Chapter 581 It’s a pity that we didn’t meet him

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  Chapter 581 It’s a pity that we didn’t meet him.

  “Then the other party allowed us to see the bodies of Zheng Guodong and Xia Hongda. Didn’t they also want to use this method to affect the morale of our Luomen?” “

  If this is true, then the other party seems to be true. They are planning to take action against our Luomen!"

  "We must not panic or be really frightened by them. They did not come directly to deal with us, which shows that they are still wary of our strength." "Yes! The more this kind

  of When the time comes, we have to act calmer, so that the other party cannot figure out the true strength of our Luomen." "We

  almost fell into the opponent's trap! But the key is that now, we don't know who the other party is. Who?"

  "They must be people from outside, local people in Luo City. We are all familiar with them. Apart from our Luomen, who else is qualified to deal with the Zheng family and the Xia family?" Everyone in Luomen speculated again

  . got up.

  This was a matter of life and death for their Luomen, so they couldn't help but ignore it.

  The leader of the Luo Sect had his brows furrowed completely. His brows had not relaxed since he heard the news of the destruction of the Zheng family.

  In his heart, he naturally hopes to see the Zheng family and Xia family eliminated.

  But what he hopes is to be eliminated by Luo Men, not by a third party who currently has no clear details.

  This brought him not joy, but huge pressure. After all, he didn't understand what the 'third party' thought. Would he also take action against them, Luo Men?

  "Sect Master, what should we do now? Are there any measures we need to take?" the Deputy Sect Master asked with a solemn look.

  "Measures must be taken, but the most important thing is that we have to find out the other party's origins, or find out whether the other party will take action against our Luomen, and if so, when they plan to do it. These questions are We must figure it out now." The leader of Luomen said solemnly.

  After he finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something.

  He looked at the person who went to the Xia family to inquire about the news, and quickly asked: "How did the Xia family die?" "

  Master, I think they all died under the attack of hidden weapons." The man replied.

  "It's a hidden weapon again!"

  Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

  "Is it really that group of people?" An idea that he himself didn't want to believe flashed through the mind of the leader of Luomen.

  In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to believe it, but if he believes it, it means that Lin Fan and others are growing at an incredible speed.

  Then, their Luomen had a conflict with Lin Fan and others. After Lin Fan and others got rid of the Zheng family and the Xia family, there was no doubt that they would come to deal with their Luomen.

  "Master, I don't think we need to panic now."

  The deputy sect leader stood up and said: "The other party destroyed the Xia family after destroying the Zheng family alone, which shows that the other party also knows very well that their strength is insufficient. In order to destroy the Zheng family and the Xia family together." "

  In other words, the other party is afraid that there will be two fifth-level evolvers after the Zheng family and the Xia family join forces, so the other party will not deal with two fifth-level evolvers at the same time. The strength of the evolvers."

  "And our Luomen now has two level five evolvers, so we don't need to worry about the other party taking action."

  After hearing the words of the deputy sect leader, another person said: "Yes, sect leader , the other party also brought Zheng Guodong over to show off their power, which affected the morale of the Xia family, indicating that the other party's strength has not reached the point of completely crushing the Xia family." "What you said is quite reasonable." The leader of the Luo Sect


  . Then he mused: "However, no matter what the other party's current strength is, since the other party has eliminated the Zheng family and the Xia family, it will definitely target our Luomen, and we must be fully prepared. "

  From now on, we must all be more vigilant. No one is allowed to act without my permission."


  everyone in Luomen replied in unison.

  "Next, I will go out alone to check the situation. You all stay in Luomen and wait for my news." The leader of Luomen said again.


  Everyone responded in unison.

  The leader of Luomen didn't waste any more time and walked out.

  From the fact that the other party could get rid of the Zheng family and the Xia family, he knew very well that the other party had the strength to kill the fifth-level evolvers.

  The rest of Luomen arranged to go out. If they were met by the other party, they would undoubtedly have to die.

  If he goes out to investigate in person, he can at least ensure the safety issue.


  On a highway, Lin Fan and others were running.

  What Lin Fan and others didn't know was how much pressure they put on Luomen by getting rid of the Zheng family and Xia family, which plunged the entire Luomen into an extremely tense atmosphere.

  "Brother Lin Fan, how far are we from the central square?" Murong Shan glanced ahead and asked helplessly.

  During the time when the zombie wave broke out, she was used to dealing with zombies every day. Now she suddenly no longer has to deal with zombies, which made her a little uncomfortable.

  "It shouldn't be too far away. Luo City is so big and we've been walking for so long. It's getting closer." Lin Fan said with a smile.

