Chapter 441 [441] The source of the erosion of the alien bloodline of the Moon God’s genetic genes (Breaking Update 2)

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  Chapter 441 [441] The source of the erosion of the alien bloodline of the Moon God’s genetic genes (Breaking Update 2)


  Purple light emitted from the blood vessels of the Yeyue Elf's body, and extremely tiny light particles floated out like clouds, looking very strange and beautiful.

  At this moment, the body of the Yeyue Elf has completely collapsed into a ball. The blood vessels are like long snakes piercing through the cortex, wandering inside the laboratory space, and connected end to end, like a Möbius strip, and the light is like a circle. Purple moon.

  It was so beautiful and alluring, attracting the attention of everyone present.

  "This is the bloodline of the Yeyue Elf. It contains some of the extraordinary genetic factors of the Moon Elf. As long as this part of the genetic factor is found, the ancestral plan can be completed, which is the first part of the Moon Elf bloodline puzzle." "The branches can be traced back to their source

  . You can find a single lake. As long as the water is poured into it again, the lake will be filled again. The prerequisite is that there must be extraordinary genetic factors of the Moon Elf bloodline, and the second is the concentration and injection of bloodline power. This cannot be

  met , if you want to reshape the Moon God Elf bloodline through the Yeyue Elf bloodline, it will take more time and energy, and you will also need to expand the size of the original branch." Wang Ya knew that

  this was a long time, and reversing the ancestral origin was not So easy, even if you find other elven branches, you still need to perform bloodline extraction to extract the relevant Lunar genetic factor fragments, and they must be different fragments.

  It is also very difficult to put together, but the Immortal True Dragon gave Wang Ya some inspiration, and through the natural adaptability and evolution of living species, he can cultivate the Moon Elf physical container.

  In the expectation, as more fragments of the Moon God's genetic factors are found, and then the related extraordinary bloodline is cultivated and implanted into the spores, the purity of the Moon God's spirit body will continue to fuse, and the purity will also increase, and finally the Moon God will be completely reappeared. Ancient existences like elves.

  Simply, he has Asuna, a royal elf with pure blood.

  The problem of the Fallen Dragon Realm is somewhat similar to the problem of Gendas Evil God. It lies in the fact that the Immortal True Dragon itself has the container of dragon heart. The adaptability and evolution of the world's creatures are also to nourish the single extraordinary bloodline power and make them become Even more powerful, when they finally come together, they form a complete Immortal True Dragon.

  The Moon God Elf has become extinct, leaving only the remaining branches. The level cannot reach the original level. It is far more difficult to truly reappear than the Immortal True Dragon.

  Wang Ya's response to the Immortal True Dragon in the Fallen Dragon Realm is to prepare to artificially create a high-level bloodline power, and such bloodline power must be completely under his control.

  Imitate the Immortal True Dragon, and also integrate the bloodline power into the Fallen Dragon Realm, allowing those extraordinary creatures to absorb it to replace the opponent's bloodline origin.

  Of course, it can also be said to be neutralizing, twisting, and a unique extraordinary bloodline virus.

  It needs to be able to corrode and alienate the blood of the immortal dragon, but also make it feel no strangeness.

  In the end, perhaps the Immortal True Dragon itself will become Wang Ya's bag.

  On the other hand, the Immortal True Dragon releases the original bloodline power contained in its dragon heart. It is also a different kind of extraordinary bloodline virus. It parasitically infects the world, killing humans and erasing the instinctive consciousness of the world.

  'The research process of the Moon Elf bloodline is a good opportunity. The bloodline power at the regular level will never be weaker than the bloodline power of the Immortal True Dragon. Wang

  Ya thought of more aspects. The potential of the Lord of Blood in Harak's body exceeded that of the Moon Elf bloodline.

  And it is a wizard's creation created by his own experiments.

  It may not be impossible to create a similar extraordinary bloodline virus through Harak. The upper limit of Harak's phage is extremely high. Although it is limited by Harak's own strength and cannot erode and infect the star level and the glowing moon level, everything can be changed. , there are new possibilities.

  The research on the bloodline of the Moon Goddess is also Wang Ya's forward-looking experimental choice for the future bloodline of Halak and the direction of strengthening the body itself.

  Assuming that Harak absorbs the true blood of the Moon God Elf, the power of the Blood Lord will definitely become more powerful. He does not even need to find the origin of the evil god Gendas to devour it, so that the Blood Lord's power can be perfected and improved. percentage.

