Chapter 129 [129] The Land of Dreams is passed down from generation to generation

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  Chapter 129 [129] Dreamland Fire It is said that
  Wang Ya had some guesses about the Fantasy Garden, but when he actually entered it, he discovered that the content of his guesses was completely wrong.

  The sky is blue, but when you look at it carefully, you will find that the color changes between white, red, and red, which even gives Wang Ya a feeling of being alive, as if a twisted giant eye of color has emerged from the depths of the sky. Staring into his dream eyes, he kept getting closer.

  Wang Ya quickly lowered his head and closed his eyes, and the panic in his heart disappeared.

  The Dream Garden is also in the dream world, but it belongs to the dream wizard's own territory.

  Relatively safe, but not absolutely safe.

  At least some natural phenomena in the sky are unique to the dream world and are not under the control of the dream wizard.

  Wang Ya knew what he wanted, which was to realize his dream wizard path in the Dream Garden.

  The foundation has been laid, and the subsequent advanced extraordinary knowledge, which is more the understanding of the dream wizard, is no longer suitable for Wang Ya to absorb and digest.

  Similarly, Wang Ya also had the idea of ​​​​obtaining dream creatures. The chocolate-colored liquid from before gave him endless aftertaste and was of great benefit.

  He was very curious about the dream world, the unknown existence of dream creatures, and how they were different from the extraordinary creatures in reality.

  The wizard's instinct to explore the unknown made him lick his lips subconsciously.

  The dream wizard said that the dream world is full of infinite possibilities, and anything and everything may appear. This existence is weird, absurd, and mysterious, but it is also consistent with the rules and common sense of the dream world.

  The surrounding environment is filled with various vegetation and groups of tall trees, all of which look very different from reality and are full of strange shapes.

  For example, maple trees are covered with red apples, which look extremely attractive.

  Wang Ya had no intention of getting close. His dream sense and intuition in his heart told him that there were some problems with these apples.

  There is a special lawn under your feet, and a smooth feeling can be conveyed through the boots.

  No, these green, grass-like things are not real grass.

  Wang Ya held his breath. He didn't realize that these grasses were all alive, and they were covered with mouthparts and ring-shaped eyes, resembling small snakes.

  But it seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. Even if Wang Ya stepped on it, there was no reaction.

  The feeling it brought to Wang Ya was extremely unpleasant, and there was even an irritating feeling of numbness on the scalp.

  The clouds did not float in the sky, but grew abstract limbs, revealing ferocious claws. They stayed on the surrounding tall trees, stretching out their claws to snatch away the red apples.

  There is no particle energy!
  Wang Ya frowned, this result was not a good thing for him.

  It represents the elemental wizard's method, which is difficult to use in the dream world. ,
  and then he was relieved. This was a special world independent of the wizarding world. It was not a biological plane or energy plane attached to the wizarding world. It was normal for particle energy not to exist.

  When a powerful wizard explores the other world, explores the starry sky and discovers the location of the small world, and launches an invasion, the rules of the world inside may not exist in particle energy.

  But the wizards all used their own methods to make up for and solve this problem. It just cannot replenish the energy consumption gap of particles in the body.

  'The dream world is related to the dream state of consciousness. What really plays a role is mental power and the strength and firmness of my consciousness. '

  'If my mental power is strong enough, I can occupy a territory in the dream world like a dream wizard and develop continuously. Wang

  Ya's eyes fell on the Enuanshi path not far away. This should be a safe passage.

  After all, it is a kind of wizard's secret realm, and it cannot be dangerous everywhere. Then I am afraid that it will be difficult for a third-level wizard apprentice to explore and survive in it.

  The pupils emit a fine blue luster. The analytical ability of the Eye of Truth can be used.

  This is because he has filled the gap in the extraordinary knowledge of the dream wizard system.

  Wang Ya put on protective gloves, took out some extraction test tubes from the wizard's ring, and stored some material structures that existed in the dream world in them.

  Then he used tweezers to pull out a piece of grass (another kind of small snake) and it was still sleeping.

  It was placed in a special culture container with rippling nutrient solution inside.

  After doing all this, Wang Ya was alert and walked deeper into the Fantasy Garden.

  Five minutes later, the environment that Wang Ya saw no longer contained lawns and trees. Instead, it was a small river with a single-plank bridge to cross. On the opposite side of the bridge were a large number of rice fields, and buildings could be vaguely seen further away.

  This made Wang Ya feel interested. He glanced at the single-plank bridge and then at the river. The color of the river water was green, very turbid, and slimy, which gave Wang Ya a bad feeling.

  There was an idea in my heart that I couldn't touch it, let alone fall into it.

  [Tip: The single-plank bridge is a dream creature.

