Chapter 231 Huiliu Shanfang City

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  Chapter 231 After Huiliu came out of Shanfang City

  , everything Yang Hao experienced was very similar to the world of inner demons.

  The congratulations of the Nascent Soul monk, the summons from the leader, the oath of the great road...

  From here, we can also see how real the world of inner demons is.

  Without the help of Golden Finger, I'm afraid he would have continued to sink into countless worlds of inner demons.

  Until consciousness dissipates.

  'The world of cultivating immortals is really dangerous every step of the way. Yang

  Hao said with emotion as he looked at the many low-level disciples who were still busy working for cultivation resources.


  Ten years later.

  After Yang Hao consolidated his Nascent Soul realm, he began to look for ways to continue to make breakthroughs.

  In terms of skills.

  Yang Hao is not lacking now.


  Yang Hao now only lacks some skills that are unique to the Nascent Soul stage.

  For example, secret techniques to enhance the ability to retrace time, techniques to further control space, etc.

  With the merits accumulated in the past, Yang Hao could only purchase a secret technique that enhanced the ability to trace back time.

  It's called "Do You Really Understand Time Rewind?"

  It sounds like the name is not serious, but its effect is very good.

  There is no skill panel, just relying on Yang Hao's own efforts.

  In these ten years, he has strengthened his time-traveling ability to its current limit.

  Now, after he activates time retrieval, he can cover a kilometer radius and rewind time up to 72 hours ago.

  This level is actually very powerful.

  Yang Hao is also quite satisfied with this.

  In addition, Yang Hao also lacks elixirs for cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage.

  It's not impossible to practice without pills, but the speed is relatively slow.

  The pills rewarded by the sect have long been consumed.

  If Yang Hao wanted to obtain it again, he basically had to refine it himself or buy it from other fourth-level alchemists.

  'At the Nascent Soul level, you can try to get medicinal materials that were difficult to obtain in the past. '

  Yang Hao thought so.

  The reason why it was so difficult before was mainly because I was not strong enough and couldn't get too many fourth-level medicinal materials.

  And the circulation of fourth-level medicinal materials on the market is not that wide.

  Most fourth-level alchemists have their own unique channels.

  Either rely on the sect, cooperate with some fighting monks, or join other forces.

  At that time, Yang Hao didn't want anyone, so it was naturally difficult to get it.

  As for the magic weapon that is handy.

  In fact, Yang Hao is not in short supply.

  For defense, he has the Dragon God Armor.

  At the Nascent Soul stage, he can fully utilize the performance of the Dragon God Armor.

  No need to worry about insufficient battery life anymore.

  What's more, he now relies more on his avatar to act outside.

  The role of defensive magic weapons is not too great.

  Compared with an incarnation talisman, the cost of purchasing a fourth-level defensive magic weapon is much higher.

  It is better to use it in other places where it is more needed.

  And offensive magic weapon.

  Yang Hao also had a fourth-level low-grade flying sword that he had previously obtained from Liu Xirui.

  This thing is still the best magic weapon.

  Even if Yang Hao uses it now, there is no problem at all.

  Other types of magical weapons are not really necessary for Yang Hao.

  Yang Hao can realize all the functions that the magic weapon can have through magic.

  With the blessing of skill panel entries, these spells can exert stronger effects than magic weapons.

  In this way, Yang Hao has no need to spend money on such a place.

  With this skill, he might as well collect some low-level spells.

  Bet on your luck, maybe you can still pile up some top-notch entries.


  'Well, now the goal is clear. '

  'Now I need to refine the fourth-level elixir recipe and the corresponding elixir materials. '

  'By the way, we have to find a way to get a high-level alchemy furnace. '

  'Although with the blessing of alchemy skills, low-level alchemy furnaces can also refine high-level elixirs. '

  'But if it fails, once the furnace explodes, all my medicinal materials will be destroyed. '

  Yang Hao silently calculated in his heart.

  With his current level of weapon refining, he could refine one by himself.

  However, the corresponding refining materials are somewhat difficult to find.

  There are also corresponding module construction methods.

  All of these need to be found.

  'There are so many things needed. '

  'However, let's take it slow one by one. '

  'Let's start with the most basic needs. '

  Yang Hao thought for a moment.

  Cultivation requires pills.

  Refining elixirs requires elixir recipes, medicinal materials and elixir furnaces.

  To obtain the alchemy furnace, you need to obtain the corresponding refining materials and modules.

  Therefore, his top priority is to first obtain the refining materials and modules for the alchemy furnace.

