Chapter 293 Fanaticism and Coldness

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  Chapter 293 The

  coalition of fanaticism and coldness of order won. In a dramatic turn, the cursed city originally used to destroy the world became a reminder of the chaos army. Although the gaze of the dark gods made the Kurgan people Even though he suffered a lot of casualties, he still insisted on continuing to fight.

  But on the giant rock bear, Magnus raised Gael Maraz high to emit divine light, indicating that he had won the duel with Isava Kuhl. After losing the backbone of the Eternal God's Chosen , the distrustful Chaos army fell into chaos. Under the pursuit of the coalition forces, only a large number of corpses were left and fled.

  Everyone standing there had expressions of disbelief that they were alive under such a military force that could destroy the old world. Some excited people were already hugging each other, celebrating the victory of this war.

  They saw Magnus returning from chasing the Chaos army. The light covered up all the darkness and brought the little hope left to the world.

  Magnus held up Gael Maraz in front of everyone, and the light of dawn enveloped his figure. He shouted fanatically, "Today, we have achieved an unprecedented victory, and this glory should belong to everyone." Man!"

  After hearing this, the soldiers who were still celebrating began to respond. I don't know who it was, and said the name of the savior. This honorific was also recognized, and everyone was praising Magnu. His honors and achievements.



  The empire fell into a carnival, but other forces seemed very cold. The Dwarf High King Erickson was seriously injured when facing a Kurgan who had ascended to magic. The two Gotrek brothers He bravely protected his father from the battlefield without fear of death, and then died heroically on the front line.

  All the dwarves fell into silence, silently looking at the High King who was carried on a shield by the Eternal Guards. Even after receiving treatment from Priest Valaya, the pale complexion and the faint blood seeping from his chest showed that the situation was still not optimistic. , this is a hatred, a hatred that can be recorded in the book of great hatred.

  Thorgreen squeezed the battle ax in his hand, and he somewhat blamed himself for joining the death squads. If the Gotrek brothers had joined, maybe they would not have died, and the dominance of the Mountain Kingdom would still be stable.

  Thinking of this, Mustache clenched his teeth and stared at the Supreme King who was lifted up by the shield. The battlefield was full of surprises. Mustache knew that no one could be blamed for this, but a sense of self-blame still appeared in his heart.

  Erickson, who was dying on the shield, may have felt Thorgreen's self-blame, or maybe it was Valaya's blessing. He opened his closed eyes, and this made everyone move. Vibrant, they all shouted the name of Walaya.

  But the High King didn't pay attention to the praise of the Mother Goddess from his compatriots. He raised his arm with all his strength and pointed at Thorgrin the Mustache on the outside of the crowd, gesturing for him to come forward.

  Seeing this, Thorgreen didn't hesitate at all and rushed to his uncle, knocking many people over along the way.

  "Uncle." Mustache held the hand extended by the High King and looked nervously at the bearded dwarf who was facing up to the sky and had difficulty even turning his head.

  "I, I'm fine..." As he spoke, the High King coughed a few times. It could be seen that the damage done to him by the Kurgans who had ascended to demons had penetrated deep into his bones. Even a species as tenacious as the dwarfs could not heal him. This effect is erased. "Go to Dulong City, and then return to Eternal Peak. I will wait for you in the Hall of the Supreme King..." Erickson tried his best to turn his head away and stared at the mustache. After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and fell into coma again. middle.

  Thorgrin stood there in a daze, but was soon thrown out of the crowd by the Eternal Guard. He gazed at the hands that still had uncle Yu Wen in them. The position of the Supreme King, but I can bear this honor. And responsibility...

  A little further away from the dwarf position, although the atmosphere in Caledor was better than that of the dwarves, it was not much better.

  When the frontal battlefield was over and the imperial knights rushed towards the deserters, Masnow immediately ordered everyone to search for the cursed city that had turned into ruins. The prince must have solved Beelak, otherwise the city would cause even greater trouble.

  Saveri's group of mages were forced by the Dragon Prince to come to the ruins, and they worked together to use magic to move away the boulders that were difficult to remove manually. The Vaal priests took out their hammers to attack these hard rocks, and several giant dragons were also there. Struggling to move away, everyone was looking for traces of the prince and Minas Nir.

  "Masnuo, those rocks..."

  A dragon prince walked up to Masnuo who was carrying rocks, intending to explain the situation. A large amount of rubble in the periphery had been removed, but there was no way to deal with those 100-meter rocks. Mage Saffrey was no longer able to cast spells. Even if the Dragon Prince put the sword on his neck, it was useless. It was difficult for the dragon to move those huge rocks away alone.

  "You don't need to explain so much to me. Go find those dwarves. No matter what method I use, I have to dig through this cursed city before the sun sets!" Masnow growled at the dragon

  prince and gave the order. , he could not imagine what Caledor would become after losing Imric and Minas Nir.

  The only pure-blooded descendant of the Dragon Tamer, the dragon prince who bears the name of Caledor. If Imrik died in battle and he did not leave any heirs, it would mean that the royal bloodline of Caledor has been cut off.

  Perhaps with the intervention of some caring people, as well as the Phoenix Court and other kingdoms, a noble with a thin bloodline of dragon tamers could nominally inherit the position of Dragon Prince, but this would not be recognized by any Dragon Prince.

  Even if no one takes the position of Dragon Prince, he will not let a man who is manipulated sit on the Dragon Claw Throne. The die-hards headed by old Harlandur will certainly not hesitate to take the strongest action against such behavior. Anyone who dares to covet the position of Dragon Prince is declaring war on Caledor.

  And Minas Nir is also the only son of Indragunir and the uncrowned king of Caledor. The impact of losing it may not break out in a short time, but it will definitely affect the dragons of Caledor in the long run.

  After receiving the order, the Dragon Prince was just waiting for Masnuo's consent. He immediately turned around and led the people to the dwarf's position. When it came to digging stones, ten elves could not compare with one dwarf.

  Soon after, hundreds of dwarves came to Caledor's position. Although they looked very unhappy, judging from the large amount of equipment that could be used for excavation carried on the baggage train, they obviously attached great importance to this matter. After all, Thor Green and Agrim both spoke personally, so several engineers could only bring people here to help Sharp Ear find their prince.

  (End of chapter)

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