Chapter 274 Thor Green the Mustache

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  Chapter 274: Mustache Thorgrin

  The next day, when he saw the crowd that had come to him, Imric nodded. They were all quite powerful. It seemed that their respective forces had spent their money.

  Caledo is led by himself, Masnot, Davian, Coster, and the Dark Trio and a dragon mage. Bruni needs to lead the cavalry in combat. The high-level dragon prince needs to stop the enemy aerial giant with the dragon. The beast, and Damian also knew what happened yesterday, I can only give him a thumbs up. He is worthy of being the heir of Bul-Katho. What else can that reckless man of Khorne do besides being able to use a knife? It is not worth defecting to him at all.

  Looking at several other forces, the Empire is led by the Grand Mentor of the White Wolf Knight Kristoff, several Grand Mentors and Grand Chanters of the Knights, Genevieve provides magical support, and the Dwarves are led by the Eternal Ones. Hammer Captain Morek, a few long beards, and a few familiar mustaches.

  As for Kislev, forget it. The princess wearing a cheese snow leopard cloak wanted to enter it and get some points. As a result, she didn’t even have the ability to cast spells in areas rich in chaotic energy. It was better to just let her go and bring a few Boyers to step in. You are useful.

  And, those Indy boys who were wearing fancy feathered clothes and painted with white paint behind Liu Yong, who couldn't bear to look at them... and the impressive pirate dog... Imrik

  hugged Imri stood in front of a group of people, then walked up to Agrim, stretched out his hand, and said, "Do you mind letting me see the masterpiece of the so-called rune master?"

  Agrim didn't understand. Ke wanted to do something, but still handed him the rune axe. This ax was specially made by the rune master of Karak Kaderin. Although it was not as good as the ancestral Dago Axe, it was still A rare masterpiece.

  Imric took the rune ax and swung it at will several times. His skillful movements showed that the weapons that the Dragon Prince was good at were not only swords and guns.

  "The core is a master-level broken rune, and the rest are chopping runes and strike runes. I'm right." Although the Dragon Prince's words were inquiring, his tone was very firm. After all, So much equipment has been seized, and it can be said that it has been almost completed in the past few thousand years.

  The elves' attainments in magic runes are not weaker than those of the dwarves, but due to the limitations of the chaotic energy in the magical wind, they can only use their vitality to carve seals. If you want to create artifacts at no cost, you probably need to have the magical attainments of a dragon tamer. , which resulted in the Vaal priests who specialized in this being far less famous than the rune blacksmiths.

  "Indeed, this is the proud work of Master Doris." Agrim didn't know why the Dragon Prince said these words. The elves have no shortage of magic equipment, and Caledor will not lack it. There is no reason to want to hack him. This rune axe.

  "But it's not enough. It seems that you have not lived well in these thousands of years." Imrik returned the ax to Agrim. This weapon can barely reach the ultimate level. Usually, The division of equipment levels is very vague. Many people think that the twelve rune swords of the Elector are artifacts. However, if you face Gael Maraz, they will be smashed into pieces within a few rounds. If you choose To be precise, the Imperial Rune Sword should be called an exquisite level weapon.

  Magic equipment is roughly divided into attached, sophisticated, finely crafted, and exquisite, followed by extremely rare artifact levels. The broken rune plate armor on Magnus is a typical artifact, otherwise it would be impossible to use it. It can also provide effective protection when making a life-changing play with the Eternal Chosen.

  But the Skull Crusher has to be calculated separately. In Imric's opinion, that thing is probably similar to the Divine Sword of Kane. Countless Sigma believers have placed their faith in it. Even if a mortal can use it, he will at least be at odds with the Knights. The combat power of a mentor should probably be called a legendary artifact.

  For any race, exquisite-level weapons are extremely rare. Even the princely families of Ulthuan only have a few of them, but these are not that rare for Caledor.

  Anyone below the Jingjue level can make it at will, it just costs a little bit. There is stock for those above the Jingjue level. As long as you have enough merit, you can apply to the palace. But if you want a divine weapon, you can only sleep, and you don't have many in your hands.

  No one else knew what Imrik was doing. Only Mirson, the Grand Master of the Knights of the Sun, vaguely guessed it. They thought to themselves that the Dragon Prince was planning to give away equipment again. How could this be done? .

