Chapter 272 Reporting Information

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  Chapter 272 Reporting Information
  "Deputy Gang Leader, I didn't get much specific information about the Li family, because after I went there, I met with Li Tianyuan, and Li Tianyuan asked someone to arrange for me to rest until they could negotiate who to let me go. When we come to participate in the trade fair, we will set off and return to the base."

  Liu Feng did not dare to say that he lay on the bed and slept after going to Li's house. If he said that, he could imagine how Tian Xiaobing's face would change. It's ugly. It won't be him who suffers at that time.

  "It seems that Li Tianyuan is still wary of you. He directly arranged for you to go down to rest, without giving you a chance to wander around the Li family. This is just my guess." Tian Xiaobing said.

  "Yes, that old fox Li Tianyuan is very shrewd. He must be afraid that I will learn more about Li Jia by wandering around the Li family, so he arranged for me to rest." Liu Feng nodded.

  "Then why did the two big families start a war? Do you understand?" Tian Xiaobing asked again.

  "Deputy Gang Leader, I understand this."

  Liu Feng said: "What I heard is that Zhuang Fenlin's grandson went out to practice with Li Zihan, and had evil thoughts in the middle. However, Li Zihan managed to escape, but the Li family followed him out. People were killed by the banker's people. After Li Zihan returned to the Li family, the Li family quickly organized people to attack the banker." "How could the

  banker's people do such a stupid thing?"

  Tian Xiaobing's eyes narrowed slightly and he said : "This really opened my eyes! Our side is getting stronger and stronger now, and the bankers did this without considering the consequences at all. Do they think the Li family is a soft persimmon who can be bullied at will?" "It seems

  like This is really the case." Liu Feng continued: "The banker thought that even if the Li family knew about this, they would not dare to start a life-and-death battle with them, so they were a little careless, and the Li family was caught off guard and destroyed. "

  Otherwise, given the strength of their two families and both sides being fully prepared, it's really not certain who will win." "

  Idiot, the banker is really a big idiot. It's reasonable for such an idiot to be eliminated." As it should be." Tian Xiaobing sneered.

  If he were the banker, he would consider the various situations on their side and how could he do such an impulsive thing.

  Even if there are secret struggles, on the surface there will definitely be no stalemate in the relationship with the Li family, let alone irreconcilable conflicts with the Li family.

  Because, in this case, a life and death battle between them will inevitably begin.

  When the time comes, how can we cope with them?

  This is obviously stupid behavior.

  "Deputy Gang Leader, I went over this time and captured some useful information." Liu Feng said solemnly.

  "What information?" Tian Xiaobing stared into Liu Feng's eyes.

  Liu Feng said intently: "When I first arrived at the gate of the Li family, the gatekeeper of the Li family asked me who I was. After I revealed my identity, I just mentioned it, and I saw the gatekeeper. His face changed with fear."

  "Although he is just a janitor, I looked carefully and found that he should also be a first-level evolution." "

  This information is well observed. A first-level evolution, after hearing Your identity makes your face change with fear, which is enough to show that the entire Li family is full of fear of us, otherwise the gatekeeper would never have changed like this." Tian Xiaobing smiled lightly, which was regarded as a compliment. Fan Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng was very happy to receive praise from Tian Xiaobing, even if it was a small compliment.

  "How many people from the Li family are here this time? Is it just Li Zihan? Is there anyone else coming with you?" Tian Xiaobing asked.

  "A total of four came." Liu Feng replied.

  "Who are the other three members of the Li family? Do they have positions in the Li family?" Tian Xiaobing asked.

  "Deputy gang leader, the other three are not from the Li family. None of them are surnamed Li. They should not hold any positions in the Li family." Liu Feng shook his head.

  "If their surname is not Li and they are not from the Li family, then why would they come with Li Zihan?" Tian Xiaobing frowned slightly.

  "I don't know about this, but those three people seem to have a pretty high status in Li Tianyuan's heart, because I think Li Tianyuan is very polite to them." Liu Feng said truthfully.

  This was indeed the actual situation he saw. He could clearly feel Li Tianyuan's politeness to Lin Fan from Li Tianyuan's tone and attitude.

  "Are the three of them very strong?" Tian Xiaobing had a flash of doubt in his eyes.

  Li Tianyuan is a third-level evolver, and it may not be that simple for Li Tianyuan to treat him politely.

  "No, the three of them are one boy and two girls. The boy is twenty years old, and the two girls are sisters. The elder sister is also twenty years old, and the younger sister is about sixteen or seventeen years old." Liu Feng elaborated: "I have tried it

  out It is beyond their strength, and it is only the strength of a first-level evolver." "

  How could the strength of a first-level evolver make Li Tianyuan treat him like this?" Tian Xiaobing became more and more confused.

  "Deputy gang leader, I have thought about this question carefully. I think it should be that they have a very good relationship with Li Zihan. Li Zihan is Li Tianyuan's only granddaughter and the future heir of the Li family. Li Zihan's good friend, Li Tianyuan is also It's impossible to act arrogant!" Liu Feng said.

  "Well, what you say is not unreasonable. Maybe they have a very good relationship with Li Zihan, or maybe they have helped Li Zihan before." Tian Xiaobing nodded.

  "Yes." Liu Feng said, "I have arranged them in the accommodation area now. Deputy gang leader, do you have any other instructions?" "Not yet."


  Xiaobing took a deep breath and said in a solemn tone. : "There are still two days until the trade fair begins. We must not make any mistakes in our work during these two days. Otherwise, if the gang leader is dissatisfied, none of us will get any good results." "So, these two

  days You must also strengthen patrols around the base. The trade fair must be held safely." "You know

  , the gang leader wants to take advantage of this trade meeting to understand the overall situation in Zhonghai, and also to see what is there. Maybe they are willing to join us."

  "Those who are willing to join, let them join when the time comes. Those who are unwilling to join, it is not too late to consider other things. Winning without fighting is the greatest means of victory." "

  Deputy The gang leader is right, I will pay attention to the patrol issues around the base in the past two days, please rest assured, deputy gang leader." Liu Feng promised.

  As the leader of the Qinglong Gang, he is mainly responsible for the security issues around the base here.

  It was only some time ago that he was temporarily sent to Zhonghai City to observe the situation.

  The trade fair is about to start, and he should naturally return to his essential work, otherwise, as Tian Xiaobing said, if something goes wrong, none of them will get anything good.

  (End of chapter)

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