Chapter 735 Competition among freshmen from the outer courtyard

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  Chapter 735:
  With the perfect cultivation level in the wasteland of the Freshman Competition in the Outer Academy, coupled with the second-grade soul power, even Tang Tianxiao could not help but think that Lin Fan would not be able to win the first place in the Freshman Competition.

  After all, for new students, many of them have not yet reached the Earth Desolate Realm cultivation level and are still in the Body Tempering Realm stage.

  Especially based on the experience of previous years, it can be said that there are very few people who can reach the perfection of the earth and wasteland in the new stage.

  Therefore, Tang Tianxiao also felt that Lin Fan could win the first place in the freshman competition.

  The night passed quickly, and the next morning, the entire outer courtyard was bustling with activity.

  Everyone knows that today is the day of the freshman competition in the outer college.

  I stayed in the academy for a month and practiced in the Pingyang Mountains for a month.

  This freshmen competition is equivalent to testing the freshmen in the past two months to see how much they have improved compared to those admitted to the hospital.

  Of course, another important thing about this freshmen competition is that the old students who went out to practice before have also returned one after another.

  These old students are basically in the realm of the wild realm.

  Among the old students in the outer courtyard, there is also a strength ranking list, and those old students at the top will also come to watch the competition between the freshmen.

  After all, they also have to pay attention to the new students who may surpass them.


  Sunlight poured into the room through the window. Lin Fan opened his eyes, jumped off the bed, washed himself briefly, and walked out of the courtyard.

  Then, he and Ling Qingxuan gathered together.

  "Good morning, Mr. Lin."

  Ling Qingxuan and the other four greeted Lin Fan one after another.

  "Good morning."

  Lin Fan responded with a smile and said, "Did you have a good rest last night?"


  Ling Qingxuan and the other four nodded. Since there was a freshman competition today, they all had a good rest last night. I rested early and adjusted my mental state to the best level.

  "Okay, let's gather in the square now." Lin Fan waved his hand and led Ling Qingxuan and the four of them towards the square.

  The square today is obviously extra lively.

  All the new students gathered in the square, and around the square were some old students.

  When many people are discussing who among the new students is most likely to win first place, they are also discussing the strength ranking of the old students.

  The arrival of Lin Fan and others obviously attracted the attention of many people.

  Of course, it was mainly Lin Fan who attracted attention.

  Lin Fan's previous performance has left a deep impression on everyone. Coupled with the good relationship between Lin Fan and Tang Xiaoxiao, it is now difficult for him to keep a low profile.

  "Where do you think Lin Fan can rank among the freshmen?"

  "I guess the top ten will definitely be no problem!"

  "What top ten? If you ask me, he will have no problem ranking in the top five!" "

  Top five? Do you have so much confidence in him?"

  "Nonsense! He still has soul power!" "

  This is indeed a difficult problem."

  "Anyway, I am most optimistic about Yan Zhengping and Liu Qing. They are both very capable. Strong."

  "Yes, Yan Zhengping and Liu Qing are also very strong. They are the favorites to win the championship."

  Everyone started discussing.

  Yan Zhengping was also present at this moment, and he ignored these voices at all.

  Liu Qing, on the other hand, also looked towards Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan and Liu Qing looked at each other, smiled faintly, and looked away.

  "Is that guy the person who had a relationship with Senior Sister Tang in the car?"

  Around the square, in the east area, behind the railings, there were several figures standing. One of them looked at Lin Fan and said calmly.

  They were all old students, and their cultivation had reached the realm of the wild. They didn't pay much attention to Yan Zhengping and Liu Qing, but instead focused more on Lin Fan.

  Just because Lin Fan is related to Tang Xiaoxiao.

  As old students, they naturally knew that Tang Xiaoxiao was a genius in the inner courtyard and a third-grade alchemist.

  The fact that a new student can establish a relationship with someone like Tang Xiaoxiao shows that this new student is quite extraordinary.

  "This kid doesn't seem to have anything special, right?" another person said.

  They only have the cultivation level of Tianhuang Realm, so they cannot see Lin Fan's true cultivation level at a glance.

  Generally speaking, people who are two realms above can see the cultivation level of others.

  For example, Lin Fan is currently in the Earth Desolate Realm. If you want to see his cultivation at a glance, the opponent must at least be in the Desolate Core Realm. Otherwise, he will have to wait until he bursts out the aura in his body. Only then can one reach the state of cultivation.

  "Some people don't seem to be anything special on the surface, but in fact they really shouldn't be underestimated. Otherwise, how can a new student be related to someone like Senior Sister Tang? It's obvious that he has something unique about him. ."

  Among these people, the strongest one muttered.

  "It makes sense."

  As soon as this person spoke, several others nodded.

  In this world where strength is respected, what strong people say will always be more effective.

  At this moment, a figure appeared, once again triggering heated discussions.

  "Look over there, Senior Sister Tang is here!"

  someone shouted.

  Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes suddenly shifted, and they all looked in another direction.

  In their sight, a beautiful figure slowly walked towards them.

  This beautiful figure could be someone other than Tang Xiaoxiao.

  Most people knew that Tang Xiaoxiao's arrival was for Lin Fan.

  Their guess was not wrong. Tang Xiaoxiao was indeed here for Lin Fan. She wanted to see with her own eyes Lin Fan's performance in the freshman competition.

