438. Chapter 438 Dealing with God

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  Chapter 438: Dealing with the Gods
  "Humble reptile, tell the great Cyric the information about the Supreme God, and I will forgive your disrespect." Cyric stared at the Lord of the Game, breathing rapidly. Everyone can hear it.

  Shar smiled sweetly, "Your Majesty, Lord of the Game, if you tell me this information alone, I can become your concubine!" The

  Lord of the Game swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and I have to say that Shar's proposal was very tempting. , the original goddess of this world, who doesn’t want to have a taste of it.

  "Shar, you are such a shameless Bichi." Su Lun, the moonlight goddess, stood up.

  "Your Majesty, Lord of the Game, don't believe Shar's words. After she becomes the Supreme God, she will definitely return the entire multiverse to darkness."

  As expected of sisters who love and kill each other, Suellen immediately came out to disrupt the situation, making Shar's towering chest heaving with anger.

  "Dang", Tyr, the God of Justice, knocked his hammer, attracting the attention of the gods.

  "Your Majesty, Lord of the Game, please consider carefully and do not give this information to those evil gods, as it will destroy this beautiful world."

  "Fart!" Bane, the Lord of Tyranny, was furious. He raised his iron glove high and slapped it on the throne.

  "That's nice to say, you guys who claim to be righteous, who of you are not eyeing the position of the Supreme God?

  Lord of the game, give me the information, I swear by the divine fire, after I become the Supreme God, you will be under one god , above all gods, enjoying endless glory."

  "Haha, it's really ridiculous! Ben, your strength is too weak. It is my orc god, Gruush, who is qualified to sit on the position of the supreme god.

  Little lizard, give me the news, and I can spare the Dimensional God in the future. It is the life of all gods."

  Hearing the words of the orc lord, all the true gods couldn't help laughing. The elf lord Corian even directly sarcastically said, "Dirty orcs, who have been defeated in the previous battles between gods, still have the nerve to talk nonsense here!" "The Lord of the Game

  " , I am the oldest dragon god, you should give me the information and I will make you my only spouse."

  "Haha, Tiamat, you are deceiving your young descendants again!"

  "Lord of the game, give me the information, and I can give you endless wealth!" "

  Choose me, and I can make the most beautiful goddess in this world I all fall in love with you!"

  Almost all the gods were frantically tempting or threatening the Lord of the Game, but the Lord of the Game sat there comfortably with a smile on his face, unmoved at all.

  "Everyone, be quiet. Let's not fight anymore. Let's listen to the opinion of the Lord of the Game first." In the end, it was the Sun God Pelor who couldn't stand it anymore.

  This ancient and powerful god took it upon himself to put an end to the chaos caused by the gods.

  Only now did the gods realize that the Lord of the Game had never put forward his own conditions.

  Seeing that the gods were finally paying attention to his opinion, the game master raised his lips. It was finally time to cut the leeks.

  "Your majesties, I don't want any promises, and I don't accept any temptation or intimidation. I only want one condition. If you promise me, the news about the opportunity of the Supreme God will be handed over to you immediately."

  Hearing the words of the Lord of Games, the gods were in an uproar, "Your Majesty, Lord of Games, just say whatever conditions you have. There are so many

  powerful gods present, and they can definitely meet any of your conditions."

  At this moment, even the most evil true god who hates Li Ge the most wants the Lord of the Game to immediately put forward conditions and hand over the opportunity.

  The master of the game straightened his face and stood up, "I will only sell this information once. No matter which god or which god system it is, as long as you produce 10 million divine power crystals, you can take away the information." "Ten million divine power

  . Crystallization!"

  Almost all the true gods were shocked by this sky-high price.

  "Damn scum, you are blackmailing. You have angered the great Cyric, you are dead!" "Young Dragon God, you are too greedy!" "

  Jiejie, you will die if you have a big appetite! "

  Even members of the Elf God System who have a very good relationship with the Dimensional God System are frightened by the greed of the Lord of the Game.

  The Sun God looked serious, "Lord of the Game, your request is too greedy. A powerful god cannot accumulate so many divine power crystals in ten thousand years! So many divine power crystals are completely enough for an

  ordinary true god to forcibly be promoted to the highest level with divine power. The level of powerful divine power.

  It is impossible for the gods to agree to your request. Change it to a reasonable condition!" The

  Lord of the Game shook his head, "Your Majesty Pelor, I want to ask you, is the position of the Supreme God not worth so much divine power? Crystallized?"

  The sun god Pelor was speechless. The position of the supreme god cannot be bought even with a hundred times this wealth.

  The Lord of the Game continued, "It's not that I'm greedy, but that you are used to being overbearing and using your own tyrannical power to gain benefits.

  Ten million crystals of divine power may seem like a lot, but isn't your powerful one who has lived for hundreds of thousands? Years, or even millions of years, wouldn’t there be some wealth? If

  this wealth is divided among the twenty or so powerful gods present, wouldn’t it be easy to take it out?

  Moreover, of all the true gods present, I can say that many of them have their own As an independent plane, each true god can extract some of the world's origin and be able to achieve my request."

  All the gods fell silent, and they all knew that what Li Ge said was true.

  But there is a problem. Every god wants to monopolize this opportunity, and no one wants to share it with other true gods.

  In the end, it was the Sun God Pelor who spoke, "Master of the Game, you are right, but the true gods present are divided into camps, and it is impossible for them to jointly pay for your information!" The Master of the Game did not care at all about this powerful god

  . In the face of the competition for the position of the Supreme God, any camp disputes can be put aside.

  If they could not distinguish the situation, these powerful powers would have fallen from their throne long ago.

  "Gee, Lord of the Game, you'd better be honest. The Dimensional God System is just a small God System.

  As long as a few of the powerful divine powers present join forces, they can break through your kingdom and capture your body.

  When the time comes, you won’t even be able to die!” The person

  who said these cruel words was actually the goddess of the night, Shar. Moreover, there were actually many gods with fierce gleams in their eyes, as if they really wanted to break through the kingdom of the dimensional gods.

  "Haha", the game master threw his head back and laughed.

  "Stupid, do you think that the opportunity of the Supreme God is a dead thing?

  I can tell you right now, if you are still entangled with me here, I am afraid that the opponents of the gods will be able to complete the accumulation soon.

  By then, I am afraid, even if you pay a lot of strength The life cost of divine power may not necessarily be able to seize the opportunity.

  At that time, the multiverse will be waiting to be seized by others, and all your true gods will become slaves!

  Shar, you stupid woman can't run away. The other true gods You can give up everything and run away, but you are one of the creation goddesses of this world and you cannot leave at all!

  If you have the ability, go and attack my Kingdom of God now. With my weak divine power, I can pull you powerful ones to death, so it’s worth it!

  (End of chapter)

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