Chapter 220 The "Crowning" of the Pious

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  Chapter 220 The "Crowning" of the Devout

  While the Assur fleet broke through the Norscan interception line on the Sea of ​​Claws, Middenheim, one of the oldest cities in the empire, welcomed an unwelcome guest.

  "You are just a liar, not the chosen one of Sigma. The followers of the White Wolf God will not believe the tricks of a charlatan." Kristoff, the great mentor of the White Wolf Knights, showed the canine teeth in his mouth and looked at the man in front of him fiercely. A Southerner with a monocle.

  "Our Lord has brought enlightenment to the empire when the twin-tailed comet fell. The differences between the northern and southern churches caused the empire to ignore the real threats at hand. We focused on some meaningless struggles, but never thought about what made the empire go through two It's still standing in the old world after thousands of years." Magnus was not angry because of the words of the Grand Master of the White Wolf Knight. He had already gathered the electors in the south and the Church of Sigmar. As long as the affairs of the White Wolf Church were dealt with, he would support Kisri. The husband will be more confident.

  "The empire will be truly strong only if it believes in our Lord, instead of being entangled in weakness and deception." "

  Indeed, the belief in the White Wolf God is an important pillar of the empire, and the Ulric Church has protected the north of the empire for thousands of years. Without you, the empire would not have continued to this day."

  Magnus had no intention of arguing with Kristeff on too many things. These northerners who believe in the White Wolf are as stubborn and powerful as their gods, and words alone cannot sway them. idea.

  "Then why did you come here?" Grand Master White Wolf clenched the two-handed war hammer in his hand. The warrior guarding the Holy Fire did not allow this Sigma believer to approach the Holy Land, even if Magnus was the only one here.

  "I have come to pay homage to the White Wolf God Ulric, just as Sigmar met his god in the past." Magnus looked up at the floating soil hundreds of meters high. The blue and white holy fire on it has never been extinguished. Back then, Sigmar I got Yurik's approval on this mountain several hundred meters high, and today, I have to walk on it once.

  He didn't understand whether doing so would lead to Ulric's wrath. No one had ever tried to believe in Ulric when he was the Chosen One of Sigmar, but Magnus understood that only the two major churches that caused the most serious divisions in the empire could Only when the contradictions are eased can the empire get on the right track. Otherwise, with the current fierce conflicts between politics and religion, no one can solve this problem by relying on one side alone.

  These words made the White Wolf Knight even more angry. He could no longer hold back the murderous intention against Magnus in his heart. Even among Ulric believers, only a few were lucky enough to see the Holy Fire, and this charlatan actually wanted to imitate him. Sigma?
  The sledgehammer with both hands was suddenly raised and immediately hit Magris. Even if he was not killed on the spot, he would be seriously injured.

  Magnus did not move. Even though he could clearly see every movement of Christev, and even the swaying of the white wolf's cloak when blown by the wind, there was still no movement.

  White light shrouded the devout man's body, and the shoulder hit by the sledgehammer with both hands was like the strongest steel, forcibly withstanding the power, and then Christev was lifted up by this divine power.

  Sigma's Chosen One!
  Kristev finally realized that the man in front of him was really not using the twin-tailed comet to swindle. The Sigma power in Magnus was even comparable to that of the Great Priest, and perhaps even more powerful to a certain extent.

  Just when Grand Master White Wolf was at a loss, a voice came from above the floating earth. It was Pope Ulric,
  "Let him come up, my Lord is waiting for him."

  Grand Master White Wolf looked at Ma with shock on his face. Gnus, since the War of Three Emperors was started by the Elector of Midden more than 600 years ago, Ulric has never sent down an oracle, but now he personally orders it for a Sigma believer in the south?
  Patting his shoulders that were a little sore from the two-handed sledgehammer, Magnus nodded to Kristoff, and then walked towards the floating soil, but instead of entering from the stairs surrounding the mountain, he did something Something similar to Sigma, free climbing on floating soil.

  The devout man stretched out his hand and grabbed the protruding rock. The traces of winter have not faded here, and from time to time he can touch the ice that has not yet melted, but this is no reason to retreat. After grasping the rock firmly, Magnus stepped on it and began to climb upward. The height of the floating soil seemed to have become meaningless at this moment. The pious could first feel every time he reached out to touch it. When climbing the rock wall, a little coldness flowed into his body from the rocks, which made his body feel stiff. Every move required a lot of effort, but this was not a reason to retreat.

  Coldness filled his entire body from the inside out. Magnus rested for a moment. The wind blowing from the distance made him sober, and then he started climbing the seemingly endless mountain.

  Illusion, an inexplicable illusion appeared in front of Magnus. He could see many things. Ships with the imperial skull symbol burned in dark flames, the port sank to the bottom of the sea, and the sacred objects in countless churches were defiled. The army was slaughtered under the attack of Chaos Cultists, and the beastmen who had been lurking in Duncanwalde Forest for thousands of years swept across human villages crazily, using flesh and blood to satisfy their eternal hunger. There seemed to be no hope in this world.

  But Magnus knew that no matter how dark the world was, there was still a ray of light that could stand in it. These illusions did not hinder his upward climb, but instead made him more determined.

  These illusions that seemed to be the future of the empire gradually disappeared, but in the blink of an eye, another illusion appeared.

  A huge man is slaughtering the Imperials wantonly. Every swing of the dark ax will torture these souls. The strong armor of the dwarf allies turns into a brittle piece of paper in front of him. Everyone must Surrendering to the power of the Eternal Chosen, Kislev, the Empire, Chaos, dwarves, elves..., after slaughtering all those who resisted, dedicated the world to the Chaos Gods.

  Magnus, who was climbing the floating soil, saw this scene and stopped. He was indifferent to the previous illusions, but the Eternal Chosen in front of him made him stop.

  An extremely familiar person appeared in front of the twelfth Eternal Chosen One, and Magnus seemed to witness his own fate at this moment.

  On the floating soil, he raised his arm and placed it on a higher rock wall. In the illusion, he also raised his arm and attacked the Eternal Chosen with the Holy Hammer.

  Every movement on the floating soil made this illusion continue. After a long time, whether it was reality or illusion, Magnus was covered with bruises, but as long as he breathed a sigh of relief, he seemed to be able to get rid of the entanglement of this nightmare. Mental suffering.

  At the end, he found that his body no longer had any strength to climb the last rock wall. In the illusion, the Great Ax and the Holy Hammer were about to have a final decisive battle. He seemed to have foreseen the future path, but still chose to go on firmly.

  "Sacrifice is the cornerstone of the empire!" His

  tenacious thoughts made him put his arm on the last rock. A comet with intertwined tail flames seemed to cross the sky. The white wolf sacred fire in front of the Great Pope began to burn in the temple. The wind sways.

  Magnus, the master of the Empire's revival, the greatest emperor after Sigmar, and the savior, was "crowned" under the witness of the twin-tailed comet and the white wolf's sacred fire.

  (End of chapter)

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