Chapter 736 The competition begins

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  Chapter 736 The competition began.

  As Zhang Tianmu’s words fell, everyone started taking action.

  Lin Fan, Ling Qingxuan and Li Qing all stood on the left side of Zhang Tianmu. Wang Siying and Li Song only had the ninth level of body tempering realm and could only stand on the right side of Zhang Tianmu.

  Moreover, the two of them do not think that they have the strength to challenge the cultivation of the Earthly Desolate Realm with their cultivation at the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm.

  This kind of thing might happen to Lin Fan, but it would never happen to them.

  They still have this bit of self-knowledge.

  After about two minutes, the students were divided into groups.

  Lin Fan took a look and saw that in their group, there were only ten students in the Earthly Desolate Realm, and the rest were all people who had not reached the Earthly Desolate Realm.

  However, this is considered normal, because when recruiting students, the bottom line is that anyone with level three or above of the Body Tempering Realm can do it.

  Some were lucky enough to become students of Nanluo Academy with their cultivation at the third level of the Body Tempering Realm.

  If these people do not work hard to improve themselves, they will be eliminated during the next screening and lose their status as Nanluo Academy students.

  Of course, there are not only so many Body Tempering Realm students in Zhang Tianmu’s group, there are also many Body Tempering Realm students in other instructors’ groups.

  "Does anyone here think that their strength is comparable to those in the Earthly Desolate Realm? If so, bring it up now so that I can change your group." Zhang Tianmu looked at the group in the Tempering Realm and asked. road.

  Although he asked this, he was just going through the process and did not think these people had such abilities.

  This is also true. After he asked, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one stood up to answer.

  "Okay, since there is no such thing, let's follow this arrangement for the time being." Zhang Tianmu muttered, not surprised at all.

  After a while, other groups were also divided into groups.

  "Now, all the students with the strength of the Earthly Desolation Realm are standing on the left side of the square, and all the students with the strength of the Tempering Body Realm are standing on the right side of the square." "We will let you draw lots later to decide your opponents, and then start the competition at the same time." The leader of the instructor


  . .

  With so many students, it is indeed necessary for both sides to compete in order to proceed efficiently, otherwise too much time will be wasted.

  After hearing this, everyone quickly acted according to the instructions of the mentor leader without any delay.

  "Let's go over there." Lin Fan turned his head and glanced at Ling Qingxuan and Li Qing, and said with a faint smile.


  Ling Qingxuan and Li Qing naturally had no objections and nodded in agreement.

  In the group here, Lin Fan saw Yan Zhengping and Liu Qing as expected.

  Then, he used the ring to check the strength of the students in this group as a whole.

  There are only five people in total who have perfected their cultivation in the Earthly Desolate Realm.

  Including him, the other four are Yan Zhengping, Liu Qing and the remaining two.

  There are twenty in the late stage of the Wilderness Realm.

  There are fifty in the middle stage of the wilderness.

  The rest are all in the early stages of the Earthly Desolation Realm.

  Judging from this situation, it can be judged that Ling Qingxuan and Li Qing are unlikely to achieve a high ranking, and they can only strive to enter the top 100.

  After all, there are only seventy-five people in the middle stage of the Dihuang Realm to the perfect Dihuang Realm. There are at least twenty-five places left in the top one hundred. If you work hard, it may not be impossible.

  However, it was impossible for Lin Fan to directly tell Ling Qingxuan and Li Qing about the data at this time, otherwise they would wonder how he could see it.

  A moment later, a middle-aged mentor who was about forty years old came to Lin Fan and others, glanced at him, and said loudly: "You will now line up to draw lots to decide your opponent in the first round." After the words fell,

  only The instructor waved his hand, and a table and a box appeared in front of him.

  There is no doubt that the box contains signatures.

  Everyone lined up to draw lots, and Lin Fan and the other three soon finished drawing lots and returned to their original place.

  Lin Fan is number 28, Ling Qingxuan is number 46, and Li Qing is number 106.

  "As long as the rules are not too outrageous, the three of us will not meet each other in the first round."

  Lin Fan looked at our respective numbers and said with a smile.


  Li Qing nodded and said, "We don't want to meet you, it would be better to admit defeat."

  Regarding Lin Fan's strength, both Li Qing and Ling Qingxuan knew very well, how could they be Lin Fan's opponent.

  To put it more bluntly, even if Lin Fan stood there and did not fight back and allowed them to attack, there was no way they could hurt Lin Fan.

  Because Lin Fan only needed to use his soul power to form a defense around his body.

  They couldn't break through that layer of defense alone.

  Soon the drawing of lots for the rest of the students ended. Seeing this, the middle-aged instructor said loudly again: "Twenty competition areas have been divided for you here, marked one to twenty respectively." "Now, draw number

  one Students with numbers 3 and 4 should go to competition area 1 to prepare."

  "Students with numbers 3 and 4 should go to competition area 2 to prepare." "

  The rest of the process goes on by analogy. On the 40th, go to the competition area on the 20th and get ready."

  As the middle-aged instructor finished speaking, everyone took action.

  "Twenty games at a time, Mr. Lin, you are going to play too." Ling Qingxuan said slowly.

  "Well, then I'll go up and compete first." Lin Fan smiled slightly, and after saying that, he walked up without any delay.

