Chapter 232 The inexplicable siege

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  Chapter 232 The inexplicable siege
  "Did you find it first?"

  Yang Hao turned around and looked at the smiling red-haired female cultivator.

  "What evidence do you have?"

  Yang Hao was secretly vigilant in his heart, but he was using words on his face.

  Since he was promoted to Nascent Soul, he has not fought many opponents of the same level.

  He still wanted to avoid conflict if possible.

  "Fellow Taoist, please look."

  The red-haired female cultivator seemed not to remember the conflict. As soon as she threw her jade hand away, a shadow appeared around her and Yang Hao.

  The content of the shadow seems to be inside this volcano.

  However, there is only one red-haired female cultivator among the characters.

  "Ah, it's the inextinguishable fire! It's a pity that I didn't bring the tools to contain the strange fire. Let's wait until tomorrow." The

  red-haired female cultivator said in the shadow.

  "So? This is just an image. There is no way of knowing whether it is true or false." "

  Even if it is true, it does not mean that the ownership of this immortal fire is yours." "

  In other words, I want to be with you. Fight for this immortal fire?"

  Yang Hao said.

  "Fellow Taoist, don't get me wrong. I don't want to compete with you for this thing."

  The red-haired woman waved her hand and denied.

  "Then what do you want to do?"

  Yang Hao said with a frown.

  "Fellow Taoist, you collected this inextinguishable fire for the purpose of refining the alchemy furnace, right?" The

  red-haired woman did not answer, but asked.

  "So what?"

  Yang Hao frowned even more tightly, not understanding the other party's purpose.

  "In that case, fellow Taoist should be a fourth-level alchemist, right?"

  The red-haired woman looked at Yang Hao with determination.

  "That's right."

  Yang Hao replied.

  "That's great. I wonder if you can refine a furnace of elixirs for me?" "

  Of course, I will provide all the materials, and the remuneration will be paid according to the market price."

  "What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

  the red-haired woman said happily. .

  "Just refining pills?"

  Yang Hao was surprised.

  "It's just alchemy."

  The red-haired woman nodded.


  Yang Hao thought for a while and felt that this could be done.

  "However, this has to wait until I have refined the alchemy furnace before I can proceed. Please leave me your contact information and I will contact you then."

  Yang Hao continued.

  "No problem."

  The red-haired woman said happily, seemingly not worried about Yang Hao's regret.

  After leaving a jade slip for Yang Hao, the red-haired woman walked away without a trace.

  "Weird guy."

  Yang Hao looked at the other person's leaving figure with some doubts in his heart.

  However, it is still a happy thing to be able to obtain immortal fire without conflict. .

  Now that all the materials for refining the alchemy furnace have been gathered, he can find a place to start refining.


  a month later.

  Yang Hao walked out of the sect's weapon refining hall.

  After these days of refining, he had another fourth-level alchemy furnace in his storage bag.

  Because there is not much of Yang Hao's essence left.

  Not all related modules have been upgraded to full level.

  The effect of this alchemy furnace is not extreme.

  But in general, it is more than enough for Yang Hao's daily refining.

  After refining the alchemy furnace, Yang Hao first contacted the red-haired woman he met before.

  The elixir that the other party needs to refine is called "Yin and Yang Expelling Poison Pill".

  This is a fourth-level high-grade elixir, specially used to expel all kinds of poisonous poisons and bugs at the fourth level and below.

  Just by hearing the name, you know that this is a specially customized elixir.

  Apparently, the red-haired woman herself or one of her relatives and friends had been poisoned by a fourth-level poison.

  This elixir is urgently needed for treatment.

  However, these have nothing to do with Yang Hao.

  He just needs to refine the elixir and get the reward, and everything will be fine.

  And this is not a problem at all for Yang Hao, whose alchemy skills have reached level 5.

  He didn't even spend the essence to strengthen it, and successfully produced it in the first refining.

  Yang Hao followed the old rules and withheld part of the Yin Yang Expelling Gu Pill, and then gave the rest to the red-haired woman.

  Then, he got a piece of sky crystal from the red-haired woman as a reward.

  Sky Crystal is a fourth-level mid-grade weapon refining material.

  The reward for Yang Hao's alchemy is still very appropriate.

  Even if Yang Hao can't use it, he can still use it as a foundation.

  It will also come in handy when you come to Huiliu Shanfang Market for trading in the future.


  "Next, I need to find the materials to refine Yuanrong Dan."

  Yang Hao returned to Baguio Palace and thought carefully.

  "Yuanrong Dan requires four fourth-level medicinal materials."

  "With my alchemy ability, I can replace one of the auxiliary medicines with third-level Dragon Spirit Grass." "

  But even so, I still need to obtain the other three ingredients. Medicinal materials."

