Chapter 294 The letter left behind

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  Chapter 294 Letter Left Behind

  On the third day after the decisive battle of Kislev, Masno, who represented the Dragon Prince in the war meeting, returned to Caledor’s camp with a gloomy face. This was not because something bad happened in the meeting. Just because even if all the rocks in Plaag were reduced to less than the size of a human head, there was still no trace of Imric and Minas Nir, as if they had disappeared from this world.

  "Perhaps the prince was teleported away through some unknown method. Now he is staying in the Dragon Palace, preparing a celebration banquet for us." The

  champion warrior comforted himself for a moment in his heart. If he had a choice, he would not hesitate. Don’t hesitate to enter the inner castle for Imric. It doesn’t matter if Caledor loses a dragon prince, but the dragon prince must not have any accidents. No one wants to return to that place where only a few dragon roars echo in the sky of the Dragon Backbone Mountains. A time when the volcano of the Anvil of Vaal no longer boiled.

  Just when he was standing at the entrance of the camp, planning to deal with some matters that had been delayed due to searching for the prince's trace, a man rushed to him anxiously. Looking at his hurry, it was obvious that something important had happened.

  Elvis hurriedly ran to Masnow, forgetting to mention his honorific this time, and immediately spoke, "When I was packing up the prince's belongings, I found a letter. It was not signed to anyone, but I think it was For you."

  As he spoke, Elvis took out a letter from his arms. Apart from Imric's signature, there was only the emblem of the Dragon Tamer family, which showed that this letter was not Written as a prince, it is actually the head of the Dragon Tamer family. This extremely prominent family in Ulthuan now only has Imric left. This family emblem can also be said to be his personal symbol. .

  Elvis, who knew Imric's behavior and habits, explained,
  "The prince is used to putting some personal letters in a drawer, and confidential documents are placed in a magic safe. This letter was placed on top of the safe, although there is no No matter who the signature is, but I think this must be handed over to you."

  After hearing this, Masnow took the envelope, and Elvis also stepped back a few steps and watched the champion warrior leave. into the corner.

  After Masnuo walked to an uninhabited corner alone, he opened the envelope with some anxiety. He was afraid that the contents inside were actually a will and an account of his funeral arrangements.

  To my respected and trusted friend Masno Jean:
  I believe that when you get this letter, I have already had an accident, but don’t worry too much. The bloodline of dragon tamers will not be cut off here. The ancestors will always be there. Protecting me, allowing me to grow, and allowing Caledor to restore its past glory.

  Please forgive Elvis, this young boy. I believe that when he saw this letter, he must have been filled with anxiety and panic, fearing that this was my will. Presumably this letter was not delivered to you immediately. .

  The battlefield is full of countless accidents. As a warrior, I should have devoted myself to this war. But before this identity, I was still a prince, and the only blood descendant of the dragon tamer was very important to the ancient kingdom of Caledor. The importance also requires me to make some preparations in advance.

  Okay, now that the emotion is over, let’s get down to business.

  I need you to discuss with the dwarves the plan to regain the Eight Peaks Mountain after the war, and ask Chief Morris to send the two doomsday anvils in the palace's underground treasury to Marienburg for safekeeping, and then transfer them to Thor Green. It is extremely important, make sure no accidents happen!

  Agthel's affairs in Erengrad also require your cooperation. We cannot give up on the colonization and mercenary plans of the new world. The specific planning book is placed in my file box, and the fire dragon crest ring is opened. The key, I believe that with your ability, you can still implement this plan properly even without me being present.

  If Teclis intends to stay in the old world, then send a team of dragon princes and dragon halberd guards as his escort. This is not surveillance, but only needs to know the general itinerary.

  It is also necessary to establish an embassy in the empire, in the name of the Dragon Palace, with personnel decided by Alagir, and then negotiate with Magnus. Military training and the like can be provided for him, and the condition is Nunn's engineers and related knowledge.

