Chapter 128 [128] Kaze’s plan after one month

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  Chapter 128 [128] One month later, Kaze plots
  the Fantasy Tower, the third level of space.

  The fluctuations of the witch formation enveloped Wang Ya, transporting him from the castle to the witchcraft testing ground.

  He finally understood what the nature of the Dream Wizard was and how to compete with other wizard systems.

  The power of dreams is born from the combination of spiritual power and the consciousness of the wizard's self, and then absorbing the power of the dream world.

  After the dream wizard opens the dream perspective and the dream sense, he can see some gaps in the dream world that are independent of the real world, mostly in places where there is a lot of life.

  As long as there is life, there are dreams. When there are more dreams, a corner of the dream world will naturally emerge and have more influence.

  Dream wizards can use special means to see other people's dreams and even travel into them.

  You can also borrow the power of the dream world to obtain a steady stream of dream power support. Especially in places where wizards gather, the dream world will be more powerful. In contrast, the dream wizards will also be unprecedentedly powerful.

  Then using particle energy as a medium, it can affect reality and form a unique reality distortion witchcraft, which is also called dream witchcraft.

  Or, from a spiritual perspective, attacking an enemy is somewhat similar to Wang Ya's use of a biological force field to forcibly isolate the opponent's biological field from feedback on the natural magnetic field, thus causing sensory distortion.

  But it is different after all. Dream witchcraft can really distort the other party's consciousness, or forcibly distort the other party's ideas.

  Even if it can only be done for a moment, it can play a key role in the battle.

  If combined with Wang Ya's own elemental witchcraft, it would be terrible. In addition to having the absolute power to attack, he also has the auxiliary ability to interfere and affect the enemy.

  No one would have thought that a pure elemental wizard would use the strange methods of the dream wizard.

  Of course, it depends on what kind of dream wizard path the dream wizard takes.

  Generally speaking, you develop your own dreams through extraordinary mental power and self-awareness, and then take root in the dream world, absorb a steady stream of dream power, and enhance your dream power.

  When it is powerful enough, it can mentally influence reality and distort reality. If you have enough dream power and strong enough mental power, you can wipe out a human city with just a snap of your fingers, and there is no problem.

  However, Wang Ya felt that even the Dream Wizard might not be able to achieve that level.

  A figure in a black wizard robe appeared in the test square. Wang Ya stretched out his fingers and operated on the void projection screen in front of him.

  Soon, a special witchcraft test doll was erected in the underground secret door.

  What Wang Ya wants to test is the basic extraordinary knowledge of dream wizards that he has learned this month, and based on this, he has improved and created two low-level dream wizards.

  This special doll is covered with various colorful paintings like children's graffiti. It is not made of metal, but has a wooden structure, with various pure white picture scrolls attached.

  A smiling face appeared on his face. When Wang Ya looked over, the smiling face turned into a sad face again, which was very strange.

  If a dream wizard is present, he will be able to keenly notice that the environment of the entire witchcraft test square has changed. A steady stream of dream power is revealed from all directions, even from the gaps in the space, completely affecting this area.

  To use another adjective, it means that the corner of the dream world has arrived.

  Wang Ya's pupils were glowing with a faint white light, and even his whole body was filled with such a faint luster.

  [Eye of Dreams] [Heart of Dreams]

  Everything in the perspective has turned into twisted color graffiti and lines of various colors, and they are trying to be used towards him, floating like the sucking food of unknown strange creatures.

  Wang Ya's expression is very calm. Now he has enough confidence to deal with these floating dream distortions and instincts, which is also the foundation that the dream wizard must achieve.

  That is to let your dream power and spiritual power control this dream gap and make it your home field of battle.

  The dream wizard's territory is formed by exploring and developing his own dreams, consciousness, spiritual power, and even a small amount of territory corresponding to the dream world.

  Within the territory, it is an extension of one's own power.

  A large amount of silver-white luster, centered at Wang Ya's feet, spread in all directions, forming a special frequency amplitude as if time stood still. All flowing color lines were covered by this silver-white luster, leaving only The most silvery white color.

  The Dream Wizard has yellow and maple leaves, so Wang Ya has silver and white. He has not yet figured out what medium to use to influence reality.

