Chapter 384 Chapter 373 Try once

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  Chapter 384 373. Try once

  Magnus woke up from a dry feeling of powerlessness. When he woke up, he felt an inexplicable throbbing - it was the connection with the Thousand Sons. He seemed to hear He heard the wails of the heirs who were snatched away by the guardian spirits before they died.

  The Primarch struggled to sit up, and then he became aware of the ever-present, anxious footsteps. Magnus coughed dryly and tried to say something, but he was stopped.

  "Quiet, Magnus."

  A voice came to his ears, and Magnus realized that the watcher was close to him, and that Hades was in the cell.

  The relaxed and nonchalant attitude that characterized his everyday speech was gone, replaced by emotionless words that reminded Magnus of the unvarnished words of the Magus Mechanicus.

  "I was wrong before, Magnus. You are His mark. Unless I destroy your soul, I cannot eliminate His surveillance of this place." Magnus heard the scream of the blade across the ground

  . , his muscles tensed, he wanted to do something, but felt that there was nothing he could do. He was played by Chaos, and his Thousand Sons and Prospero also disappeared.

  "In other words, He heard the conversation I had with you before - and He wanted to end this matter, and He did not hesitate to use your words. Is this a warning, or is it a joke?" This sentence was said very lightly

  . , more like Hades talking to himself,

  "What's more terrible is that I think the emperor also agrees with the opposite view. He saw something in Prospero, which may have changed his mind. I should go A more important occasion than guarding an abandoned son."

  The anxious footsteps sounded again, and you could never know whether Tzeentch wanted you to stop doing this or whether he wanted you to continue doing this. .

  After a long time, the footsteps stopped, and Hades seemed to be squatting next to Magnus, who was half-sitting against the wall.

  "Let me tell you a story, Magnus, this is my last attempt."

  He said, the sickle making a scraping sound on the ground,
  "There was once a hapless guy like you. He was attracted to him from the beginning, but the one who was attracted to him was different from the one who was attracted to you. He has been unlucky all the time. On the established destiny line, all the big things he wanted to accomplish failed." Hades

  's The voice paused,
  "Look, just the opposite of you, you should have had a smooth journey - it's a pity that you met me." "

  But then he changed his destiny. On the one hand, he did change a lot of his bad habits. Temper, on the other hand... I'm not boasting, the waves in the subspace also need someone to cut off before they can make major changes -" [ changed his fate line? ]

  Magnus's voice was trembling. He listened to Hades' silence for a moment,

  "Yes, the soulless are the most suitable for this kind of thing, aren't they? Rather than using psychic powers to carefully fight against the various waves of fate, It is better to cut off the entanglement directly, but unfortunately this requires the soulless person to have sufficient abilities."

  [Are you the only one who can do this? ]


  Magnus was silent,

  [Did you just say Mortarion? He was also...also...]

  "Hush, be quiet, Magnus."

  Hades said,

  "So you are the luckiest of the unfortunate, Magnus."

  Magnus thought of Mo Talion's unique aura of death and his morbid behavior made it difficult to imagine what Mortarion had experienced in the past.

  "It's not just you, it's not just him either."

  Hades murmured,

  "I have also witnessed that the entire legion was on the verge of extinction, the heirs were in a pool of blood, and he could not escape his fate. He is currently... can be said to be far away. We have determined our destiny."


  Hades was silent,

  "You should have seen the device on his head, so I say you are lucky."

  Magnus was silent as if dead. After a long time, he asked slightly,
  "You originally ...are you here to help me get rid of...those things? ]


  Hades said,

  "But you are different from them. Even in the most critical moments, their souls did not surrender for a moment. Magnus, you know what I am referring to."

  Magnus Si had already given part of his soul to Tzeentch from the very beginning. What he faced was not a cruel curse, but lies wrapped in honey.

  【Then...can I still...? ]

  He opened his mouth in vain, this was just an inertia,
  "Don't think about that, Magnus."

  Cold words rang in his ears. Hades' previous method was to isolate the gaze of the subspace, and then try to do it. There are things that are consistent with physics and psychology, but Magnus's situation is destined that he will never be able to completely cut off the subspace.

  "Accept the cruel reality and then atone for your sins. Magnus, this is the most sincere advice I give you. Just do what the Emperor orders you to do and don't think about anything else." Magnus tried to pull out a cracked smile at the corner of his mouth

  . The wry smile proved that he was indeed numb, numb enough to accept it all, but he could only feel the blood seeping from the corners of his mouth.

  [...My story has ended from the beginning, right? ]

  Hades stood up and paced the small cell again irritably. This was what he hated about Tzeentch. When killing the opponent cannot be the solution, you have to think of other methods, but no matter it is Any plan will fall into the calculation of the Lord of Changes.

  Judging from the Emperor's posture, Hades estimated that he wanted to use Magnus as a disposable bomb and throw it out at the critical moment to explode the pony, but the question was, was this reliable?