  There is no need to cover up the news about my disappearance. If anyone tries to support some cousins ​​whose names I don't even know to be Dragon Princes, I will eliminate all those who covet the name of Caledor after returning to Ulthuan. Before this, you only need to stop the die-hards led by old Hallandur from taking too drastic actions, and there is no need to do anything else.

  If there is a huge crisis in Caledor that cannot be solved, contacting Ingersoth and letting him return to his ancient home may be able to provide some help. I left two letters in the file box, one for Randy and Teclis. If everything goes smoothly, I may return to Caledor in a short time. If not, maybe this It will take a long time, but I believe you can handle the related matters.

  These are the general things, and the more specific ones are in the file box. There is no need to rigidly follow the plan, but the overall plan must still be carried out as expected.

  By the way, I have a personal request. At the bottom of the file box, there are two letters, one for Alarielle and Adira. Please forward it to them for me. Remember to use private channels, not Ella. The hands of that young boy named Weiss.

  Your loyal friend Imrik.

  After reading this letter, Masnuo rubbed his eyes that had not been closed for several days, and finally let go of his hanging heart. The protection of the dragon tamer, this was the prince's explanation when he traveled to the dark world, and if this kind of If Shelter appears again, then he may have arrived elsewhere. Judging from the previous time flow rate, it may only take some time to return to the mortal world.

  As long as the person is not dead, it is only a matter of time before he comes back. This matter can only be defined as a disappearance to the outside world. Masnow knows what Imrik is thinking. If some young people try to seek benefits from it, Ulthuan will Facing the wrath of the dragon lord.

  This is not something that can be easily solved like before when Bruni was manipulated in the gladiatorial arena. If he attacks the dominance of the strongest, most stubborn and traditional kingdom, a large number of forces will be shuffled, and even Fenuba's mediation will not be good. make.

  The Phoenix King can be re-elected, but this is the dragon lord. The nobles of various kingdoms who are closely connected with the dragon tamer family are not comparable to the merchant nobles of Itaien.

  Not to mention that the military power of Caledor is always firmly in the hands of the Dragon Palace. As the army commander, Randy is a firm bloodline believer. It is impossible to watch a few clowns enter the palace to inherit the position of Dragon Prince, although it will not Throw him directly into the volcano in the Dragon's Back Mountains like old Hallandur, but he won't make the slightest compromise on this matter.

  The important Vaal Church in the country has traditionally worn the same pants as the Dragon Tamer family. As the future high priest, Coster also belongs to the inner circle. If it is solved by force, then this matter will be handled much easier than imagined. .

  Masnow lowered his head and thought for a moment. The top priority now is to finish the matter between the dwarves and Erengrad. This letter written by Imric cannot be shown to others. It is too personal and this requires The champion warrior thought about how to make the next thing go more smoothly.

  He looked at the letter in his hand that was filled with a whole piece of paper, and thought about the plans Imrik had written along the way, and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

  The position of a champion warrior is really difficult. He has to be the first to fight, and after the fight, he has to wipe the prince’s butt. I really don’t know how Randy persisted for hundreds of years, and even after the death of Prince Mikhail Afterwards, he continued to work conscientiously while Imric was on an expedition to the old world, while still being able to ensure a stable rear.

  Putting the letter in his arms, now that the most important thing has been decided, he has to deal with post-war work. Although the leaders of the empire and the dwarves are not mediocre people, there is no endless wrangling like in Ulthuan.

  But the witch princess of Kislev is in a bit of trouble. Before the casualties have been counted, she is already thinking about asking other forces to provide manpower and materials to rebuild Prague.

  Masno planned to go to Erengrad to join Agathel before discussing whether to support the Witch Princess' move. Although Caledor did not lose many men in this battle, he still invested a lot of money. If there were no gains at all, I didn’t see it. On the surface, this battle seemed to be in vain.

  (End of chapter)

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