  "I've seen it at Huiliu Shanfang Market before. There are people selling 'Willow Leaf Flower' and 'Three Needle Grass', but there is only one 'Ghost Wolf Fruit' missing." "So, I have to find a way to find it

  . Let’s take a tour of the secret realm.”

  “In this way, we can not only obtain some fourth-level treasures for trading, but also maybe encounter an ancient medicine field by chance.”

  Yang Hao thought while browsing the sect’s missions.

  Just right.

  To the north of Baguio Palace, near the Poro Sect, a newly discovered ancient secret realm was discovered.

  "I will take an exploration mission and go in to search and loot."

  Yang Hao thought.


  Three days later.

  Yang Hao appeared in Feiyao Wilderness south of Poro Sect.

  "Hey, you, yes, it's you, hand over what you have on you."

  Before Yang Hao could enter the secret realm, he was surrounded by a group of tall and thick monks on the way.

  Judging from the situation, it seems that they have encountered the much-loved robbery incident.


  Yang Hao didn't even bother to care about these pawns.

  As soon as the Nascent Soul stage's momentum was released, these guys were killed.

  Not even the desire to talk nonsense.

  "Sure enough, sometimes we still encounter such troublesome things."

  Yang Hao shook his head and went directly to the entrance of the secret realm.

  "Wow -"

  In a flash of light, Yang Hao had arrived on a prairie.


  a month later.

  Yang Hao came out of the secret realm smoothly.

  The storage bag contained some products unique to the secret realm as well as three medicinal materials for refining Yuanrong Dan.

  "I'm so lucky, I came across a medicine field directly."

  Yang Hao was quite happy.

  "Fellow Taoist, it looks like the harvest is quite rich."

  "Why don't you share it with us?"

  Just when Yang Hao was thinking this, he met three Yuanying monks dressed in strange clothes.

  A male cultivator with breasts as big as a bucket, a female cultivator with only a body, and an old man without limbs.

  "No, you are all like this and you still come out to rob?"

  Yang Hao's mouth twitched.

  Although the spirit in the Nascent Soul stage is much stronger, mental defects will still affect one's combat effectiveness to some extent.

  "Stop talking nonsense and hand it over quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

  The bucket man threatened with a fierce look.

  Obviously, he is very confident in the strength of the three Nascent Souls on his side.

  "Get out!"

  Yang Hao's face turned cold and he directly gave each of them a Split Star Finger.

  Immediately afterwards, he used Akabane Flash and fled crazily.

  During the process, he continued to encounter spatial interference from three Nascent Souls.

  But due to the absolute nature of the entry, Yang Hao's escape was not interrupted.

  The four of them chased and escaped, and three hours passed like this.

  In the end, the disabled trio gave up as a last resort.

  Yang Hao also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

  Although they are three disabled Nascent Souls.

  But the numerical advantage more than makes up for this disadvantage.

  Although Yang Hao wasn't afraid, he didn't want to get entangled too much.

  It would be best to escape.


  a month later.

  Yang Hao successfully refined three bottles of Yuanrong Dan.

  Then, he took Yuanrong Dan to practice while performing sect tasks to earn resources.

  In this way, more than fifty years passed.

  Yang Hao broke through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

  At the same time, at this moment.

  Yang Hao once again encountered a fatal life crisis.


  "Why do you all want to kill Zhou?"

  "Zhou asks himself that he is quite friendly on weekdays and will not form a life-or-death hatred with you."

  Yang Hao looked at the six people who surrounded him . A Yuanying monk said slowly.

  "Hey, Zhou Yi, your death date has come today, no need to talk nonsense, just accept your death."

  A middle-aged man with a gloomy face said coldly.

  "That's right, if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being from Baguio Palace."

  Another cold-faced female cultivator also said.

  Then, without waiting for Yang Hao to resist, the six Yuanying monks cast spells together to form a large formation, directly trapping Yang Hao in it.

  "Why are you forcing me?"

  Yang Hao sighed.

  Then, he suddenly opened his arms, and a golden light burst out from his body, forming a huge shield that enveloped himself. At the same time, Yang Hao quickly used the magic power in his body to shoot a series of lightning bolts to attack the weak points of the formation.

  Bang bang bang!
  The six Nascent Soul cultivators did not expect that the formation formed by themselves and others could be broken so easily. They all screamed in agony and received backlash.

  Yang Hao was not in a daze, and then released a series of thunderballs and fireballs towards everyone.

  For a moment, sparks and lightning were flying on the battlefield, and deafening explosions resounded through the sky.


  Unfortunately, the six Nascent Soul cultivators were not killed in one fell swoop.

  The leading Yin Ying middle-aged man shouted loudly, and his robes surged around him.