  'I remember that the Taoist friend who congratulated me mentioned before that there is a special market at the Nascent Soul stage. '

  'These things can probably be obtained from there. Yang

  Hao thought about it and found relevant clues about Yuanyingfang City from his memory.

  'Hui Liushan? This place is not within the scope of Baguio Palace. '

  'I have to get a mission first and then go to that place to see it. '

  'But before that, let me first see if there is anything redeemable in the sect. '

  Yang Hao set off for the sect's exchange peak.


  Among the fourth-level weapon refining materials, the sect only provides the common "star iron" in exchange.

  One pound requires three hundred thousand merit.

  The price is very expensive.

  Yang Hao estimated that it would cost about two kilograms of star iron to refine a fourth-level pill furnace.

  So, he reluctantly exchanged two catties.

  As for the weapon refining modules, the sect only offers exchange for the ones with the worst effects.

  However, this is enough for Yang Hao.

  Anyway, as long as he has enough essence and piles up entries, the effect will not be much worse.

  But there are no medicinal materials, elixirs or the like.

  It is said that those are specially provided by the alchemy department.

  Yang Hao learned about the regulations of that place and felt they were too strict, so he had no idea.

  Just swap it out.

  Yang Hao's accumulated merits over the years have basically been spent.

  And his alchemy furnace refining plan still lacks the last two components.

  One is the heaven and earth fire, and the other is the heart fire stone.

  As the name suggests, the Heaven and Earth Fire is the flame necessary for refining elixirs.

  At the fourth level, most medicinal materials cannot be refined with low-level flames.

  Only the Heaven and Earth Fire can have this ability.

  'My requirements are not high, just the lowest level of strange fire. '

  'Anyway, my success rate in alchemy never depends on these external objects. '

  'As long as it guarantees that the furnace won't blow up. '

  Yang Hao thought.


  after setting a goal.

  Yang Hao received a mission from the sect to escort the caravan to and from Huiliu Mountain, and then set off.

  Although as a dominant sect, no one should dare to rob the Baguio Palace caravan.

  But some people don't worry about this kind of thing.

  As long as you handle the end of your hands cleanly after you start.

  What about the overlord-level sect?

  Don't miss out on taking the photo.

  Therefore, every time I go to Huiliu Mountain to trade.

  The sects all had to send Nascent Soul monks to escort them.


  One more thing needs to be mentioned here.

  Although Huiliu Mountain is a trading place in the Nascent Soul stage.

  But that doesn't mean there aren't low-level deals out there.

  On the contrary, precisely because of the status of Huiliushan Yuanyingfang City, low-level trade has become more prosperous.

  So much so that big powers like Baguio Palace often send caravans to trade.

  Of course, some people may also ask.

  Why not use the teleportation array to teleport the purchased items back?

  Wouldn't that be more convenient than sending a Nascent Soul cultivator to escort him?
  Actually, this question is easy to answer.

  It's just that the cost is not worth it.

  If you want to teleport back from such a long distance, you must use a giant teleportation array.

  Every time the giant teleportation array is activated, a large amount of spiritual stones must be spent.

  Generally speaking, this kind of teleportation array is used for war.

  It’s really not worth it just to deliver goods.


  There is nothing much to say during the escort mission.

  With Yang Hao, the Nascent Soul, in charge, almost no one dared to offend.

  Occasionally there are some people who are not smart.

  Yang Hao sent them back to the west with just a few Split Star Fingers, without even showing much of their Nascent Soul stage strength.

  The journey was extremely relaxing.

  Not only did Yang Hao wonder if he had been lucky.

  In the past, as long as he participated in the missions, some accidents would happen more or less.

  There are good ones and there are bad ones.

  But it won't be as boring as now.

  'Actually, this is fine. '

  'I didn't come here for the mission. Yang

  Hao shook his head and comforted himself.

  In this way, we arrived at Huiliu Mountain smoothly.

  Naturally, there are people in the caravan who are responsible for the corresponding transactions.

  Yang Hao doesn't need to care too much.

  He came directly to Yuanyingfang City in Huiliu Mountain.

  "Dare I ask my friend's name?"

  As soon as he arrived, a Nascent Soul monk came forward to ask for his identity.

  "I am Zhou Yi from Baguio Palace, and my name is 'Haoyang'."

  Yang Hao bowed slightly and signed up for his number.

  "It turns out to be Master Haoyang of Baguio Palace. I'm so glad to meet you."

  "I am the person in charge of Yuanyingfang City in Huiliu Mountain, An Liushan, with the Taoist name 'Huiliu'."

