439. Chapter 439 Huge Wealth

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  Chapter 439: Great Wealth
  All the true gods in the pantheon changed their expressions when they heard the words of the Lord of the Game.

  "Master of the game, you must be responsible for what you say." Shar's face turned terrifyingly dark.

  These words are really scary. It is not that easy to break through a divine kingdom.

  If it drags on for a long time and something like that really happens, I'm afraid there won't even be a place to buy regret medicine.

  The Lord of the Game raised his right hand high and said, "If my words are false, let my soul fall into the River Styx and become a filthy demon."

  In order to make money, the owner of the game also worked hard, but what he said was the truth anyway.

  Once the mastermind behind the law of data is successfully promoted to a powerful level of divine power, it may be a real disaster.

  The entire multiverse must pay a bloody price in order to fight against the invasion of the mastermind behind the scenes.

  Sun God Peiro's face was solemn, "Your Majesty the Lord of Games, you are also a member of the true gods of the multiverse and should contribute your own strength to this world. Please hand over this

  information to the gods as soon as possible to avoid devastating consequences. Disaster!"

  When the other gods heard this, they also criticized him one after another, and even some true gods from the good camp began to curse the Lord of the Game as a selfish bastard.

  The master of the game, Li Ge, suddenly laughed so hard that tears of laughter almost flowed out.

  "Haha, that's so righteous.

  Let me tell you, don't even think about taking my information out of thin air.

  I can accompany you for a long time. Every second you argue with me, the chance of seizing the opportunity will be smaller!
  If you have the ability, continue to mess with me and see who is the unlucky one in the end!
  I am looking forward to seeing all the powerful gods now become slaves!"

  The words of the Lord of the Game made most of the true gods turn as black as charcoal. No more unnecessary quarrels between true gods.

  The master of the game is obviously a piece of meat on a hob and is not afraid of any threats at all.

  "Everyone, I suggest that the True God who is willing to invest should first buy the information and determine whether this opportunity is real. Then

  we will formulate a strategy and distribute the spoils according to our respective contributions. What do you think? This matter can no longer be delayed. ."

  In the end, it was the sun god Pelor who stood up to end the matter and let the gods vote.

  "I agree." The first person to agree was the Night Goddess Shar. Once the Lord of the Game tells the truth, she is likely to become the biggest victim.

  "I agree too"

  "I agree..."

  All the powerful gods, including the good and evil camps, agreed with this opinion.

  No powerful god can take out such a large amount of wealth. And if you don't participate, you will be excluded from the chance to seize the opportunity.

  No ambitious true god is willing to give up this opportunity. Many other true gods with medium divine power and below also joined in.

  Compared to the last Saint Catastrophe, there were legendary stories of mortals jumping up and becoming powerful gods. What if they have such a chance this time.

  Soon, through the generosity of thousands of true gods, a small mountain of divine power crystals was piled up in the void of the Pantheon.

  "Lord of the game, you must swear to the universe consciousness and the River Styx that you will not sell information to anyone other than the transaction partner, nor will you personally participate in this incident."

  All the gods looked at the damn Lord of the Game angrily. Many true gods even spent their capital in order to get this opportunity. The Lord of the Game's eyes shone, but he still didn't lose his mind. "Then you must also swear not to take any revenge on me afterwards." "

  On behalf of the gods, I agree to your request," the tone of the Sun God Peiro also sounded. Become ice cold.

  Then both sides began to swear. Such a dense oath of true gods caused the consciousness of the multiverse to fluctuate violently, and the water of the Styx River surged.

  "No, this is the information you need." The Lord of the Game threw a ball of light, and with a wave of his hand, he put away all the crystals of divine power and disappeared into the Pantheon.

  The gods are not afraid of lies, and no one can violate such a powerful true god's oath.

  Li Ge, who had severely blackmailed the gods, returned to the Kingdom of God and immediately offered up the True Spirit Creation Map to wrap up the entire kingdom of the Dimensional God System.

  Then they jumped into the void of the multiverse and completely disappeared from the sight of the gods. No true god could find them.

  Although the gods swore not to retaliate against him, revenge did not necessarily require taking action personally.

  If the gods summoned powerful gods like the Hundred-Armed Giant from the long river of time, if there were a few more, the Dimensional God System would also suffer heavy casualties.

  Li Ge never believed in the integrity of the gods of the multiverse. Compared with the immortals in the myths of previous lives, the bottom line of these true gods is lower. Even if they are as powerful as the sun god Pelor, there are shadows in their hearts that the sun cannot shine.

  "I really made a fortune this time, with 10 million divine power crystallized without any manipulation at all.

  These many resources are enough for me to practice for a long time, so I'd better stay here honestly for a while!"

  Li Ge Feeling so happy, I immediately warned everyone to practice hard during this period and not have any thoughts of going to the multiverse.

  If you are really bored, you can go to the other two worlds to play.

  Only Talon, the patron saint of the Avatar world, is a little miserable. He can only remotely control his own world, but he has not fallen from the status of god yet.

  In the dimensional dragon nest that is combined with the Kingdom of God, there are almost a million devout believers of various gods at the moment.

  With the support of the Force provided by the ancient dimensional tree, it is completely possible to continue living under better conditions than in the original world.

  Moreover, many of the believers strongly requested to go to the planet Ailas and continue to serve the Lord God. For example, the kobold Sass, the green dragon Krisna, and the dragons on Dragon Island.

  Li Ge also agreed to their request and left everything to the goddesses.

  Now the Dimensional God System is not considered to have left the multiverse, but is just hiding in the extremely hidden endless void, the deepest dimensional space.

  Li Ge can't control what the gods of the Pantheon will do next, and he doesn't want to.

  The only thing he wants to do now is to quickly turn the huge wealth crystallized by tens of millions of divine powers into his own strength.

  If things go well, he should be able to surpass Ying Long this time. Even in the multiverse, it is possible to take one step closer and reach the level of the Elf Lord Corellon or the Sun God Pelor.

  That was already the pinnacle of powerful divine power, with the divine level reaching level 18 or 19.

  At that point, Li Ge wouldn't have to be as difficult as he is now, and it wouldn't matter even if he was a little arrogant.

  Even if there really is a god who takes over the position of the Supreme God, he must abide by the rules of the multiverse and cannot punish this powerful divine power at will.

  Just like the god AO, isn't it true that the gods can only impose punishment when the tablet of destiny is stolen and the gods violate the agreement?

  (End of chapter)

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