows that these Boyer nobles may be able to tolerate their wives having secret relationships with other people, but the other party must also be a nobleman, and Rascal now does not even have the lowest Boyer title, and can only be regarded as a low-level officer at most. And there are countless such people in Kislev.

  Anger, sadness, or misfortune, these emotions filled Raskol's heart for a moment.

  He did not expect to have to face this kind of thing after the war. In Kislev, where power is divided by blood and tribe, he, a small officer from a destroyed village, was completely unable to resist such a thing. The future female tsar She wouldn't care about a soldier who just killed the Kurgan wizard. She was busy entertaining those important guests.

  As for the superiors in the army, Raskol, who was familiar with their nature, knew that if this matter was revealed, they would not hesitate to hand him over in exchange for the friendship of the Gatyelokin family.

  He hesitated for a while and thought about the elven mercenaries. Caledor planned to recruit 3,000 people in Kislev City. Those between twenty and thirty years old would be given priority with military service experience. They would distribute equipment and provide The training lasts for eight years and the pay is extremely high. You can choose to send it back to Kislev at the end of the year, or you can pay it uniformly after eight years. If you perform well during the service, you will get a salary increase.

  However, the combat targets are somewhat vague, including the Norscans in the far west, the Druzi of Nagaros, extra-large upright rodents, etc. This also resulted in the recruitment effect not reaching expectations, and only some people who could not survive were holding on to them. The idea of ​​​​trying their luck and taking the initiative to sign up, coupled with the hint of the future female tsar, resulted in only a few dragon princes lying there and taking a nap at the recruitment point for a long time.

  Seeing his friend hesitating, Mazov lost no time in telling him a shot in the arm, "I got some gossip. The future Tsarina plans to rebuild Prague, and this will require a large number of laborers and soldiers to go to that cold land. You can think about it. Who could these people be?"

  Silence fell in the streets. This area that was blown into ruins by Chaos Dwarf artillery, just like this country, needs people to repair it and make it magnificent again, but these repairers They will not be cared about, just like those serfs who died in the manor. Only the food will be remembered, but no one cares about the people who grew the food.

  Rascal smiled, so helplessly and full of anger. The knowledge selflessly imparted by the teacher prevented him from being fooled by some useless slogans like those ignorant people.

  Yes, maybe such behavior will make the country better, give the czar as the ruler greater authority, and make those who are lying on Kislev's blood-sucking body richer. In the face of other countries' When you are a noble, you can talk about the greatness of the motherland, allowing the church to organize a larger missionary team, and making everyone believe that it is this spirit of selfless dedication that can be regarded as a qualified Kisli lady.

  However, Raskol clenched his fists and thought of his father who worked in the fields all day long. The man as strong as a giant bear was weighed down by the heavy farm work and spent all his money to go to the school in the town. , and then join the army.

  He dedicated his life to the motherland. After taking away the nobles, he only had a little income. In addition to supporting himself, he gave it all to the church, but in the end he got nothing.

  His son's love will be snatched away by the nobles, and his life will be persecuted. Even if he barely escapes the pursuit, he will still have to face "reasonable demands" that he cannot refuse.

  With limited knowledge, Raskol didn't know how to solve this matter. He could only vaguely feel that this approach was unfair to many people.

  But he also knew that if he stayed in Kislev now, there would be only death.

  Thinking like this, Raskol looked at Mazov. He knew that this silent man didn't care about these things, or that Mazov's only purpose in living now was revenge, but it didn't matter, because the two now had a common goal. His goal is to obtain the power to change his destiny from the hands of the elves.

  "Pack your things and see you at eight o'clock tomorrow." Rascal's voice was a little hoarse, and he was obviously under a lot of psychological pressure. He wanted to understand the root cause of this situation, but the situation now was to save his life.


  Early the next morning, Rascal, who brought all his belongings with him, arrived at the elf recruitment point and found that Mazov had already filled out the form with the help of the staff and was standing at the door waiting for him.

  Raskol walked into the open door and came to the table. He looked at the dragon prince and said directly, regardless of whether he understood Kislevian or not, "

  I want to be called upon."

  Sitting on the chair The dragon prince Judith looked at the human in front of him. The atmosphere of the march was very obvious. He was not like those who were more like hooligans than soldiers before. He couldn't help but have a better attitude. He didn't come up to show off his power. When he opened his mouth, he used Kislev. Language said.

  "Name, age, place of birth, resume."

  "Raskol, 23 years old, from the village of Cretoner in Ostros, joined the Brown Bear Army five years ago and was transferred to Kisli a year ago. My husband is currently serving as an infantry sergeant of the Third Army." The Dragon Prince took out a booklet and read the information about the Brown Bear Army and the Third Army. Then he nodded and said that he could barely understand it, so he continued, "Is there any crime

  ? Record, remember, don’t lie, we have specialized mages who will investigate this matter strictly. Although you are only serving as mercenaries, Caledor will not accept murderers and people who have committed unforgivable sins as soldiers.