  Similarly, the infection level of Halakphage will be directly raised to the corresponding level.

  By then, perhaps Wang Ya's strength will not be able to compare with the resonance state of Halak's original strength witch body. The amplified power obtained from Halak will be ten times or a hundred times improved, and even touch the power of the rules in advance, and use the rules strength.

  It is also a great help for the preparation experiments of the fourth-level rules.

  Wang Ya got a copy of the essence of the blood of the night moon elves.

  Among the wizard's instruments, the test tubes of purple liquid were illuminated and radiated with different lights, trying to test different variables.

  The liquid inside is slightly turbid, and the purple color is not pure, but also has a dull gray color. It comes from the limitations of the bloodline of the Night Moon Elf and does not belong to the royal family.

  Wang Ya will not waste this hard-won experimental material.

  The process being carried out was to test the effects of Star Tears.

  After the first success, the bloodline extraction experiments of the remaining two Night Moon elves will no longer fail.

  The Tears of Stars were held in his hand, blooming with bright light, echoing the viscous liquid in the wizard's instrument, and the light also turned into a strange purple color. In this regard, Wang Ya discovered the change in the light.

  "The bloodline power has really become stronger. The principle seems to be a certain amplitude released by Star Tears, which has a special effect. Interestingly, the total amount of bloodline power itself has not changed much and is still at a constant amount." Wang

  Ya He raised his eyebrows slightly, this was what surprised him.

  Asuna said that Star Tears can increase the blood power of moon elves. This improvement does not seem to be permanent.

  "No, it's more like some kind of activator that awakens the true power hidden in the blood of the Night Moon Elf. The source of the blood of the Night Moon Elf is the Moon Elf. No matter how many years have passed, this cannot be changed." "Also

  . That is to say, the part that belongs to the Moon God Elf's genetic extraordinary factor is stimulated by the Tears of the Stars, so that the strength can be improved."

  Wang Yahu frowned and discovered some errors and omissions.

  "No, that's not right. In the history of the Yeyue Elf, only the prepared kings can carry the Tears of the Stars with them. Their progress in improving their strength is often faster than that of other members of the royal family, even if their bloodline strength is the same. "

  Wang Ya blocked the special amplitude released by Star Tears and put it into the tray on the workbench.

  The source of blood in the wizard's instrument gradually extinguished its purple light after losing the stimulation of external forces, and became gray again, looking ordinary.

  The black eyes glanced at the blood source inside the wizard's instrument, and then at the Star Tears in the tray.

  In my mind, more and more ideas gradually emerged.

  "Tears of the stars can enhance the bloodline power of the Yeyue elves, which has been reflected in the royal elves of all ages." "The royal family can only be worn by the royal family." A flash of lightning seemed to flash in Wang Ya's mind.

  "I see, why can only royal elves wear the Star Tears? There are prerequisites for the effect. The richer the bloodline, the greater the number of Moon Elf genetic factors." * * *Two


  During these two months, Wang Ya soaked himself in the Bloodline Shackles Laboratory.

  He continued to conduct experiments and records on the variables affected by the bloodline of the Yeyue Elf and the Tears of the Stars, and obtained a lot of successful experimental data.

  The aspects that were originally doubtful in my heart gradually became clearer, and I also had a new concept about the Moon God's bloodline.

  [Experimental goal: Test the bloodline variables of the Night Moon Elf.

  【Experimental purpose: Extract and discover the genetic factors of Luna bloodline. ]

  [Experimental variables: Experimental variables x12 have been completed. ]

  [Experimental Variable 1: The essence of the Night Moon Elf bloodline has different reactions to spectrum, cold and heat, sound waves, and five elements of elemental substances. Two hundred and thirty-six kinds of change results have been determined, and the star tear radiation waves are not among these changes. Produce gainful parts.

  Conclusion: Tears of Stars definitely cannot improve ordinary Night Moon elves.

  ps: Further evidence is needed on the relationship between Star Tears and Luna bloodline genetic factors. ]

  [Experimental variable four: By further studying the nature of the Night Moon Elf bloodline and analyzing the different distinctions in extraordinary properties, the existing genetic factors of the Moon Elf bloodline were successfully discovered. The extraordinary properties suspected to be the Moon Elf genetic factors were successfully discovered and existed among the genetic factors. , exists in a single gene segment of Yeyue Elf, accounting for less than one percent.

