Chapter 221 Soul-Destroying Prager

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  Chapter 221 Broken Soul

  Prager Prague is an important town in the north of Kislev. This military fortress has been the junction between the Chaos tribe and the civilized world since its establishment. The cold land and chaotic energy have made this area completely unsuitable for human habitation. , but these tough northerners still stick to it, because behind them is the motherland.

  "General, our food can no longer sustain us. If the Tsar is unable to lead troops to help break out, we will all die soon." Noble Boye reported the actual situation to Leonid Tz without any disguise. Fsky and Prager have been holding on for a long time, and they are confident that they can continue to hold on for a long time, but no mortal can maintain fighting power without food.

  "Is there anything the Patriarchs can do?" Leonid Zevsky did not immediately ask how much food was left. He already understood that Prague would become ruins in the near future, but this could be restored soon with human efforts. Extend it a little longer to buy some time for the rear.

  "Priest Sharak is doing his best to treat the wounded, and Priest Esun is also boosting the morale of the soldiers..." "

  I'm talking about whether there is a way to solve the chaotic energy in the city! Not these meaningless things!" General His words were full of anger. No one was under greater psychological pressure than him. Tens of thousands of soldiers died under his leadership. Even if no one would think that it was due to lack of ability, these people had families, and everyone They are all the children of our motherland.

  Noble Boye's face began to darken and he did not respond, but Leonid Zevsky could understand what he meant. Last winter, the wheat in the fortress began to show mildew. At that time, he just thought that it was mixed with Some inferior products, but soon, the burned wheat infected the people in the city with the plague, and the food still in the warehouse began to spoil. Once these foods were eaten, they could only wait for death.

  At the beginning, some food could be purified with the magic of the Sharak priests, but the chaotic coalition led by the Kurgans came one after another, and the entire city was blocked, and there was no way to replenish the food in the city.

  What's even more deadly is that Chaos has corrupted Plagg. Distorted faces have appeared on many city walls. The corpses of the war dead have begun to merge with the city. Their limbs are constantly twitching and attacking the lives of the past. Even with the help of the patriarchs, It has some effect, but due to food, chaos corrosion, and the disadvantage of the army, Plagg can no longer hold on for long.

  Just as the two were talking, a lot of dust fell from the stone command room during the vibration. The general's face began to become full of determination. The city had become unimaginable to ordinary people under the corrosion of chaos. , the corpse buried in the underground tomb climbed out of the coffin, merged into the soil of the basement, lifted the city with tentacles composed of hundreds of hands and feet, and moved slowly towards the south.

  The recent death of a large number of soldiers and unnatural deaths of civilians has accelerated this speed. Judging from the general's experience of staying in Prague for more than 20 years and referring to the relative position of the sun when it rises, the city has already moved towards South moved hundreds of meters.

  "Preparing the last meal for the Cossacks, the engineers placed all the gunpowder on the load-bearing walls and catacombs." The general made the final decision. He already understood that even if the city was saved, it would be meaningless. Instead of letting it go, It has become the vanguard of chaos destroying the world. It is better to be remembered forever as the shield of civilization standing in the north.

  Although Noble Boye was a little surprised by this order, he immediately reacted and stood upright to pay the last military salute to the respected general, "Yes, General, thank you for your care for so many years. I look forward to seeing you in the cold winter

  country of Esun." We meet again."

  Leonid Zevsky looked at the man in front of him who had followed him for many years, and slowly raised his hand and gave him a military salute,

  "For the motherland! For Kislev! For Esun !"

  Not long after the general issued the order, the Cossack soldiers looked at the palm-sized pieces of meat and the fist-sized bread in front of them, and knew what they were going to do next. No one wanted to disobey this order to send everyone to death. Just savoring the last bit of food carefully. The patriarchs walked around carrying shrines, constantly chanting the names of Esun, Tyr and other gods. The long-term treatment of chaos corrosion has exhausted the strength of these believers, but they still hold battle axes, shrines and soldiers. They fought together on the front line, and only Mrs. Kislev died in the battle. Those cowards were not even qualified to step into the cold and frozen soil.

  The meal and hymns were over. The tired soldiers seemed to feel relieved and their bodies became a little lighter. But in an instant they became passionate and determined, and curses came from the mouths of these rude tribesmen from time to time.

  "Even if I die, I still have to drag some bastards of chaos bastards into my back." "

  I'm going to stuff their tentacles into their buttholes and see if they still move." "

  I'm going to blind them . Eight eyes!"

  The city gate, which had become tattered under the bombardment of hell cannons, slowly opened under the pull of the iron chain. This would not only be the home of Mrs. Kislev, but also the burial place of those Chaos believers.

  The Kurgans riding Chaos horses rushed into the city first. They had been surrounding the city for several months. The power of the dark gods did not allow this shield of civilization to fall quickly, but now these Kislev ladies are on their own. Looking for death!

  The Cossa in the front row took out a low-quality pistol imported from the empire, and first shot at the unprotected horses. As the trigger was pulled, a sound and white smoke appeared at the same time, and the lead bullets hit the horses under the power of gunpowder. , the softer lead immediately deforms and rolls after entering the body, forming a cavity in the body hundreds of times larger than the hole of the gun under the action of the cavity effect. Normal creatures may have fallen to the ground under this round of salvo, but those war horses The tall human, still carrying the weight on his back, charged.

  Gossa threw down the pistol, and before he could scold the Empire for being a piece of trash, he picked up the battle ax from his waist and prepared to slash at the Kurgan.

  This kind of fighting happened all over Prague, and everyone who could afford a weapon was placed on the front line, even the old man was still there, but this did not mean that victory could be won.

  Chaos energy gradually enveloped the city, the unique sound of gunpowder began to become less and less, and the voice of shouting for the motherland also gradually disappeared. Leonid Zevsky stood at the highest point of the city, looking at the city that had been waiting for a long time. Over the past twenty years, the city has gradually fallen into ruins under the invasion of Chaos.

  The sound of the fuse burning attracted the attention of a Kurgan man. He pushed aside the black cloth covering the box, his eyes widened, and he shouted in panic, "Run quickly,
  this is a trap laid for us."

  But how can the speed of speech transmission be compared to the speed of gunpowder explosion? Starting from the load-bearing wall, violent explosions appeared, and blood and flesh mixed with gravel flew into the air. The walls that had troubled the Chaos troops for a long time ended at this moment. It's collapse.

  There were also many thunderous sounds in the underground space. Most of the twisted creations that used flesh and blood to move the city were cleared away. The smoke and ruined eaves became the scenery of Prak. No one could come in alive and come back alive. leave.

  (End of chapter)

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