  " Skoll hesitated for a while. Looking at the serious face of the Dragon Prince, he knew that he was not joking. Maybe there was a mage observing in the dark. He stood up straight and told the crime record without any concealment, "
  I When she was twelve years old, because she was too hungry, she ate a large piece of bread from Boyer in the town."

  Judith looked into the dark, and after receiving a positive answer, she nodded to show that she understood, and said,

  "You Very honest, and his character is barely passable. The criminal records of those people before almost made me pull out my sword. Caledo recruits soldiers, not rapists and drunkards."

  The Dragon Prince made a joke, and it was obvious that he had a good impression of Mrs. Kisli. After all, after this period of time, he already knew who most of the people who came to recruit were, and he would naturally feel the same when meeting a good prospect. Pleasant to the eyes.

  "Then can I join Caledor's mercenary army." Raskol was not surprised by this answer. Caledor did not recruit soldiers strictly in accordance with the requirements of good people. Some "reasonable" crimes can still be tolerated. After all, in this country where supplies are scarce, there are times when many people cannot survive.

  "Unfortunately, I still have a few questions." The Dragon Prince took out a registration form. Although he did not immediately agree to Rascal's joining, it looked like he was just following the rules.

  "Can you accept the management of the Dragon Palace, including but not limited to military training, combat operations, daily life, etc." "

  Yes, I can accept this condition." "

  Can you abide by Caledor's regulations during your service? The system is subject to the honor of the Dragon Lord and the orders of the Dragon Prince who fights in the name of the Dragon Lord." "Yes,

  this is what it should be."

  Judith ticked the registration form and then put down the pen. , crossing his hands and looking at Rascal in front of him.

  "Raskol, you don't mind if I call you that."

  "You don't mind, it's my honor." Raskol knew that there would be some difficult questions next. The Dragon Prince would ask for some personal thoughts, although it was basically Everyone registered on the form has been recruited, but many people believe that the final issues that vary from person to person will affect the eight-year life of mercenaries.

  "Judging from your behavior and resume, your development in Kislev should be good. Why are you thinking of joining a mercenary? We need to understand each soldier. This is the tradition of Caledor, even if Mercenaries are no exception. Of course, you can choose not to answer. This is not a rigid indicator." The Dragon Prince's words were very polite. He had been smoothed by work and just wanted to get off work as soon as possible and lie down.

  Raskol pondered for a while, looked around, and found that most of the Dragon Princes behind the other tables were lying on their chairs, as if they were not interested in anything around them and only thought about Finish the work and go back to rest.

  And there were only a few people sitting around a table, drinking wine that he had never tried before. For some reason, he suddenly thought of many things.

  Why can these elves sit here without any pressure after the war, as if they are retiring, without having to worry about anything? Why can't they sit in front of the fireplace, drink vodka with their loved ones, and wait until the wood is ready? When it burns out, throw a few pieces into the fireplace at will, then fall asleep and wait for tomorrow.

  Raskol's tone began to become extremely firm, without the previous fear of dealing with a strange race,
  "In order to change my destiny."

  After hearing this, Judith showed a trace of surprise, as if he had not expected this. This kind of words could be said from the mouth of a big-headed soldier, so he said with great interest,
  "You must know that our combat goal is not simple. Even Caledo can't guarantee that the casualty rate will be maintained at a low level. If he dies, , changing your destiny is just a joke."

  "Yes, I know, but what I know better is that if you want to change your destiny, you have to pay a price." Rascal's tone was still very firm, not affected by the kindness of the Dragon Prince. Shake due to reminder.

  Judith secretly thought something interesting, so she said,

  "We respect those who dare to pay the price to change their destiny."

  As he spoke, the Dragon Prince asked Lascole to sign the registration form for confirmation, then stood up and started from He took out a metal nameplate with a fire dragon pattern from the box next to him and handed it to him,

  "Congratulations, Soldier Rascal, you have been hired by the Dragon Palace. You will go to Caledor Station outside the city the day after tomorrow. We will distribute the first employment fee in batches, so please be prepared in the near future."

  Finally, when Rascoul turned around to leave with a metal nameplate with a fire dragon pattern, Judith wrote at the bottom of the registration form He made a comment and reminded him of something,
  "Soldier, as a personal friendly reminder to you, your registration form will be sent to the archivist accompanying the army, which means that this information will be stamped with a giant The Fire Dragon Seal of the Dragon Court."

  "Some people have disappeared after trying to get the first hire fee. Caledor's archivists don't like the lack of credibility of documents in their hands, because it will make the dragon lord suspect them. Whether you have the ability to handle the work well, and the archivists who accompany the army are usually older dragon princes. They are better at using lances than quills." "I suggest you do it in the past few days

  . Once everything is settled, the next time we return to Kislev will be eight years later."

  (End of Chapter)

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