  The result is: The genetic factors of the Moon God exist in the bloodline of the Night Moon Elf, and you can try to carry out the ancestral plan.

  ps: A variety of sample comparisons are needed. The differences between princess elves and ordinary elves are different. ]

  [Experimental Variable 9: The extraordinary amplitude of the Star Tears can be determined as a slow low-frequency amplitude. At night, the impact of the extraordinary amplitude will be greater. Asuna, who is a participant in the test experiment, has extremely obvious changes in the blood strength in her body. .The Eye of Truth analyzed that the material used to create Star Tears is the 'moonstone spiritual metal' that has completely disappeared in legend. It naturally possesses high-level moonlight power and can only exist in the cores of satellites, planets and celestial bodies with negative tides. It belongs to Alternative world core.

  The result is: By mastering the tiny frequencies with extraordinary low-frequency amplitudes, you can leave your spiritual imprint in the tears of the stars and control it into your own extraordinary props.

  ps: The spiritual metal of moon stone can be absorbed by the genetic factors of the moon god to improve the instinct, but there seems to be a limitation due to the extraordinary direction existing in the genetic factors. ]

  [Experimental Variable 12: Combined with the characteristics of the Star Tears, we conducted a study on the characteristics of the bloodline in the Queen Elf's body. Only part of the blood and flesh was intercepted, and the genetic factors of the condensed bloodline essence exceeded the sum of the four ordinary Night Moon elves. Biology There are cells, genome codes, and a single extraordinary genetic factor that belongs to a certain symbol in the code. In the bloodline of the Queen Elf, there is a larger number of genetic factors coded in the Moon, about five percent.

  The result is: the missing 95% can be completed to reproduce the true bloodline of the Moon God Elf (to be determined). The

  more individual factors encoded by the Moon God genome are possessed, the greater the absorption of the power of Star Tears. Large, it can quickly increase the strength, and the upper limit is the limit that the bloodline can reach.

  Suggestion: The characteristics of Halachic phage can be used, combined with the infinite genome of dreams, to distort a certain reality, and form a physical culture of the Moon God guided by the Moon God's genetic factors.

  Wang Ya is sitting in the office, filled with wizard writings, all of which are experimental conjectures, and parchments with data records, almost covering the entire table.

  The preliminary variable testing experiment has been completed.

  The price is that four ordinary Night Moon elves have become the original nuclei of extraordinary bloodline.

  Their soul consciousness has also entered the bubble world.

  Only Asuna is left.

  The experimental data obtained were also very successful.

  Whether it is creating a physical body to carry the Moon God bloodline or completing the proportion of genetic factors, they are all in the right direction.

  "It's time to set off and go to the land of mountains and seas."

  The weather in the land of frost and snow has always been covered with frost, ice and snow, and cold wind. No matter where you are, you can welcome the coolness of the cold wind.

  It's hard to see bright sunshine.

  Perhaps it was a period of luck, when Wang Ya walked out of the battle tower, the faint glow passed through the drifting ice crystals, and the radiant light made the entire world become full of dreamlike levels.

  The steam gas released by some special buildings in the headquarters adds a bit of hazyness to such a scene.

  Going to the land of mountains and seas, Wang Ya's body will of course not be dispatched, but he chooses to part with some of his power. Under the leadership of a little spiritual consciousness, an artificially created physical body has the power of a formal wizard. By leaving a trace on the endless sea, Marking the anchor point below, the split body walked directly into the void.

  The black and white passage runs through the overlap of reality and illusion. When you open your eyes again, you can hear the sound of waves rising and falling, and you can smell the familiar salty and wet breath of the endless sea.

  The clouds in the blue sky swirled like flowers. Some birds in the sky swooped down, piercing the claws of some sea beasts on the sea into their spines and flesh, and flew them into the distant sky, gradually turning into winding shadows and disappearing. not see.

  The appearance of this physical body is no different from Wang Ya's.

  Perhaps much younger in age.

  There was a look of nostalgia on the fair and somewhat green face, and the black eyes stared in one direction of the Endless Sea, which was the opposite direction of the land of mountains and seas extending along the direction of the Endless Sea.

  The black wizard's robe swayed slightly under the sea breeze, and the black and white glossy mirror reflected the mirror light from the void, directly forming a portal to the void.

  Wang Ya stepped into it.

  When I walked out again, the scenery of the land of mountains and seas was already in front of me.


  ps: I pulled it today, it was too hot, and there were a few updates

  (end of this chapter)

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