Chapter 580 What’s going on?

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  Chapter 580: Under what circumstances

  did the Zheng family get wiped out?

  These words swept through the courtyard like a storm, and everyone's eyes were dumbfounded as they looked at the person who inquired about the information.

  They just followed behind, and no one asked anything in advance. After all, they all felt that the sect owner must know the information in advance. If they had asked in advance, they would be guilty of the following The feeling exists.

  Therefore, they only know the news now.

  The eyes of the leader of the Luo Sect changed several times at this time, and then he reacted first, frowning and asking: "What did you say? The Zheng family was wiped out?" "Yes! Master! I saw it with my own eyes

  . , the Zheng family was destroyed!" The person who inquired about the information quickly replied.

  "What's going on?"

  The leader of Luomen continued to ask: "Have you seen the Zheng family's headquarters and two branches?"

  As the leader of Luomen, he must have some information about the Zheng family and Xia family. It is clear that the Zheng family has a headquarters and two branches.

  "Master, I went to see them all. No one is present at the Zheng family's headquarters and two branches. And I also saw many corpses of the Zheng family at the headquarters, all of which were high-level officials of the Zheng family." The person who inquired about the information said solemnly.

  "What about Zheng Guodong? Have you seen Zheng Guodong's body?" Master Luomen asked again.

  "No, I have seen the corpses of all the senior officials of the Zheng family, but I have not seen the corpse of Zheng Guodong." The person who inquired about the information replied.

  "There is no Zheng Guodong's body?"

  Master Luomen's frown deepened.

  The rest of the people also started discussing at this time.

  "Isn't this too strange? Why were the Zheng family members killed? Who has such great ability?" "

  Yes, although the Zheng family is not incredibly powerful, if we want to destroy the Zheng family, After all, there must be a fifth-level evolver, otherwise how could he be Zheng Guodong's opponent?" "Could it be

  that the Xia family attacked the Zheng family?"

  "Impossible! The Xia family and the Zheng family have always been very different in strength. Big, if they can really get rid of the Xia family, then their Xia family will lose a lot of strength!" "Yes, there is no reason for the Xia family

  to do such a lose-lose thing! After all, they We have to be on guard against our Luomen side."

  Everyone in Luomen expressed their opinions on this matter.

  Some people even speculated in their minds whether Zheng Guodong went crazy and killed the rest of the Zheng family, so Zheng Guodong's body was not seen.

  Of course, this kind of thought can only be thought in the mind, and it is impossible to say it out at this time.

  Once you say anything, you will definitely be treated with a 'roll-eye'.

  The Zheng family that Zheng Guodong worked so hard to build has grown to such an extent. How could he personally destroy the Zheng family?

  The leader of the Luo Clan was also puzzled. He really couldn't figure out why the Zheng family was wiped out.

  "Master, could it be that the Zheng family was wiped out by zombies?" A senior member of Luomen suddenly said.


  Before Master Luomen could speak, the person who had just inquired about the information said: "I have carefully checked that none of the Zheng family members died at the mouths of zombies, but were thought to have been killed. "

  The most important thing is that I also found traces of hidden weapons on them!"

  "Hidden weapons?"

  This sentence instantly made the atmosphere here become solemn again.

  Because the first thing they thought of was Lin Fan!
  They all knew about Lin Fan using his mind to control hidden weapons.

  "No way? Did that kid do it?" A senior executive raised doubts.

  "Impossible! How could that kid improve so quickly?"

  "Yes, he only had the initial strength of a fourth-level evolver from the beginning. It's only been about half a month. How could he be promoted to a fifth-level evolver?" Where is the strength?"

  "Zheng Guodong is a fifth-level evolver anyway. To kill so many people in the Zheng family without Zheng Guodong's obstruction, he must at least have the strength of a fifth-level evolver, right?" "That's right, even if that

  kid No matter how high your talent and growth potential are, you can't improve so quickly. I won't believe it even if you beat me to death!" "

  Yes, someone else must have attacked the Zheng family!"

  Everyone in Luomen started talking again.

  They would not believe that Lin Fan and others had done this.

  Naturally, the leader of the Luo Sect didn't believe it. He himself had experienced how difficult it was to upgrade from a fourth-level evolver to a fifth-level evolver. How could he do it within a month?

  "However, if it was not done by that group of people, then who did it?" A senior executive continued to ask questions.

  At this moment, another voice came from outside.


  Hearing this voice, everyone knew that this was the return of someone who went to the Xia family to inquire about information.

  Everyone's eyes were uniformly focused on that person at this time.

  Suddenly being stared at by so many people, the man was still a little nervous, but he quickly calmed down.

  Because, he just saw something even more incredible to him.

  "How's it going? Have you found out what's going on with the Xia family?" The leader of the Luo Sect fell on that person and asked quickly.

  "Master, I have found out clearly. You may not believe it if I tell you."

  The man took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I saw all the Xia family members were killed!" "

  What? Xia? The family members were also killed?"

