Chapter 395 Punishment for being late

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  Chapter 395 Punishment for Being Late

  When they saw the time was up, Qiu Hongxuan and Feng Kande looked at each other, and then Feng Kande took a step forward and said, "Start counting the people now." The purpose of counting

  the people was to see if anyone was late.

  This process goes very quickly. After all, everyone is an evolutionist and has strong reflexes, so the counting process is quite fast.

  "One thousand one hundred and ninety-eight!"

  The last person present reported the number.

  Hearing this number, Feng Kande couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

  However, in everyone's eyes, this smile looks like a fox laughing.

  "Everyone, the number of people registered here is 1,200, neither more nor less. We can be very sure that no one has left this base in the past few days."

  Feng Kande said loudly: "In that case, then It can only mean that there are two people who are late."

  The moment Feng Kande finished speaking, two figures were running towards this side quickly.

  While running, he shouted: "Instructor, we are here!"

  The two figures were both boys, about twenty-two or thirty years old.

  Everyone looked at the two boys, and many people couldn't help but have expressions of gloating on their faces.

  Being stared at by everyone, the two boys were obviously a little embarrassed, and their faces turned slightly red.

  After running in front of Qiu Hongxuan and Feng Kande, the two boys stood at attention.

  "Instructor, I'm sorry, we are late."

  The two boys said in unison.

  "It's okay. You dare to come here and admit being late. This is also something worthy of encouragement." Feng Kande said with a smile.

  Regarding Feng Kande's words, many people showed dumbfounded expressions.

  Is it okay to be late?

  Didn’t I say before that you would be punished for being late?

  Why is it okay now?

  If they had known this earlier, they wouldn't have had to rush here in such a hurry!

  The key is that the way Feng Kande spoke did not seem to be angry.

  The two boys were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that they were late. The instructor didn't punish them, but smiled and said it was okay. This was beyond their expectations.

  "Instructor, then... let's go back to the queue first?" a boy asked.

  Although the other boy didn't speak, he was already ready to return to the queue.

  Just when the two of them thought that Feng Kande would happily nod in response, the words that came out of Feng Kande's mouth were like pouring a basin of ice-cold water on them, making them tremble uncontrollably.

  "Don't worry!"

  Feng Kande said with a smile on his face: "You can return to the queue at any time, but the other thing must be completed immediately." "

  Uh, instructor, what's going on? ?" the boy asked blankly.

  "It's very simple."

  Feng Kande stretched out his hand and made a circle, and said with a smile: "The length of this big square is about five kilometers. From now on, you go and run a hundred times around the big square. Come back to me to report after you finish."

  A five-kilometer lap!

  Run a hundred laps!

  After hearing what Feng Kande said, the expressions on many people's faces were slightly dull for a moment.

  What is this concept?
  It’s equivalent to asking them to run five hundred kilometers!

  Although they are all evolutionaries, and although their speed data are not bad, running 500 kilometers is still not an easy job.

  The two boys' eyes widened, their mouths opened wide, and they looked dumbfounded.


  "You laughed me to death!"

  "The two of them thought they wouldn't be punished!"

  Murong Shan couldn't help laughing. She had been observing the changes in the expressions of the two boys just now. She can sum it up a little, that is, the mood of those two boys in the past few minutes was definitely more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

  "As long as Instructor Feng controls his emotions well, people who don't know will really think that Instructor Feng won't punish them." Li Zihan said from the side.

  "Yes." Murong Xue nodded slightly.

  Lin Fan also smiled lightly.

  However, although this punishment sounds a bit serious, they come here to train and improve themselves.

  It was only the first day of training, and the two boys were late. If they were not severely punished, how could those two boys have long memories?

  The most important thing is that the instructor also needs to use such things to establish his authority and tell everyone that the instructor's dignity does not allow provocation!
  "What are you two waiting for? Why don't you run away?" Feng Kande glanced at the two boys and saw them standing there with stunned expressions on their faces. He couldn't help but raise his voice and scolded them.


  Being scolded by Feng Kande, the two boys were instantly frightened. After reacting, they quickly responded without any further delay and acted quickly.

  They all know that Feng Kande is a fifth-level evolver, and the two of them are only second-level evolvers. It is not an exaggeration to say that such strength is weak in front of Feng Kande.

  Therefore, even if they felt that Feng Kande's punishment was a bit harsh in their hearts, they did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on the surface and could only accept the punishment obediently.

  Seeing the two boys starting to run, Feng Kande slowly looked away.

  When the two boys selected their instructors, they both chose him as the instructor. He has the responsibility and obligation to punish the two boys.

  Running a hundred times around the main square, a distance of 500 kilometers, was actually estimated by him. This distance was within the limit of what the two boys could bear.

  If these two boys persevere to finish the race, to a certain extent, it can also be regarded as a squeeze on their potential.

  Feng Kande glanced at everyone and said loudly: "Everyone, I have called you here to improve your strength, not to be lazy. I don't care how powerful you were in your family or power before. You are sought after geniuses, but here you have to correct your mentality." "

  You know, there are many people who are better than you in this world. If you don't correct your mentality and train well, sooner or later others will put you at a distance. We are getting farther and farther apart. Only by correcting our mentality and training well can we continue to shorten the distance with others." "

  Starting from today, I don't want anyone to be late in the future training days." "

  If anyone is late again, I will If you put your words here now, you will definitely be punished much more severely than the two of them, do you understand?"

  Feng Kande's words were very penetrating, and everyone could hear them clearly.


  Everyone replied without hesitation.

  They really came here to improve themselves, and naturally they would not make the same mistakes as the two boys.

  (End of chapter)

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