Chapter 442 [442] The void of the universe, the long river of moonlight

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  Chapter 442 [442] The substantial clouds formed by the void of the universe, the moonlight, the long river of white spores, support Wang Ya's body, floating in the airspace, the cold wind blows his hair, and his robes billow, looking down through the gaps in the   clouds Look at the scene below.

  There are some immortals from the immortal civilization who have the grace to soar into the clouds and ride on the mist.


  You can hear the rolling waves, the salty and humid sea breeze blowing vertically up from the leeward, and the clouds and mists under your feet are undulating.

  Different from the balanced seawater waves in the surroundings, the seawater waves facing directly below show an internal depression, and then swallow up, or form an astonishing seafloor vortex, which often affects tens of thousands of meters.

  Some memories flashed in Wang Ya's eyes. If he remembered correctly, this should be the headquarters of the three-ring island that used to be the ocean corridor.

  The collapse of the main part of the Ocean Ring Tower still leaves traces of the hole, but it is not as obvious as in the past. In about a hundred years, it will be completely restored to a natural and harmonious state.

  This force has completely come to an end in the power struggle in the Dark Land.

  Even the sea dragon wizard and the island itself were buried in the endless seabed.

  What he also brought with him was the heritage item representing the Ocean Corridor, the third-level witchcraft 'Sea Dragon Horn'.

  Wang Ya also participated in this battle and took away the greatest benefits.

  Even to the extent that Wang Yaneng has reached this point, the legacy of the Ocean Corridor has played a top priority.

  In the coastal area of ​​​​the land of mountains and seas, apart from some natural energy tidal disturbances and violence, there are no other changes.

  The real problem lies in the core of the land of mountains and seas.

  A territorial area centered on the Dark Land headquarters and expanding outward.

  When Wang Ya saw the absolute emptiness and nothingness, a scene of nothingness like the beginning of chaos, even light could not enter it, and it was like the entrance to a huge abyss, hell, or even the abyss itself.

  Wang Ya was shocked in her heart. It was so terrifying and amazing that she couldn't explain it in words.

  With his current strength, he couldn't even make a splash in such a scene.

  In the void, there is an extremely strong power of rules, which ceases to influence and define at all times, resisting the ability of the Wizarding Continent's own natural circulation and balance to repair.

  It will not be possible to recover for another thousand years or even ten thousand years.

  The best way to deal with the influence of rule-level forces is to use the rule forces themselves to cancel each other out.

  The best comparison is probably the place where the Ocean Corridor headquarters fell.

  And all of this was caused by his own hands, the world-destroying meteor cannon.

  Wang Ya also gradually understood why the Internet would detect the entire wizarding civilization, and the Star Council would also monitor such situations and impose punishments.

  This level of destructive power, if not restrained, will cause unstoppable and shocking damage to the wizarding civilization, especially to the planet and the material continent.

  Therefore, truly high-level wizards will not exist on the home planet of the wizard world, or other planets where lower-level beings live.

  Will choose to enter deep space, the inner world, or the vast starry sky, or even station in outer space.

  A little carelessness will lead to widespread death of the bottom life.

  This death is defined by a continent or even a world.

  On the other hand, the impact is also due to the feedback between the own biological force field and the external force field caused by different levels of life.

  Weak creatures, let alone being exposed to the biological force field feedback of high-level wizards, cannot even be contaminated with a little bit of the aftermath pheromones. They will directly turn into idiots, or die of distortion, or explode into a pool of blood mist.

  For high-level wizards who are eager for war, they usually see the beginning but not the end of the dragon. This is also the reason.

  The Nightmare Natural Disaster was Wang Ya's relative means and insurance, and it also isolated multiple areas, allowing mortals, low-level wizards, slightly stronger wizards, and grown-up wizards to live safely and normally.

  Wang Ya stared at such a shocking and horrifying scene from a distance. If he was given another chance, he would still fire the world-destroying meteor cannon without hesitation.

  He is not a good person in the pure sense, but more of a person who is absolutely loyal to himself, thinks safely for his own interests, and has some necessary friends and subordinates who care about him.

  For this reason, he can ignore thousands of living beings and disappear because of the World-Destroying Meteor Cannon.