  Then, a huge stone man appeared in the air and punched in the direction of Yang Hao.

  Others also reacted and launched their own attacks.

  Boom boom~
  Yang Hao's shield fluctuated violently, and not long after, it was shattered under the joint attack of everyone.


  Upon seeing this, the Yin Ying middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, before he could use his spiritual sense to detect the life and death of his enemy, a thick golden blade suddenly shot out from the mist and struck in the direction of him.

  Its speed was as fast as lightning, and when he saw it, it was already less than one foot away from him.

  The shadowy middle-aged man looked at this scene in horror, but it was too late to escape. The golden sword light cut him in half at once, and blood and internal organs were scattered in the air.

  "Kill one for now!"

  Yang Hao counted silently.

  Then, his figure became weak, and he suddenly activated Akabane to dodge and dodge elsewhere.

  Boom boom~
  Yang Hao's original position was hit by the saturation bombardment from the other five monks.

  If Yang Hao had not gotten out of the way, the consequences could be imagined.

  "This guy is too dangerous, be careful with his space shuttle!" The

  cold-faced female cultivator who had spoken before found that Yang Hao's red feather flash could not be interrupted, and quickly reminded others.

  "Humph, so what if you know?"

  Yang Hao snorted coldly, using the Red Feather Flash to wander wildly around the edge of the battlefield, waiting for an opportunity to set up the Little Xuan Ice Formation and the Little Mystery Formation.

  "No, this is a formation master!"

  The moment the formation was formed, the five enemies realized the strength of Yang Hao's formation.

  Unfortunately, the coverage of these two formations is indeed a bit small.

  It didn't take long for them to notice this weakness.

  They all used space shuttles and left the coverage area.

  "Tch, at the Nascent Soul stage, these two formations are indeed of no use."

  Yang Hao, who was expecting the formation to have a huge effect, curled his lips and gave up the idea.

  "Rockfall Technique!"

  Seeing that the formation didn't work, Yang Hao directly launched the falling stone technique.

  At the Nascent Soul stage, the power of the falling stone technique is further enhanced.

  Just like in the world of inner demons.

  The mass of the meteorites formed in the sky at this moment has almost doubled dozens of times.

  The speed of falling is also much faster than before.

  As soon as Yang Hao released his weapon, twenty-seven huge meteorites hit the five enemies in the next second.

  Boom boom boom~
  What a pity.

  Even the enhanced version of the falling stone technique has no effect on these Nascent Soul stage enemies.

  They simply traveled through space and escaped the direct bombing of meteorites.

  The rest of the aftermath is harmless to them.

  "Oh, I originally wanted to save mana, but in the end, I still have to use the fourth-level magic?"

  Yang Hao sighed and gave up the idea of ​​saving mana.

  Then, he opened his big hand, and the only fourth-level flying sword turned into a golden sword and flew out, slashing at the cold-faced female cultivator closest to him.

  Due to the superimposition of various damage-increasing buffs, this blow is very powerful.

  It can be seen from the fact that the middle-aged man Yin Ying was easily cut in half by it.

  The cold-faced female cultivator witnessed the fate of the gloomy middle-aged man with her own eyes, so she was naturally prepared for this attack.

  "The goddess scatters flowers!"

  The cold-faced female cultivator formed a seal with her hands, and her body instantly dispersed into countless falling petals.

  The golden sword light crossed its original location, only cutting off a few petals.

  When the cold-faced female nun returned to her physical form, there were only a few insignificant wounds on her body.

  These wounds healed quickly before the powerful recovery power of the Nascent Soul stage.

  "Damn it, I still have too few means."

  "It was a fluke to kill the Yin Ying middle-aged man before he was unprepared." "

  Next, it's a bit fanciful to expect such a result."

  Yang Hao looked at this scene and sighed inwardly.

  Over the years, he has been obsessed with cultivation and has not paid much attention to the cultivation of fourth-level magic.

  In addition, the amount of essence required to upgrade the fourth-level spell is too much.

  So much so that Yang Hao is really unable to deal with his current combat effectiveness.

  "It's time to find a way to retreat."

  "It's a pity that I am in my true form now, otherwise I would have self-destructed."

  Yang Hao thought to himself.

  Since these people suddenly broke in when he broke through, Yang Hao failed to switch to the avatar in time.

  Therefore, the operation of killing the enemy by self-destruction cannot be done for the time being.

  "It's better than this. I'll use Akabane Escape in my main body, and then leave the avatar in the rear." "

  After a few people realize that something is wrong, the avatar will self-destruct, blocking their progress." "

  Then, I will release another avatar, and the cycle repeats. "

  These guys won't be able to catch up with me."

  (End of chapter)

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