Chapter 396 The first training

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  Chapter 396: First Training

  After hearing everyone’s answers, Feng Kande nodded with satisfaction.

  Then, he turned around and looked at Qiu Hongxuan.

  Feeling Feng Kande's gaze, Qiu Hongxuan took a few steps forward and came to Feng Kande's side.

  The two boys just now were students from Feng Kande's camp, and if they were to be punished, it would be Feng Kande who punished them. Naturally, they had nothing to do with Qiu Hongxuan.

  However, now that the punishment has been given, they will start today's training.

  "Everyone, the training is divided into two camps. Now you are divided into two groups according to the instructors selected during registration." Qiu Hongxuan also glanced at everyone and said loudly: "It is

  mine to select the instructors, all stand on the left Come, it is Lao Feng who selects the instructors. All stand on the right."


  Everyone responded in unison again, and then without any delay, they began to choose the positions on the left and right according to the instructors they selected.

  The process was quick and simple, and in less than three minutes, all the students were in position.

  "Come here with me." Qiu Hongxuan glanced at the person on the left, waved his hand, and walked to the left first.

  At the same time, Feng Kande also glanced at the people on the right, and also led them to the right.

  It can be seen that when the two instructors started training, they did not want to interfere with each other.

  In other words, the content of their training is different.

  After all, after training for a period of time, their two camps will compete. Whichever camp wins will get the reward.

  In this way, the two instructors will inevitably want to train the students in their own camp to become stronger and more powerful, so that they can surpass the other camp.

  So, it is understandable that the training content and training methods are different.

  Qiu Hongxuan led Lin Fan and others to the far left position of the square, raised his voice and said: "The total number of people on our side is 580, and the total number of people on Old Feng's side is 620. Although We don't have any advantage in terms of numbers, but I believe that our quality will surpass them. Do you have confidence?" "


  everyone responded.

  "It's good to have confidence."

  Qiu Hongxuan was very satisfied with everyone's attitude and said: "From tomorrow on, we will gather here every day. We don't need to roll call with them. Our camp can do roll call alone." When he said

  this , Qiu Hongxuan pointed at the area at his feet with his finger, meaning to tell everyone that they should remember to just roll their names here in this area, and there is no need to go anywhere else.

  "Then, in our camp, the number of second-level evolvers is 480, and the number of third-level evolvers is 100."

  Qiu Hongxuan looked at everyone and continued to add: "Second-level evolvers and third-level evolvers The training intensity is different. I hope you all can understand this. It’s not that I have any selfish intentions, but the same training intensity is either unfair to the second-level evolutionaries or unfair to the third-level evolutionaries.”

  "So, now, I want you to take positions again according to your strength."

  "The second-level evolved person stands on my left, and the third-level evolved person stands on my right, in no particular order."

  Regarding this point, Everyone already had a general understanding, so naturally they would not make random guesses, let alone think that Qiu Hongxuan had selfish motives.

  Soon, 480 second-level evolvers stood on the left side of Qiu Hongxuan, and one hundred third-level evolvers stood on the right side of Qiu Hongxuan.

  "Brother Lin Fan, we all have one hundred level three evolvers here, so that means there should be no less than one hundred level three evolutionaries here with Instructor Feng, right?" Murong Shan asked in a low voice.

  "Well, it should be." Lin Fan nodded.

  The crowd was a bit dense just now, and it was impossible for him to use the ring to read everyone's data information at once. In that case, he didn't know how long it would take just to read the data information.

  Therefore, at this time, he could only answer Murong Shan's question by making inferences and guesses based on their situation.

  There are 580 people on their side, and 100 of them are third-level evolvers, while Feng Kande has 620 people on his side. The number of third-level evolvers will definitely not be less than 100.

  After all, those who choose to join Feng Kant's camp shouldn't be that bad.

  However, what surprised Lin Fan was that Mu Hongling was from their camp and not from Feng Kande's camp.

  After Qiu Hongxuan saw that Lin Fan and others were already standing separately according to the second-level evolutionaries and the third-level evolutionaries, he first looked at the second-level evolutionaries and said: "The initial estimated time for this training is In three months, we will carry out very targeted training for you, so that your strength will be greatly improved in three months, and your potential will be infinitely stimulated." "Today is the first day

  . I won’t give you too difficult projects, just do simple plank support.”

  As soon as Qiu Hongxuan finished speaking, the surroundings fell into a quiet atmosphere at first, and then the sound of discussion spread.

  "Doing a plank? Isn't this too easy?"

  "Yes, we are all evolved, and our strength in all aspects has been greatly improved. Doing a plank is not difficult for us at all!"

  " I don't think it's difficult, but it's the instructor's request. We just have to obey it and don't think too much." "

  Well, you're right. Our instructor is a fifth-level evolver and has much more experience than us in these aspects. "You must be right to listen to the instructor."

  "Then start doing it! Let's see who can hold on longer."

  Just when everyone was about to lie down on the ground and do plank support, Qiu Hongxuan interrupted them.

  "Don't worry yet. As you said, you are all evolved, and ordinary plank support is naturally not difficult for you."

  Qiu Hongxuan changed his voice and said with a smile: "So, I have to make it more difficult for you."

  Bang bang!

  After speaking, he clapped his hands.

  After the applause spread, in the other direction of the main square, a group of people wearing uniforms came out, including Big Bear and Little Rabbit.

  In the hands of Big Bear, Little Rabbit and others, they each held quite a few sandbags. The contents of the sandbags were known to be sand even if they didn't use them.

  "This is a ten-pound sandbag. When you do plank support later, it will be placed on your back. You just need to remember one thing. Don't let the sandbag fall from your back, otherwise it will be regarded as Elimination, there will be punishment for those who are eliminated early."

  Qiu Hongxuan said in a serious tone: "As for what the punishment is, I haven't thought about it yet. If you want to know, you can try to let the sandbag fall."

  ( End of this chapter)

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