  Originally, Hades thought this was okay, but he realized that Magnus himself already had a bit of Tzeentch in him, so this was a big gamble.

  And he couldn't confirm whether Magnus was a deception or the real key point, because the anchor point of Prospero has been removed, and Magnus's biggest key point in turning his fate has passed.

  The Emperor obviously had this consideration in mind. In fact, he had already summoned Hades to leave. This was the last day Hades would take custody of Magnus.

  "Okay, let me try one last time... Magnus, are you willing to make an attempt that is better than nothing?"

  Hades saw Magnus raising his hands in vain,
  [Is this an order from the Emperor? ? ] Hades had no expression on his face. He turned on the channel and turned up his voice,
  "Emperor, I want to beat Magnus."

  "Please do it."

  The other end of the channel disconnected indifferently, and Magnus looked like he was About to scream silently.

  "It is now."

  Hades said calmly,
  "You have to cooperate with me next."

  [Cooperate with you to beat me? !

  "Yes and no."

  Hades said,

  "Now... you have to hand over the authority of your soul to a soulless person."

  Before Magnus could respond, the black domain surged up.


  Magnus screamed and rolled in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. He tried his best to escape far away. He didn’t want that kind of thing to touch him! ! !

  But he was too weak. The Emperor's psychic suppression and the death of the Thousand Sons greatly weakened Magnus's soul light. In the past, he could have left directly and left the cursed object far away. behind.

  He watched helplessly as the monster swallowed him up, like a dense swarm of insects crawling onto his skin, like he fell into a bottomless stinking swamp. His soul was worse than death, far hotter than the fire of hell. The flames burned his soul.

  He resisted subconsciously, but heard a roar from a distance,

  "Magnus---just bear with me! Malcador is stronger than you!"

  Magnus suddenly remembered why he was here, and the stench What is the cursed thing? He might as well just die!

  [Knock me out and stay away from me!

  "I want to knock you out directly!"

  Then Magnus saw the blue in front of his eyes - there - he remembered! The gorgeous waves of the vast ocean seem like just yesterday, at the top of the Great Pyramid of Prospero, the great power of the warp stepped down from the altar and signed a contract with him.

  The darkness twisted and tried to penetrate into the depths of his soul.

  A scream sounded from the depths of his soul, and he saw Prospero burning, and people's souls were burning, providing him with strength.

  The darkness and the sickle stabbed him together, and the strange light suddenly exploded! After a moment of dazzling light, everything returned to its original position, as if nothing had changed.

  Then Magnus heard the sound of falling to the ground, and then the sound of retching. The waves of powerlessness began to ebb, and he slowly re-grabbed the boundaries of the physical world.

  He smelled blood, but it wasn't his.


  He asked tremblingly,

  Hades silently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was worthy of being a Tzeentch, and he was also worthy of being the original body of the psionic system. Hades felt that Tzeentch was buried in Magnus. The logo was stronger than the psychic energy of an entire planet, and Magnus' soul itself was resisting him... It was still too hasty, and he was impatient.

  In the distance, the emperor's hand, which was studying the map, paused slightly.

  "So the fireworks are here."

  He whispered. No wonder, the emperor turned on the channel at the same time,
  "Don't waste your efforts, Hades."

  Hades took a deep breath,

  "It's still useful..."

  He He whispered, looking at Magnus,
  "I finally tore a small hole in your soul, Magnus... don't try to heal it, that marks where He is, you know what I mean. ?"

  [...I will stay away from there. ]

  Magnus said feebly, as if he was still immersed in the dizziness brought to him by the black realm just now, although Hades tried his best not to hurt was not very harmful, but the nausea was very strong.

  Hades frowned.

  "I mean if you feel something is wrong, go find the Emperor or Malcador immediately."

  This gives Magnus an early warning ability, but in a sense it also makes it easier for Magnus to follow Tzeentch communication -

  But as long as Magnus wants to, Tzeentch can communicate with Magnus without any obstacles, so it can be regarded as giving Magnus a self-warning function.

  The channel manager made a hissing sound of electricity, Hades paused, and then a brisk voice sounded.

  "Well, I have to leave in the end."

  As if nothing had happened just now,
  "I wish you a happy prison life, Magnus, and don't think nonsense and seek heresy."

  "Reform through labor as soon as possible and start a new life. , listen to the emperor's words, don't mess with yourself, maybe you will turn over and become a new person in ten thousand years." The sound of the

  iron gate opening, then the sound of footsteps, the sound of the door closing, and the collision of armor joints.

  Magnus smelled the blood in the cell, and for the rest of his remaining years, he would realize that this was what he heard, a final word that blessed him and contained even a hint of trust.

  He surveyed the soul, and he stared at Him as He had been silently staring at him before.

  Magnus finally settled into the quiet years he had always dreamed of.

  (end of this chapter)

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