  One of the essential theories of wizards is that no matter what you do, as long as you have the consciousness to pay the corresponding price and the ability to bear the price, you can do it without any scruples.

  Wang Ya took a deep look at the location of the Dark Land headquarters, as if he wanted to exchange the scene in his memory with this land of nothingness again.

  Or, that part of the memory was completely buried deep in the mind.

  Wang Ya turned around and left. His mood was no longer as complicated as before. He became calm and rational, with white arcs dancing in his black eyes.

  The power of Nightmare Destroyer formed a black seed in the void in front of him.

  Then, the black seeds quickly grew and sprouted, turning into ancient black and white trees. A large hole opened in the tree body, and a large number of void light particles floated out, which seemed to be a one-way tunnel leading to somewhere.

  When Wang Ya was conducting experiments on the blood shackles of the Moon Goddess Elf, he did not forget the research and shaping of the final illusory witch body.

  Among them, the key auxiliary research, that is, the artificial reconstruction experiment of dream creatures in the bubble world, has also made certain progress.

  The current performance of [Nightmare Gap Great Witchcraft] is the product of inspiration and data obtained from experiments.

  [Target: Great Witchcraft in the Nightmare Gap]

  [Details: A special compound witchcraft created by the Nightmare Wizard, which requires mastery of relevant dream world research and burning silence particle energy research. Through the collected information about things, it will fluctuate on its own , so that the falsehood becomes true, thereby locking the specific location target (a special point with the same fluctuation, characteristics), which can be directly transmitted to the corresponding landmark.

  There is no doubt that this is a magic skill that can be called a treasure hunt or a magical skill to find people.

  As long as there are relevant information clues, or even some nature fluctuations, we can use this as the basic point, and then the particularity of the dream world can be transmitted to a similar place corresponding to reality.

  For example, with a flower collected from an island continent, Wang Ya can perform nightmare gap witchcraft anywhere on the home planet of the wizard world.

  Travel through the dream world, then enter the real world, and finally come directly to the island continent to find the location of the origin of the flower.

  In the process, the dream world and the real world are overlapping but distinct, and there is a gap between them.

  Wang Ya also had the original intention of developing this witchcraft to find the dream wizard. The other party is lost in the dream world, and it is not ruled out that he may have gone to the unknown real world.

  This witchcraft has not yet been completely perfected. It has certain limitations on distance and is affected by the anchor point in the real world.

  When the artificial reconstruction experiment of dream creatures is completed, or the ultimate illusory witch body is successfully created, this witchcraft may no longer be limited by distance, and can penetrate and intervene even across multiple voids of universes and star realms.

  The day when Wizard Kolan wakes up is not too far away. After being promoted to an official wizard, she can also act as a humanoid radiation emission sensor.

  On the other hand, it is also a shortcoming that it is extremely difficult to connect the main body and the battle fortress during the process of perfecting the phase space-time channel and invading another world.

  Wang Ya walked into the gap between nightmares.

  Passing through the tree hole, you arrive at another world.

  The dazzling light gradually disappeared in front of the eyes, and turned into bright blue, which reflected in the eyes. The stream of light like the brilliance of the moon turned into wisps of ribbons, winding around the body and occupying the world.

  This is a very special river that exists above the sky, between illusion and reality, and can receive some radiation from the stars in the universe.

  Wang Ya's entire body was floating in the river of void, with blue actinic ribbons covering up, down, left, and right. Nothing else existed, and there was no substance that could settle down.

  But there is no gravity in this place, and there is another force that supports him, allowing him to float in the void, and move due to his own body mass.

  "What an interesting place. It does not exist in the land of mountains and seas, nor in the deep space of the Wizarding Continent. It is independent of it and in the void of the universe." Wang Ya's pupils were dancing with white arcs


  This is the preliminary result analyzed by the Eye of Truth.

  He is now essentially separated from the home planet of the Wizarding World and exists in the starry sky of the universe.

  With the current strength of an individual body, it is impossible to survive for a long time. Once the particle energy and biological energy in the body are consumed, it will be consumed by the ubiquitous dark energy, dark tide aura, negative energy, dead breath, etc. in the starry sky of the universe. eroded by a series of hazards.

