Chapter 271: Amnesty

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  Chapter 271: Ru Meng's Amnesty
  "I'll go! The Qinglong Gang's base is built too extravagantly!"

  Seeing the huge base in front of her, even Murong Shan couldn't help spitting out a fragrance.

  She never imagined that the Qinglong Gang's base would be so huge and spectacular.

  If she had to describe it, she could only think of the level of an ancient palace.

  Of course, she didn't know what it was like inside, but from the outside, it did feel like a palace.

  Lin Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and he said: "This can also be seen from the side. The Qinglong Gang is indeed very powerful. If we want to build such a base, we will definitely not be able to do it in a short time without sufficient human and material resources."

  " Yes, it takes as many people and as many days of labor to build it, the Qinglong Gang is really wealthy!" Murong Shan curled her lips.

  As they spoke, the two cars quickly drove outside the gate of the Qinglong Gang's base.

  The people guarding the gate were all attracted to the RV.

  When they see such an RV for the first time, they will naturally be very curious.

  The caretaker went to the gate and asked, as was customary, who the visitor was.

  Liu Feng opened the car window, his eyes fell on the watchman, and said, "It's me. The people in the car behind are the Li family. I was ordered by the gang leader to bring them to participate in this trade fair." "Okay

  . , Hall Master Liu." The guard nodded.

  Then, have the other two people open the door.

  Liu Feng reached out of the car window and waved, signaling Lin Fan to just drive in and follow him in.

  The two vehicles drove into the Qinglong Gang base one after the other. Many people walking in the base were attracted by the RV.

  "What kind of car is this? It looks too domineering, doesn't it?" "It's really domineering

  . With a car like this, why do you need to be afraid of zombies!" "

  I'm more curious about who is in the car?" "

  Yes, yes, yes, I'm also curious about who is in the car?"

  People who saw the car were discussing it.

  Lin Fan naturally ignored these sounds and continued to drive behind Liu Feng's car.

  The Qinglong Gang's base covers a large area, and there are several places in the parking lot alone.

  To be precise, there were originally three parking lots, but for this trade fair, a fourth parking lot was temporarily added.

  This fourth parking lot is specially used for parking by outsiders like Lin Fan who do not belong to the Qinglong Gang.

  Liu Feng took Lin Fan and the four of them straight to the fourth parking lot.

  After finding a parking space and parking the car, Liu Feng got out of the car first and waved to Lin Fan and others, gesturing for them to get out of the car as well.

  "Brother Lin Fan, do you want to take everything in the car with you?" Murong Shan asked.

  "Just take what you have with you first. The car is parked here anyway. If you need anything, you can come and get it at any time." Lin Fan said.

  "Okay." Murong Shan nodded.

  "Andy, please stay in the car for now. I'll let you out later when I find an opportunity." Lin Fan glanced at Andy and said with a slight smile.

  Andy couldn't speak, but he nodded his dog's head at Lin Fan, obviously telling Lin Fan that he understood the meaning.

  After the arrangements were made, Lin Fan and the four of them got out of the RV.

  "You haven't had a good rest after driving for such a long time. I'll take you to the accommodation area to have a rest first." Liu Feng stepped forward and said.

  "Okay, I'll help you, Hall Master Liu." Lin Fan nodded.

  This trade fair not only has a parking lot specially prepared for outsiders, but there is also a special one in the accommodation area.

  As long as they are not members of the Qinglong Gang, they are all arranged in an accommodation area.

  This accommodation area includes buildings and small independent villas.

  Those who live in buildings are those whose family power is not very strong.

  Those who live in small villas are those with relatively strong family power.

  There is a very sharp contrast between the two.

  Although some people may feel dissatisfied with this contrast secretly, no one will say it openly.

  After all, if you say it, you will not only offend the organizer Qinglong Gang, but also other family forces.

  Questions like these are something that everyone knows very well.

  As the largest family in Zhonghai Province, the Li family undoubtedly lives in a small villa.

  Moreover, the location of this small villa is one of the best in this accommodation area.

  Liu Feng led Lin Fan and the four of them to the small villa and said, "You guys should take a rest here first. If you need anything, you can always tell the arranged servants." Yes, in this kind of small villa, the Qinglong Gang also went out of their way

  to Servants were arranged.

  Of course, being a servant actually has another function, that is, you can listen to what these powerful family members talk about.

  After Lin Fan and the other two entered the small villa, Liu Feng did not linger here any longer and turned around to leave the place.

  He also wanted to go to Tian Xiaobing to report the details of this time.


  Tian Xiaobing is still resting in his own villa today.

  Liu Feng came to the pavilion and saw Tian Xiaobing as expected.

  "Deputy Gang Leader, I'm back." Liu Feng said.

  "How is it?" Tian Xiaobing asked.

  "Someone from the Li family is here to attend the trade fair."

  "Who is here? Li Tianyuan or Li Changjun?"

  Tian Xiaobing knew the information about the main members of the Li family, so he naturally knew the names of Li Tianyuan and Li Changjun.

  ", neither Li Tianyuan nor Li Changjun are here." Tian Xiaobing replied slightly embarrassed.

  "Both of them didn't come?" Tian Xiaobing's tone instantly turned cold.

  Hearing the change in Tian Xiaobing's tone, Liu Feng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and said quickly: "Deputy gang leader, Li Tianyuan said they just got rid of the banker, and he needs to stay in the family to arrange many things personally, and then he needs to Li Li Chang Jun's help, that's why they couldn't come."

  After saying these words, Tian Xiaobing's expression remained unchanged. Liu Feng quickly added: "But the two of them didn't come, but Li Zihan came with him."

  "Li Zihan?" Tian Xiaobing frowned.

  "Yes, that's Li Zihan. She is Li Changjun's daughter."

  Liu Feng explained: "Li Changjun is just a daughter like Li Zihan, and he has no son. Sooner or later, the Li family will be handed over to Li Zihan."

  Tian Xiaobing thought . After thinking about it, Liu Feng cannot be blamed for this matter. If Li Tianyuan and Li Changjun don't come, with Liu Feng's strength, it is impossible to force Li Tianyuan and Li Changjun to come.

  Being able to have Li Zihan, a future heir of the Li family, attend the trade fair was not without its benefits.

  "I won't hold you accountable for this matter." Tian Xiaobing stopped, changed his voice, and asked: "Then when you went to the Li family this time, did you get the specific information about the Li family and how the Li family got rid of the dealer? "

  Seeing that Tian Xiaobing did not blame him for not bringing Li Tianyuan or Li Changjun, Liu Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling as if he had been granted amnesty.

  (End of chapter)

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