  But a few pairs of eyes were staring at Imric's back. Almost one-third of what he obtained last time was lost. After all, the person who got the equipment needed to charge forward. In the rush of retreat, there was no chance to take it back. Neng thought that he would have to order a batch from Caledo in the future. A double-edged battle ax was accurately inserted in front of Agrim after Imrik threw it.

  "For the sake of fighting together, Caledor can temporarily give you the equipment for your use. Seeing the enemies from thousands of years ago holding such rags, I really don't understand how you survived." Prince Dragon After throwing the axe, he said casually, "Perhaps I'll let you bring a few ballistas up there? Otherwise, I doubt whether you can complete this important task." Agrim's blood immediately surged, and he stretched out his hand to touch the front of his face

  . The double-edged battle ax was in no mood. When Thorgreen hugged him, he kept roaring and roaring, "What are you talking about! You have sharp ears like bamboo poles. I will crush you to death as if I will trample you to death." It's as easy as a goblin.

  If you don't like it, come and give it a try." At this time, Imrik just raised his hand and picked out his ears. We are still well-educated in speaking and don't use swear words when swearing. Why is Agrim's roar so pleasing to the ear? Well, listen more. Just when he was about to continue taunting, he was suddenly interrupted by Tigris. The look in his eyes signaled him to quickly arrange things properly. Now is not the time to have fun.

  He waved his hand towards the Archmage to show that he understood. Now he has almost become his own dog-headed military advisor, but this is also a good thing. It is better than following Lilith to trick others.

  So he coughed intentionally and signaled Iron Fist to calm down,

  "Ahem, although it is very tempting to fight with the dwarves, if I seriously injure you, it may affect the progress of your action, so I decided Let's wait until the war is over before we talk about this matter."

  After saying this, which was either an explanation or a taunt, the dwarves seemed to be even more excited. After all, being ridiculed by pointed ears is not something that can be easily let go. How can I say this? You have to let this dragon prince try the power of the dwarves.

  "Okay, okay, what are you pretending to be here? Malekith almost had his head chopped off by me. You guys really don't look at it enough." As Imrik spoke, he threw out a single-edged sword from his large backpack. The ax was next to Agrim, pointing at Thor Green, who was hugging him, and said, "You, the mustache, who is following Erickson, why are you shaking your head? This weapon is for you to use first." Thor

  . Green was a little sluggish, and it was understandable that he was giving away equipment. After all, Agrim was undoubtedly the strongest combat force among the dwarves except for the captain of the Eternal Hammer. In order to ensure the success of the operation, although the elf prince spoke unforgivingly, his actual actions were There is no shortage, and he is obviously a pragmatist, but his strength here is not particularly outstanding, so there is no need to give him an exquisite weapon.

  Imrik, who threw the battle ax out, was secretly happy. He said that the next High King would be a mustache. This kind of thing could only be done now, otherwise it would be difficult to say when he bears the name of the Resentment Bearer. , to be recorded in a small notebook.

  Afterwards, the equipment was distributed one by one, most of which were at the craft level. Although I was fully prepared for this trip to the old world, it was impossible to bring all my belongings with me. Only a few people who Imric paid special attention to took. Arrived at Jingjue Equipment.

  Just as a group of people carefully tried the functions of these weapons or armors, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Dragon Prince. The best of them was undoubtedly one of the four silverwares given to Agrim. It is extremely huge, and there are several large battle axes. These are types that Caledor warriors are not good at using, but it is different in the hands of these pure fools in the old world. It is guaranteed that they will not be able to put it down.

  He interrupted everyone who was still trying out the effects of the equipment, "I understand how you feel when you get a piece of excellent equipment, but it is not easy for Caledo to obtain these equipment. If you perform well enough in this operation, you can let me If you are satisfied, maybe after the war, the Dragon Palace can reach some agreement with you to ensure that both parties can get a satisfactory result." To be honest, a group of dwarves headed by Agrim

  immediately thought that this was a conspiracy of the elves . , although these Caledor's pointed ears don't like to use this set, maybe this Dragon Prince is different, but looking at the battle ax in his hand, I suddenly felt what kind of rags he used before.

  Then I thought about it, and I and others are just soldiers anyway. It is best to let the king think about such troublesome things. It is best to get them in hand.

  (End of chapter)

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