  The universe and starry sky are not safe, but full of danger and silence.

  Only some cosmic creatures and cosmic monsters can survive, hunt for life, vitality, and wander around, looking for planets with life.

  If Wang Ya is exposed to the void of the universe without any measures, there is a high probability that those cosmic creatures will also be caught by the life fluctuations, extraordinary fluctuations, like sharks that smell blood, swarming towards him.

  If the main body is here, it can survive in the void of the universe and defend itself.

  The premise is not to encounter too powerful cosmic creatures.

  Lack of life means lack of consciousness. The creatures in the universe have almost no consciousness and cannot think. They only have the instinct of killing and devouring, so naturally there will be no dream.

  The power of the dream world is also very weak in the universe and starry sky. If you want to contact the dream world, you need the existence of a corner of the dream world.

  In the vast starry sky and the universe, there is a planetary world where life consciousness exists. The existence of races is so rare that it is difficult to find it.

  "That is to say, I am now wrapped in this special long river of moonlight in the void, which also covers my breath, thus surviving."

  Wang Ya raised his brows slightly, lying on a moonlight ribbon with an expression on his face. With a thoughtful look.

  The most important thing right now is to understand the nature of this place and these moonlight ribbons.

  And why he is here.

  The star tears in the palm suddenly emitted a bright luster. This seemed to be a trigger. The moonlight ribbons around him came one after another, surrounding Wang Ya without touching it.

  "What about the Yeyue Elf's treasure? Could it be that the treasure is hidden in this place?"

  Wang Ya narrowed his eyes.

  It's not simple.

  It should be said that this is something that the Night Moon Elf cannot possibly do.

  The Yeyue Elf is not a particularly powerful elf race. Even the Yeyue Elf King is at the Star Wizard level at best, which is comparable to the current Wang Ya.

  Even in a real fight, if the five Yeyue Elf Kings fight together, they may not be Wang Ya's opponent.

  Wang Ya's body can even be used without the use of witchcraft and harrak auxiliary.

  There are also some difficulties for Wang Ya to complete such an arrangement in the starry sky of the universe. It requires a lot of effort and energy, and the gain outweighs the loss.

  The Eye of Truth has scanned and collected more information.

  "Each moonlight ribbon is filled with the rich power of moonlight, which is equivalent to a diluted version of the energy in the moonstone. That's why they are so flocked to the star tears made by the moonstone. This is an instinctive attraction. The moonstone can also absorb the power of these moonlight and replenish energy."

  Normally, Star Tears will also absorb some natural particle energy existing in the air during the day, which cannot supplement the normal Night Moon Elf King's ability to absorb it. Energy absorption.

  At night, when there is still a moon, is the most critical moment.

  It can directly absorb this kind of pure moonlight power, absorb it into the moonstone, and feed back into the wearer's body a more concentrated moon essence.

  According to Wang Ya's research on the bloodline of the Moon God Elf and the Bloodline of the Night Moon Elf, the extraordinary genetic factors present in the bloodline are extremely responsive to the moon essence, and can rely on the amount of the Moon God's genetic factors to speed up the meditation on one's own strength and become powerful in practice.

  This is also a great help for perfecting the power of awakening bloodline.

  Wang Ya even suspected that the reason why the strength and bloodline power of the Yeyue Elf King and other pure-blood Royal Yeyue Elfs would gradually differ was that there was a part of the Moon Elf genetic factors and blood inheritance inside Star Tears.

  The absorption of the power of the moon is not only a purification of the feedback, but also a continuous compensation and replication, injecting the power of the moon blood consumed by each Yeyue Elf King.

  If he could study it thoroughly, recreate the construction of the Star Tears, and discover all the secrets inside, Wang Ya would be 70% confident that he could recreate the glory of the Moon God Bloodline.

  "It is impossible for the Yeyue Elf to make such an arrangement. There is only one possibility. This is something left by the Moon Elf. It may also be the inheritance left by the Moon Elf who inherited the lineage of the Yeyue Elf. Land."

  Wang Ya thought wildly, the Star Tears might be the moon spirit at the source of this vein, built with his own blood and bones.

  There might be a moon elf corpse hidden inside the treasure.

  (End of chapter)

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