  Even without the observation of the Eye of Truth, he can still detect the specific differences between dream creatures and the environment of the dream itself through the senses of the dream heart. The corner of Wang Ya's mouth raised a slight arc. After approaching, he did not immediately get on the bridge to cross the river, but stood there for a long time.

  Finally, the single-plank bridge couldn't bear it anymore. A pair of big black eyes opened on the bridge and said to Wang Ya: "Why can't you cross the river? You obviously want to cross." Wang Ya didn't speak, just stood there

  . Look at it.

  Dumuqiao was obviously very grumpy. After waiting for a while and seeing that Wang Ya had no reaction, his dark eyes suddenly became fierce, "Hurry up and get on the bridge. You can't get over it. You have to get over it if you don't want to go there today. Hurry up." The sharp teeth were in the air

  . The handle of the single-plank bridge appears on the bridge, and the pedal itself is a big mouth. If you step on it, it is like walking into the mouth of the single-plank bridge.

  [Target: Special single-plank bridge]

  [Analysis successful: The dream creature named 'Bridge Wood Evil' is recorded in the dream creature atlas. The Dream Wizard personally annotated it: vicious temperament, bad temper, but excellent effect, can be When burned as firewood, the black smoke produced can attract certain dream creatures.

  Wang Ya’s eyes lit up, what a good thing.

  "Hey, hey, hey, you can't cross the river after all. Don't even think about swimming across the river. There are monsters in this water too. You will be eaten without even a hair left." Dumuqiao was still shouting:

  " Your Uncle Dumu showed great mercy today and let you step over me for free, so you can have some fun, kid."

  A smile did appear on Wang Ya's face, and the curve of his mouth raised upwards, approaching the Dumu Bridge. .

  "That's right. Your Uncle Dumu is also very merciful. Otherwise, a little thing like you would have been eaten by other monsters. I tell you, in the direction you came from, those green strips are small and small. There are strips of things, and even more terrifying monsters, swarming in groups, and there are almost no opponents for them in this place."

  "You are also lucky. All those powerful guys are sleeping today. I guess only the monsters in the rice fields and monsters in the manor can defeat those green-striped monsters." Wang Ya's heart moved. This single-plank bridge is a joke. Apart from being vicious

  , I couldn't stop saying this.

  But it also let him know a lot of information, that is, the powerful dream creatures in the Fantasy Garden seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

  After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly understood and glanced behind him subconsciously.

  "You told me so much, and as a thank you, I will..." With a smile on his face, Wang Ya stepped forward step by step. A silver sword suddenly formed in the air, suddenly large and small, and he slashed at it.

  "Ah!" With a scream, the single-plank bridge was cut into half. Wang Ya's mental power kept it from falling into the green river.

  With a move of his hand, the single-plank bridge that became a special piece of wood flew towards Wang Ya, and a red metal ring entered it, becoming a member of the collection.

  Dream creatures, a rare species that has never been studied, are almost not worth much less than the Dog of Gendas.

  "I helped you get rid of the days of being a single-plank bridge. Don't thank me." Wang Ya smiled, "After all, what's the point of being the same? Why not follow me and spread the fire." As for how to cross the river, Wang Ya also has his own way


  The powerful mental power belonging to the second-level wizard apprentices gathered in front, and the physical infrastructure of the soil under their feet was suddenly changed, and it was re-planned like painted lines, forming a flat land that connected to the other side. The scope was not large

  . It's about a meter wide.

  After doing all this, Wang Ya's face also changed faintly. The consumption of mental power was even higher than he expected.

  The dream world can be changed through consciousness. The dream garden we are currently in is the environment created by the dream wizard using his mental power to change the landscape, and it is also his dream territory.

  From this point, we can see how obvious the gap between Wang Ya and the official wizard is.

  After Wang Ya crossed the river, a large number of heads gradually emerged from the turbid and viscous green water, with huge eyes staring at the direction Wang Ya left.

  In the sky above the Dream Garden, the Dream Wizard, who was in an illusory state, nodded when he saw Wang Ya's performance.

  There are also greater expectations for Wang Ya.

  I look forward to what kind of gains he can gain in the Fantasy Garden and what kind of wizard path he can study.

  He has naturally considered the situation mentioned by the Netherlight Wizard. In fact, the Dream Wizard has been paying attention to Wang Ya since he entered the Dream Garden to prevent some dangers that should not arise.

  Even some super-standard dangers inside Fantasy Garden have been sealed away.

  Watching Wang Ya walk into the rice fields and towards the manor. A smile appeared under the mask of the dream wizard, which contained some things he had used when he was young.

  To reach the current level, he spent most of his time in that manor.

  This should be regarded as passing on the fire from generation to generation.

  (End of chapter)

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