Chapter 275 Ya Lei Cannon

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  Chapter 275: The Ya Lei Cannon
  War is coming as promised. It brings fame and fortune, but also darkness and terror, but there is no doubt that the brave will win, and what will they have to pay for this victory.

  The faces of everyone who set off from the garrison were very solemn. The burden of the mobile fortress was on everyone. Even though the Dragon Prince repeatedly emphasized that Bilak's "throne" would be eliminated within the planned time, the fear of the huge unknown object It is inherent in every life, and not everyone can enter the battlefield again without fear.

  Magnus, the devout man in front, looked at the crowd around him. Although the morale was still high, there was a trace of imperceptible fear in his eyes. The two chosen gods could inspire their courage, but this deep fear in their hearts was not. Nothing can be done.

  He knew that this war must be decided this time. After the last battle, which was named the Battle of the Usko River, the coalition forces suffered a lot of losses. The empire lost tens of thousands of people in just a few hours. People, even with the support of elves and dwarves on both sides, still bear the greatest pressure.

  The devout thought of the ancient Sinian saying that Liu Yong told him. He would go all out in one go, then weaken again, and then be exhausted. Maybe this is the situation now, this is the last chance.

  "Let's go!"

  The gryphon war flag was raised high. This flag carrying the faith of the devout encouraged all the people of the empire to move forward. In the future, it would be considered a sacred object of the empire and enshrined in the Salvation of Nunn. in the memorial hall.

  On the other side, a group of people led by Imric were also ready. In this gang-hopping operation, they first asked the Savrien mage group led by Teclis to immobilize Plagg to prevent him from moving and solve the problem. After getting rid of those intercepting enemies, the dragon dropped the combatants, led by Minas Nir, to fight against the enemy aerial beasts.

  The combatants need to quickly occupy a location and then move towards their respective operational goals. Two high-level dragon princes, Adrian and Lionel, who understand Plagg's situation, will fight with them.

  Masnow and Iron Wolf will cooperate with the dwarves in combat, providing combat power and magical support, and taking them to the breeding room.

  The empire and Kislev assigned manpower to support the elves and dwarves. The White Wolf Grand Master was responsible for following the elves, and the great chanter Osvid III and the Liuyong group followed the dwarves.

  "Do you all understand your respective tasks? If you have any questions, ask them now. I will not allow any disobedience of orders during the battle." Prince Long looked around at the thirty or so people around him, and just chatted and laughed. , when fighting, you must obey the arrangements. This is the code of soldiers.

  "No problem."

  "No problem."

  At this time, the dwarf, who had the least dealings with the elves, also said that he had no objection. The action arrangement was very reasonable. Next, it was time to look at their respective strengths, otherwise everything would be in vain.

  "Very good, ready to go."

  Imrik nodded and motioned for the four special hanging baskets to be placed on the carriage. These things were urgently made by the Vaal priests last night. In addition to the buffer magic prepared for high-altitude landings, There was almost no protection, like a birdcage.

  This is the only thing we can do under time constraints. If the dwarves were to do this, they might still be discussing the design of the hanging basket. They would like to build an iron coffin to go up, but the bearing capacity of the dragon is obviously unable to make it. If the speed of this kind of thing is too slow, it will easily become a living target for the enemy in such a long time.

  Minas Nir can only stop one enemy bombardment, so it needs to keep flying at high speed as much as possible, otherwise not only these passengers will be killed, but the dragon will also die there.

  ......... After the scouts reported the enemy's whereabouts, Magnus, as the commander, knew that the Chaos army led by Esava Kuhl had once again advanced towards Kislev City, and they did not forcefully pursue and retreat. of coalition forces.

  If according to the expected speed, when the coalition forces arrive, the Chaos army has been besieging the city of Kislev for four or five hours, which may be able to catch them off guard.

  The march lasted from ten o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening. The long walk and the cold wind in Kislev made everyone a little tired physically and mentally. If it weren't for Bruni as a plug-in, how could we say this? Rapid marches are prone to problems.

  The devout saw the moving city. Even though it was ten kilometers away in the night sky, they could still clearly see its terrifying appearance. An object ten kilometers from front to rear was moving in the air. Even a fool would know that. As long as this thing is smashed down, there will be nothing Sigma can do even if he is still alive.

  "Prepare food for the soldiers, and prepare to attack after twenty minutes of rest!" Magnus's eyes were full of determination. He had reached an agreement with the High King. If the empire was still in such chaos after his death, then I hope that the dwarves can break through some inherent ideas, intervene in this chaotic situation, and support the Halls-Schlistein family in Reikland to ascend the throne.

  Imrik also left a message, hoping to bring the empire and Ulthuan closer through Caledor's channels, and commissioned Teclis to establish a magic academy in Nuln. He was willing to establish it for this Sigma The empire gave everything.

  After a short rest, the soldiers picked up their halberds and swords again. Perhaps they only rested for less than two days, but it was enough for these people who had been exposed to various threats since childhood.

  Beastmen, greenskins, and undead don't care about your state. Only by learning how to adjust your state can you survive in this dark empire.

  The coalition launched an active attack. The first thing to make a noise was the twelve giant artillery pieces brought by the Tsar. These artillery pieces from the Kislev Royal Forge may not be as reliable as the cannons produced at Torrent Pass, but they can The caliber was so much larger that the gunner had to wear heavy earmuffs to protect his fragile eardrums.

  These giant artillery pieces, called sub-thunder cannons, suddenly opened fire. A burst of volleys was the justice of the God of War. The inexperienced operator, with the help of engineers from Nuln, accurately fired twelve half-man-sized cannons. The shells were projected into the enemy's position, and a single salvo seemed to wipe out a regiment of a thousand men.

  The effect of this attack surprised everyone. They didn't expect these idiots to have such a secret weapon, especially the Nun engineers. They felt that this thing was similar in structure to the Nun Artillery Forge.

  But this is not the time to think about this. The huge Mrs. Kislev took out a large amount of gunpowder from the bag, put it in the barrel and compacted it, then carried the hundreds of kilograms of cannonballs and loaded them into the barrel. , intends to continue launching. (There is nothing wrong with Maozi using a hundred-pounder, and he is not afraid of exploding the chamber.) The
  imperial artillery and the dwarf artillery fired one after another. These war machines that condensed the wisdom of generations gave the mortal races a slight advantage against the northern chaos, but this Perhaps it will also become a source of weakness...

  Under the cover of the light cavalry, the cavalry also began to charge. After the White Wolf Knight Grand Instructor Kristoff entered the "Suicide Squad".

  Bruni was jointly recommended by several Grand Mentors of the Knights of Milson for the role of commander of the coalition cavalry. This elf may have a mysterious power. Those who fight under his command will become faster and have more physical strength. In addition, With his extraordinary combat ability and command level, he deserves to be the commander.

  Although Bruni believed that the reason for such success was that the dwarves had no cavalry, so they had no way to dictate the matter.

  But in any case, those Chaos troops who were attracted by the defenders did not notice this charge. The light cavalry holding pistols moved quickly and began to shoot bullets in front of the enemy's position, and then immediately ran to both sides, intending to confuse Attracting the enemy's attention, many skilled and brave riders even threw out the grenades in their hands at close range, killing several people before leaving.

  At this time, the heavy cavalry phalanx led by Bruni sped up, and the small steps of the war horses became rapid. Thousands of war horses made a dull echo when they trampled the ground, charging towards the enemy, while the infantry followed closely. The formation immediately rushed forward, shouting the names of Sigma and Ulric, and bravely attacked with their fellow nobles.

  (End of chapter)

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