  Everything in the field at this moment became an extension of Wang Ya's will and was under his control.

  The mental power turned into a silver-white sword and slashed towards the test doll.

  The Dream Sword was still sharp and easily chopped off the test doll's head.

  After the test doll absorbed the power of dreams, a sense of distortion emerged, and the severed head grew again.

  Wang Ya's face remained as usual. These three dream witchcrafts were the foundation given to him by the dream wizard.

  He also has a dream witchcraft that he has developed.

  The slender white palm stretched out from under the robe, and then slapped the ground violently. As if some special energy had been poured into it, the ground suddenly rose, and then moved towards the surrounding areas like waves on the water.

  The floor tiles bulged and shattered piece by piece, and all the weird twisted lines dissipated under such shock waves, revealing the original real world.

  The silvery luster in Wang Ya's eyes also slowly disappeared, and he was no longer connected to the dream world.

  It only took Wang Ya a second to go from the dream to the real world.

  This is incredible.

  It is very difficult to enter the dream world, and once the dream wizard wants to return to reality, he will have to spend a lot of energy to isolate the connection between the dream world and self-awareness. All senses are shut down.

  Generally speaking, it takes at least half a minute.

  A powerful dream wizard, who is extremely skilled and has his own dream territory, can shorten this time to less than five seconds.

  Wang Ya, however, used this special dream witchcraft to achieve something that many dream wizards would find difficult to do.

  The extraordinary knowledge he has recently learned has also raised the Eye of Truth's algorithm, storage, and analysis capabilities to a new level.

  The assistance of the Eye of Truth was secondary. The key was that he himself was surprised by his understanding of dream witchcraft. Creating it was not difficult, just like eating and drinking normally.

  When he was under the sense of dreams, the power of those dreams surged towards him like a tide, as if there was something attractive about him.

  The creation of the dream gap was also extremely smooth.

  This may be the potential that the Dream Wizard was talking about.

  The point that once troubled him was that it was difficult to break away from the dream gap and reconnect with the real world.

  No, through the basic extraordinary knowledge of the dream wizard and the inherited knowledge about neuron training, strengthening, and sublimation given to him by the dream wizard, he finally created a special dream wizardry specifically for offline use.

  Named [True Transformation]

  , if the potential is too high and the person is permanently left in the dream world, like a dream wizard, that would be absolutely unacceptable to Wang Ya.

  [Current active neurons: 2.5%]

  [Dream power: 2 directions]

  [Dream meditation method: 'Basic (9/9)' 'Advanced (4/12) Wizard Runes']

  [Current mental power :23.6] [Dream Witchcraft: Real Transformation, Eye of Dream, Heart of Dream, Sword of Dream]

  Wang Ya replaced the Haohai meditation method with the dream meditation method, focusing more on the improvement of mental power, neurons Cultivation and strengthening.

  This will far exceed the speed of improvement of the Haohai Meditation Method. Of course, the difficulty is also far higher than that of the Haohai Meditation Method.

  Under the shroud of teleportation fluctuations, when Wang Ya appeared again, he was already standing on the shore of Xinmeng Lake.

  The figure of the Dream Wizard gradually emerged under the gathering of maple leaves.

  "It seems you are ready."

  Wang Ya nodded seriously to the Dream Wizard.

  The Dream Wizard moved away, and a yellow door stood there, exuding a strange twisted color, like lines entwined and sewn together.

  "Remember to see, hear and swing your sword. Although the Fantasy Garden is my territory, there will also be some dream creatures that break in. If you feel that you have got enough, then crush this ball , I will bring you out."

  Wang Ya took the yellow thumb-sized sphere, which felt like glass, put it into his cuff, and then stepped directly into the Fantasy Garden.

  A figure gradually appeared next to the Dream Wizard, filled with a strange and restrained light, and the face and body could not be seen clearly.

  "Dream Wizard, it's too fast to let your disciple enter the Dream Garden." "

  I believe he can find his own path as a Dream Wizard. The dangers in the Dream Garden are only the most basic. The real dream world is full of crises. If you can't adapt to this, then you might as well continue my path as a wizard." The

  Dream Wizard's words were very decisive and a little unreasonable.