  The main reason is that there are too many zombie corpses on the road, otherwise, it would obviously be more comfortable for them to drive.

  "It would be great if our car was here." Murong Shan sighed.

  "That's right." Lin Fan smiled slightly.

  Ordinary cars cannot drive normally on such roads where zombie corpses are piled up, but if it is their modified car, there will be no such problems and it can completely run over the zombie corpses.

  "Would you like to take a rest?" Lin Fan asked.

  "No, we're not tired." Murong Shan shook her head, she was just bored.

  Her strength has broken through to the middle stage of the fourth-level evolver, her abilities in all aspects have been improved, and her physical strength has become better. It is not a problem for her to travel such a short distance.

  The same is true for Murong Xue and others.

  "Then let's continue on our way and wait until we reach the central square before resting," Lin Fan said.

  "Okay." Murong Xue and others nodded without any objection.


  In the other direction, a group of people were also running on the road.

  This group of people is naturally Li Qiu Shui, Qin Changkong and others.

  They also gained a lot from this zombie outbreak.

  Moreover, most of these gains were concentrated on Li Qiu Shui and Qin Changkong.

  Under the irrigation of these harvests, Li Qiu Shui's strength and Qin Changkong's strength have improved greatly.

  "Brother Qiu Shui, the central square is not far ahead." Qin Changkong looked up and said with a smile.

  During the time he was with Li Qiushui, Qin Changkong's mentality also changed a lot.

  At the beginning, he just wanted to get something delicious from Li Qiu Shui's side. He did not sincerely want to make Li Qiu Shui the boss. He also thought that after he surpassed Li Qiu Shui in strength, he would suppress Li Qiu Shui and make Li Qiu Shui his. The younger brother follows.

  But as time went by, he discovered that Li Qiushui's talent and growth potential were too strong, and he could not catch up with him at all.

  The most important thing is that Li Qiu Shui is much better than him in terms of strategy. Their various strategies are indispensable for them to gain such a rich harvest from this zombie outbreak.

  "When you arrive at the central square, you should be able to see Lin Fan." Li Qiushui said.

  "Brother Qiu Shui, do you think Lin Fan and the others survived?" Qin Changkong asked curiously.

  "Although I don't have much contact with him, I know that he is not simple. It should not be difficult to survive. Therefore, I speculate that he must still be alive and will appear in the central square." Li Qiushui said firmly.

  He had no good impression of Lin Fan, and even hoped that Lin Fan could disappear. In this way, he would become a unique presence among the students, and no one would compete with him for the first place.

  It can be seen from this that he also regards Lin Fan as his only opponent among the students, and he does not pay attention to the other students at all.

  However, he also knew that Lin Fan's strength was not bad. They could all survive the zombie outbreak, and presumably Lin Fan could survive too.

  "It's a pity that we haven't met them during this period. If we meet them, we can teach them a lesson in advance." Qin Changkong said with some regret.

  His hatred for Lin Fan did not decrease at all with the passage of time. On the contrary, it gradually increased. Especially as his strength continued to improve, this hatred became even stronger.

  After all, in his opinion, his current strength should be enough to deal with Lin Fan.

  Yes, during this period, with his efforts and the help of Li Qiushui, he had successfully become a mid-level fourth-level evolver.

  Even, just a little bit away, you can break through to the late stage of the fourth level evolver.

  "Don't be anxious, it's already this time, what else is there to be anxious about?"

  Li Qiushui said very calmly: "I told you before, if you want to achieve great things, you must change your impatience, otherwise If you do, you will suffer a lot in the future."

  "Brother Qiu Shui is right, I will remember it well." Qin Changkong nodded seriously. Regarding Li Qiu Shui's words, he now said, oh, no, half I won't even refute a word.

  "By the way, Brother Qiu Shui, are you only one step away from breaking through to the peak of the fourth-level evolver?" Qin Changkong asked.


  After saying this, a happy smile appeared on Li Qiushui's face.

  He felt very proud to be able to increase his strength to the late stage of the fourth level of evolution in such a short period of time, and to be able to break through to the peak of the fourth level of evolution at any time.

  "That's great."

  Qin Changkong said with a smile: "I guess Instructor Feng will be very surprised when he knows that your strength has improved so quickly." "

  Maybe!" Li Qiushui nodded with a smile and said "Okay, let's not delay here. Let's go to the central square to meet the instructor and the others." "


  Qin Changkong also nodded.

  Then, without wasting any more time, they quickly ran towards the central square under the leadership of Li Qiushui.

  Their team is very fast, and the distance of five kilometers will not take long for them.

  Therefore, after a while, the central square appeared in their sight.

  (End of chapter)

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