  Everyone was shocked, and the expressions on their faces could be said to be as surprised as they wanted.

  This actually made everyone who had just suspected that the Xia family was responsible for the destruction of the Zheng family give up such thoughts.

  The Xia family has been wiped out, how can it be possible to wipe out the Zheng family?


  The person who reported the news was stunned for a moment, then realized and asked, "Were the Zheng family members also wiped out?" "


  The person who went to the Zheng family to inquire about the information nodded and said: "I went to the Zheng family to inquire and found that everyone in the Zheng family was dead, but I didn't see Zheng Guodong's body." "Zheng Guodong's body

  is in the Xia family..."

  The person who inquired about the Xia family added: "Xia Hongda's body I saw both the corpse and Zheng Guodong's corpse, and their two corpses were still lying together. "


  As soon as these words came out, many people swallowed hard.

  Zheng Guodong's body is in Xia's house?
  And he's still lying with Xia Hongda's body?
  What is going on?

  Could it be that Zheng Guodong took the initiative to go to the Xia family to find death?

  But the question is, who attacked them?

  A series of doubts flashed through the minds of everyone in Luomen. They really felt that everything was so strange that they couldn't understand what was going on.

  At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the leader of the Luo Sect.

  In their opinion, only the sect leader can reason out this matter.

  The leader of the Luomen Sect was also full of doubts at this moment.

  The Zheng family and the Xia family were both wiped out.

  This is the second of the three major forces in Luomen.

  To destroy the Zheng family and the Xia family, shouldn't it be what Luo Men wants to do the most?

  Who helped Luo Men do this?

  "No, the situation is very wrong!"

  The leader of the Luo Clan thought for a while, and then said: "The other party got rid of the Zheng family and the Xia family. It should not be a simple vendetta. I suspect that the other party's goal is Luo City. !"

  "Luo City? Sect Master, you mean that the other party wants to occupy Luo City? That's why they attacked the Zheng family and Xia family first?" the deputy sect leader of Luo Clan said.

  "That's right! It's very possible!"

  The leader of Luomen nodded and said: "If you think about it carefully, the Zheng family and the Xia family are two of the three major forces in Luomen. Since the other party has taken action against the Zheng family and the Xia family, then It is very likely that he will take action against our Luomen next. In this way, the other party can become the master of Luo City and take the entire Luo City into his pocket!" The words

  of the leader of Luomen were like those of Hong Zhong Dalu. It exploded in everyone's minds.

  They didn't think of such a deep topic just now, they just thought that the other party got rid of the Zheng family and the Xia family purely because of their grudges against the Zheng family and the Xia family.

  Now that I think about it carefully, this is really possible.

  If the Zheng family and the Xia family are destroyed first, and then the Luo Clan, then the ownership of Luo City will be self-evident.

  "Master, I have a question." The deputy master said.

  "What doubts are there? At this time, you can feel free to speak out whatever you think!" the leader of Luomen said solemnly.

  The deputy sect leader said without hesitation: "Sect Master, the other party's goal is the entire Luo City. I don't think there is any problem, but the question is, why is Zheng Guodong's body over there with the Xia family? In other words, why did Zheng Guodong run away? Didn't he die until he arrived at the Xia family?"

  "Yes, the zombie wave ended only after the outbreak. Logically speaking, Zheng Guodong must have stayed in the Zheng family. He couldn't have gone to the Xia family!" "

  Did Zheng Guodong find that the Zheng family could not withstand the opponent's attack ? So I voluntarily gave up on the Zheng family and went to the Xia family to unite with the Xia family. I wanted to fight against the Xia family, but I didn’t expect that the Xia family couldn’t fight against it either.” “Yes! I don’t rule out

  this possibility!”

  Everyone Guessed.

  At this time, a tense crisis arose in their hearts.

  Regarding these issues, they also devote themselves wholeheartedly to analysis.

  "There is another possibility."

  The leader of the Luomen squinted his eyes and said thoughtfully: "That is, the other party went to the Zheng family first. After getting rid of the Zheng family, they took Zheng Guodong to the Xia family and prepared to give the Xia family a Show off your power and let the Xia family see that Zheng Guodong has been defeated. This will affect the morale of the Xia family, and then take action to destroy the Xia family." It must be said that

  he can become the leader of Luomen, and he still has two brushes.

  Especially in the analysis of this issue, it is possible to guess to this point, which is enough to show that he is indeed not simple.

  "The sect master is right!"

  The deputy sect master nodded and said, "Maybe the opponent is not strong enough to destroy the Zheng family and the Xia family at will, so he took Zheng Guodong to affect the Xia family's morale. In this way, we can also gain some advantages."

  "Yes, this can explain why Zheng Guodong's body appeared in the Xia family."

  Another Luomen senior executive said: "Even the other party will Zheng Guodong and Xia Hongda The corpses were put together, maybe just for us to see." "

  Because, the other party must know that we will arrange people to inquire about the Zheng family and the Xia family after the corpse wave breaks out."

  (End of this chapter)

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