  The ghost wizard smiled and said, "The lovely Dream Garden is in line with the real dream world. If this little guy goes to the wild dream world, it will be troublesome." "My disciple,

  Polaris, she just recently After waking up from a coma, the danger of the Dream Garden lies in the impact and damage to the wizard's brain and spirit." The

  Dream Wizard was speechless for a while, and finally knew what the other party was doing.

  Opening his palm, he handed a cup of chocolate-colored liquid that Wang Ya had drunk to the Dark Light Wizard.

  "Thank you so much for the generosity of the Dream Wizard."

  The Ghost Wizard took the glass of liquid and gradually disappeared from the spot.

  Rao is a dream wizard who relies on the dream world to explore and capture more special dream creatures.

  But after consuming three cups of 'Black Wine Spirit' in one day, my eyelids still couldn't help but twitch.

  The Dark Light Wizard's nose is really good. Even from such a long distance, he can smell the smell of 'Black Spirit Wine' from the Dark Wizard Tower.

  That little girl is cheap.

  A month's time also caused Kazantun to fall into entanglement and distress.

  Wizard's residence.

  In the study room.

  The light was very dim, illuminated only by a weak candle. Under the shadow, Kazantun's face was expressionless. On the desk in front of him, there were some books and some words written on them.

  But next to it were more scraps of paper that had been crumpled into a ball.

  "Alas!" The candle flickered and swayed as he sighed.

  He thought of many ways, but finally gave up.

  The Black Sun Medal is difficult to obtain, and Wang Yahalak's identity is too troublesome.

  The rules indeed check and balance everyone in the Dark Land, but after all, the other party has an official wizard teacher and a transcendent faction standing behind him.

  The Antun family cannot make the matter a big deal and let the news leak out.

  We can't even use our only personal connections to find Rhine's people to come forward.

  The fewer people who notice the anomaly, the greater the benefit will be to the Antun family.

  The only way that seemed more reliable was to drag Wang Yahalak to the battlefield and use the Black Sun Medal as a bet, and they would pay a high price.

  He who wins gets everything.

  Of course it was the battlefield of life. If he chose the battlefield of death, he would probably die inexplicably in his sleep the day before the war started.

  As the head of the Antun family, he also knew some information about the Dream Wizard.

  That’s why it’s so tricky!
  But even if he used the battlefield method, he couldn't think of anyone to participate.

  The Antuen family is in decline, and the only outstanding one, Zach Antuen, was also defeated by the opponent in the competition in the secret realm.

  It's impossible for him to take action himself and go to the battlefield with a little guy who is a second-level wizard apprentice.

  It's not appropriate both emotionally and rationally. It's just a lack of shame. I guess by then, the Dream Wizard will also be shameless and ask for a fight in person.

  "Perhaps Wang Yahalak already knows the secret of the Black Sun Medal, so he rejected me."

  Under the dim light, Kazantun's expression was uncertain and a little gloomy.

  From this point of view, he did something stupid that day.

  Suddenly, a message was transmitted to his wizard mark.

  Kazantun's expression suddenly shook, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes, and a powerful aura exploded subconsciously. The entire study was in chaos, a large number of books and dishes fell to the floor, and the candlelight was instantly extinguished.

  But Kazantun didn't care at all, and his laughter echoed in the room.

  "Hades, well done. I didn't expect you to give me a surprise and reach the threshold of the third-level wizard apprentice." "

  In three months, I was promoted to the third-level wizard apprentice. In this way, that idea has It's possible."

  Kaziantun's eyes were full of fire, and the Black Sun inheritance would eventually return to the hands of the Antun family.

  Now go to Wang Yahalak to make an appointment. Three months in advance, no one knows that Hades can advance to the third level of wizard apprentice.

  Both parties are second-level wizard apprentices. As wizards of the same lineage, they represent the face of the extraordinary faction. It is reasonable for wizards of the same level to come to challenge and ask for a battle. Generally speaking, they will not be rejected.

  The entire lineage of inheritance consists of the most outstanding and best wizards.

  If you don't even have the confidence to defeat a wizard of the same level, then you can't be considered a legacy wizard at all.

  The corner of Kazantun's mouth raised an arc, Wang Yahalak, you have gained a lot, but you also have to bear some responsibility.

  Everything is mutual.

  (End of chapter)

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