  After arriving at his competition area, his opponent also walked in.

  What made him a little helpless was that his opponent was only a student in the early stage of the Earth Desolate Realm.

  "Mr. Lin, I know I'm no match for you. Let's call it a day and go through the motions..." The man obviously knew Lin Fan and whispered quickly.

  He had seen with his own eyes Lin Fan's previous performances on the martial arts stage. Although he now had the cultivation level of the early Earth Desolate Realm, he believed that Lin Fan was progressing faster. He knew that he could not be Lin Fan's opponent. .

  However, in order to avoid the embarrassment of surrendering on stage, he decided to pretend to fight Lin Fan and then be defeated by Lin Fan, which would at least save him some face.

  Hearing what the other party said, Lin Fan was slightly stunned. He didn't expect the other party to be so funny.

  "Okay." Lin Fan pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement.

  The other party has already said what he said, so it would be a bit unkind for him not to give him face.

  Seeing Lin Fan nodding in agreement, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

  He was worried that if he didn't agree with Lin Fan in advance, he would be beaten badly by Lin Fan later.

  If you agree in advance, you can at least save him from being beaten.

  Two minutes later, when the mentor leader saw that everyone on the field was ready, he stretched out his hand and said, "The competition begins."

  As the mentor leader's words fell, the battle immediately broke out.

  Lin Fan's opponent also pretended to launch an attack. Lin Fan stood there without making any movement, quietly waiting for the opponent to attack.

  The opponent's fist swung out, but when it was still fifty centimeters away from Lin Fan's body, Lin Fan reached out and grabbed it with lightning speed.

  Lin Fan grabbed the opponent's fist in his hand, but his breath didn't explode at all.

  The opponent gritted his teeth and tried to withdraw his fist, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not withdraw his fist.

  Lin Fan raised the corner of his mouth, grabbed the opponent's fist and pulled hard. The opponent's body came closer to his side. When the opponent passed by him, he used his palm to push the opponent's back.

  Under the influence of this driving force, the opponent's body immediately flew forward.

  This time, it flew directly out of the range of the competition circle.

  "Number 28 wins."

  The instructor leader looked at Lin Fan's battle circle and directly announced the results of the competition.

  As the leader of the mentor, his cultivation has reached the perfect state of the Desolate Core Realm. Naturally, it can be seen that Lin Fan has the perfect realm of the Earthly Desolate Realm.

  Lin Fan's opponent was only in the early stage of the Earthly Desolation Realm. The gap between the two was so huge that it was only natural for Lin Fan to win.

  Moreover, he could also see that Lin Fan deliberately did not hurt the opponent, but only eliminated the opponent.

  Otherwise, with Lin Fan's strength, he could seriously injure the opponent with one punch.

  "Lin Fan is really strong! He defeated the opponent with just one click." "

  It's a pity that he didn't even burst out his breath just now. I don't know what level of cultivation he is now." "

  This He can only blame his opponent for being too weak..."

  "Haha, when you say that, it's a bit too offensive."

  Everyone started talking.

  When these words fell into the ears of Lin Fan's opponent, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

  Can you blame him for being too weak?

  It's obviously because Lin Fan is too strong, okay?
  However, at this time, he did not dwell on this. Instead, he looked at Lin Fan, bowed to Lin Fan and said, "Thank you."

  He knew that Lin Fan deliberately did not hurt him.

  "You're welcome." Lin Fan shook his head and smiled, and then both of them walked back without wasting any time.

  "Mr. Lin, such a battle cannot be easier for you." Li Qing couldn't help but smile when he saw Lin Fan coming back.

  Lin Fan smiled slightly and said, "Just going through the motions."

  After the first competition ended, the second competition was quickly arranged.

  "It's my turn." Ling Qingxuan said with a faint smile.

  "Go." Lin Fan nodded.

  "Yes." Ling Qingxuan responded and walked up without any further delay.

  After Ling Qingxuan walked into the competition circle, Lin Fan noticed that her opponent was also at the early stage of the Earth Desolate Realm.

  With such a level of cultivation, if Ling Qingxuan is not careless, he should be able to defeat the opponent.

  As expected by Lin Fan, Ling Qingxuan quickly won the competition.

  Because her opponent was just a person who had just been promoted to the early stage of the Earthly Desolate Realm and was not very experienced in actual combat. She found the right opportunity and defeated him.

  Next, it was time for Li Qing to take the stage.

  "Li Qing may be eliminated."

  Seeing Li Qing's opponent, Lin Fan shook his head helplessly.

  Li Qing's luck was not very good. He met a person who was in the middle stage of the Earth Desolate Realm.

  Li Qing didn't have the strength to leapfrog the challenge, and was defeated by the opponent in just three times, five times, and two times.

  Li Qing walked back, looking a little downcast. He didn't expect that he would be eliminated in the first round.

  Lin Fan reached out and patted Li Qing's shoulder, comforting him: "It doesn't matter, it's just a competition. If you work hard to improve your strength later on, you may be able to overtake him in a short time. In this way, when you compete next time, you If you meet him again, he will not be your opponent."

  Hearing what Lin Fan said, Li Qing's mood immediately improved a lot. He nodded and said seriously: "I will definitely surpass him." "Come on

  , We all believe you can do it." Ling Qingxuan also encouraged him.

  (End of chapter)

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