  Anyway, she has very free time and can do whatever she wants. There is nothing she cannot do in Nanluo Academy.

  Tang Xiaoxiao's beautiful eyes swept across the scene and quickly locked onto Lin Fan's figure, making a cheering gesture towards Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan smiled helplessly. I have to say that the idiom "beautiful beauty brings disaster to water" is very useful.

  The hatred that Tang Xiaoxiao brought to him was quite sufficient!
  He could feel that not only the new students were jealous of him, but also the old students around him were also jealous of him.

  "Lin Fan is so lucky to have Senior Sister Tang come here to watch." "

  Yes, it's so enviable." "

  However, if he doesn't perform well in the competition later, it will be a big shame. .”

  "Hahaha, that's what I said, but I guess this situation is very difficult to happen."

  Everyone started discussing again.

  Lin Fan is naturally not worried about poor performance. He has a very clear understanding of his own strength. If he wants to win the first place in the freshman competition, unless he wants to give up, it is a sure thing. .

  Tang Xiaoxiao did not enter the square, which was where freshmen students stayed. She just went to the area around the square, found a place to stand, and watched quietly.

  But soon, another figure walked towards her.

  "Senior Sister Tang."

  The figure shouted with respect.

  Tang Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked, her beautiful eyes slightly focused: "It turns out to be Senior Tianyu." "

  I didn't expect Senior Sister Tang to be interested in the freshman competition in the outer college. This is really unexpected." Qiu Yu smiled slightly.

  He is an old student of the outer academy. He has already reached the late stage of the Tianhuang Realm. He is only one step away from the perfection of the Tianhuang Realm. He will soon become a genuine and perfect cultivator of the Tianhuang Realm.

  His talent is also quite powerful.

  Moreover, the Qiu family is also a huge family in the Great Feng Dynasty. Although it is not as powerful as the Leng family, it is not much different.

  "I don't have anything else to do today. I'm bored. Come and take a look." Tang Xiaoxiao replied.

  "Senior Sister Tang seems to be more concerned about the person named Lin Fan?" Qiu Yu asked tentatively.

  "Lin Fan is my friend." Tang Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "He is also an alchemist now." "

  That's it."

  Qiu Yu suddenly understood. When he heard the discussions among the students before, he was still thinking about Tang Xiaoxiao. Genius, even if there is a very powerful person among the new students in the outer courtyard, it will not attract Tang Xiaoxiao's attention.

  After all, Tang Xiaoxiao knew quite a few geniuses.

  But now he understood.

  There are not many alchemists in the entire Nanluo Academy.

  Moreover, these alchemists have to go to the alchemy building to make alchemy. It seems that Tang Xiaoxiao and Lin Fan met in the alchemy building.

  There was nothing wrong with Qiu Yu's analysis. He thought for a moment and then asked, "Does Senior Sister Tang think Lin Fan can show off his talents in the freshman competition?" What

  he asked about showing off his talents was actually asking Tang Xiaoxiao if he would think so. Lin Fan was able to win the first place in the freshman competition, but he asked a more reserved question.

  "Of course it depends on Lin Fan's specific performance, but if nothing else happens, I think he can win first place." Tang Xiaoxiao said without hesitation.

  Lin Fan won the first place in the freshman competition. In her eyes, it seemed to be a sure thing and there was nothing to hide.

  Qiu Yu didn't expect that Tang Xiaoxiao would give such a positive answer, and he was obviously quite optimistic about Lin Fan.

  "Okay, Senior Sister Tang, I won't disturb you anymore." Qiu Yu said, then left.

  He could tell that Tang Xiaoxiao didn't have much intention of chatting with him.


  When Qiu Yu and Tang Xiaoxiao were chatting, Lin Fan noticed this. He also used his ring to check Qiu Yu's information and found that Qiu Yu had a cultivation level in the late Tianhuang realm.

  "This person should be one of the most powerful among the old students in the outer courtyard, right?" Lin Fan secretly guessed in his heart.

  If he wasn't a powerful person, he wouldn't have the courage to chat with Tang Xiaoxiao.

  Of course, he didn't think too much about this issue.

  Anyway, if he improves his strength, sooner or later, these people will be surpassed by him.

  Time passed slowly, and an hour passed.

  All the new students have gathered.

  Soon, Zhang Tianmu and other instructors also came here.

  A tutor leader stood on the high platform and said loudly: "Today is the day of the competition for freshmen. You all must perform well. You will be rewarded based on your performance." "However, in order to make the competition more fair

  , , we will divide the big match into two groups, one group is the students in the realm of earth and wasteland, and the other is the students in the realm of tempered body." "Of course, among them, if there are students in the tempered realm who think that their own strength

  is If you can compete with the Earthly Desolate Realm, you can also bring it up to your instructor and divide you into the Earthly Desolate Realm student group." Although this is a challenge across a large realm, although it is rare, it is

  not No.

  The arrangement made by the college does seem very humane.

  There is no way, among the new students, there are quite a few who are still in the Body Tempering Realm. If you let people in the Body Tempering Realm compete with those in the Earthly Desolate Realm, there is obviously no comparability.

  After the mentor leader finished speaking, Zhang Tianmu and other mentors took action.

  Zhang Tianmu glanced at Lin Fan and others and said: "Students who have cultivated in the Earthly Desolation Realm stand on my left side, and students who have cultivated in the Tempering Body Realm stand on my right side." (End of Chapter


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