  An Liushan said with a smile.

  "I've met Master Hui Liu."

  Yang Hao saluted again.

  "Is this the first time for Master Haoyang to participate in Yuanyingfang City?"

  An Liushan and Yang Hao chatted for a while and suddenly asked.

  "I was promoted to Nascent Soul a few years ago. This is indeed my first time here."

  Yang Hao said honestly.

  "Haha, then let me tell you the trading rules of Yuanyingfang City."

  An Liushan said with a smile.

  "Article 1, in the market, no physical or magical conflicts are allowed." "

  Article 2, in the market, you are not allowed to force others to trade based on their cultivation, reputation, or power." "

  Article 3, in the market You are not allowed to join forces with others to maliciously lower or raise the price of an item." "

  Article 4,..."

  An Liushan said a lot of rules.

  Yang Hao was also listening carefully.

  Generally speaking, these rules are designed to better protect the interests of traders and maintain order in the market.

  This is a very good thing for both traders and the market.

  Yang Hao had no objections.

  Just a little confused.

  Wouldn't it be enough to just issue a jade slip with these rules?
  Why do you have to tell it in words?

  However, if you don't understand it, you won't understand it.

  Yang Hao also knew that there must be considerations behind the other party's actions.

  As long as it's not harmful to you, it doesn't matter.

  "Fellow Taoist, before going in, please wear this special mask to hide your identity."

  An Liushan finally gave Yang Hao a black mask and warned.

  "If the identity of fellow Taoist is exposed due to his own reasons, we will not be responsible." "

  So, fellow Taoist, please don't take off your mask easily in the market."

  Yang Hao took it and nodded.

  He still understands these principles.

  He didn't hesitate much and put the mask directly on his head.

  Swish -

  Yang Hao felt that his figure had grown taller, and his face, bones, etc. were also constantly changing.

  But in just a few seconds, he turned into a muscular man with another look.

  At the same time, the aura on his body began to fluctuate continuously, and finally took on another appearance.


  Yang Hao praised sincerely.

  "Thank you, fellow Taoist, you can enter now."

  An Liushan said with a smile.


  Entering Fangshi, Yang Hao was slightly shocked by the scene inside.

  For no other reason than because there are at least a hundred Nascent Soul monks walking back and forth here.

  And this does not include the stall owners who set up stalls.

  'Good guy, looking at it this way, the Yuanying monk also feels like a bad street. Yang

  Hao complained in his heart.

  Of course, he also knew that this was just a special situation.

  The reason why so many Yuanying monks are able to gather together is just because of Huiliu Shanfang City.

  The Nascent Soul cultivators in front of me came from who knows how many regions.

  Not much is abnormal.

  Yang Hao looked around and then started to wander along the crowd.

  As he watched, he searched for the items he needed.

  Soon, he saw a stall owner selling heart flint.

  "You're friendly, how can I sell this Heart Fire Stone?"

  Yang Hao stepped forward to talk.

  "No spiritual stones, just various treasures of corresponding value."

  The stall owner said angrily.

  Yang Hao nodded and picked from his storage bag.

  Finally, he gave away most of the trophies he had obtained from killing the enemy before buying the Heart Fire Stone.

  'Aren't the trading standards here too high? Yang

  Hao smiled bitterly.

  I just entered Nascent Soul and didn’t have much accumulation at all.

  Just one transaction wiped out all his savings in the golden elixir period.

  The gap between Yuanying and Jindan is indeed too big.

  'Maybe I have to refine some fourth-level elixirs first, and then consider coming here to exchange things. '

  Yang Hao thought.

  'Now, it's better to leave obediently. Yang

  Hao smiled bitterly.

  This is what happens if you don't go out and explore.

  It is basically impossible to get more than expected.


  After returning to the sect and handing over the tasks.

  Yang Hao then planned to obtain the Heaven and Earth Fire.

  He first went to the Fangshi within the sect and looked around, but found no relevant information.

  He then sent avatars to investigate the intelligence dealers in various cities.

  Finally, he learned the whereabouts of a strange fire from heaven and earth from the mouth of a golden elixir monk.

  The name of this strange fire from heaven and earth is "Immortal Fire".

  There's nothing special about it except that it won't go out.

  However, for Yang Hao, this is enough.

  Therefore, he packed up his things and set off to the corresponding location.


  At the bottom of an unknown volcano, Yang Hao found this immortal fire and was about to put it in his bag when a sound suddenly came from behind him.

  "Fellow Taoist, I was the first to discover this inextinguishable fire."

  (End of Chapter)

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