Chapter 383 Chapter 372 Under the Flame

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  Chapter 383 372. Under the flames
  , Hades took a deep breath. He listened to the silence in the darkness around him, which meant that the current that turned on the communication had been extinguished.

  He looked at Magnus, who had passed out, and decisively opened the communication,

  "Nios - Magnus passed out, is something okay?"

  "No problem."

  The emperor's voice sounded calmly on the other end. , Hades imagined the Emperor in the command room admonishing Mortarion and Leman Russ about the main target of the attack.

  The emperor's voice was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking,

  "Hades, tell Magnus to be careful."

  Hades paused, and he suddenly realized that Magnus had a relationship with Tzeentch, so ...

  "You mean, just now-"

  "Prospero has a strong psychic tendency, Hades, which means that the words or actions of any key character will become a bullet fired into the future. "

  Hades blinked,
  "But I opened the Black Domain."

  "Not strong enough."

  He did not destroy the only source of spiritual energy in the entire space.

  These words choked Hades. Malcador and the Emperor really hoped that he would capture more forging worlds to make him more waaaagh.

  "The fleet has arrived at Prospero."

  The emperor said calmly,

  "There is not enough time. I originally planned to return to Terra after the meeting in Nicaea, but now the extra schedule has interrupted my plan. I think We all hope that I will return to Terra."


  Hades raised his voice,

  "I don't want you to return to Terra. The king should walk among his troops-" "

  I refer to the existence of the warp. ."

  Hades was silent. After a long time, he slowly spoke,
  "I don't understand... I don't understand what you mean, Neos?"

  A chuckle came from the opposite channel, vaguely. , Hades seemed to hear a psychic muggle.

  Hades frowned, but the emperor's voice still sounded calmly, as if nothing had happened,

  "This is an anchor point that will inevitably happen, unless you kill me, Hades."

  Hades shouted. He said,
  "You don't want to say this! I'm warning you, Neos! This is not what you should say, don't even think about it!" "

  You can't kill me."

  The emperor said,
  "Is this the key?! "

  The Emperor calmly listened to Hades's warning on the other side, and he said,
  "Chaos has enough leverage to threaten me. The precursors of the subspace storm have been observed, and they naturally responded to my actions. ."

  Hades paused. The empire's navigation and communications all relied on subspace. If a subspace storm broke out, the empire would be physically isolated into countless fragments immediately.

  Moving the time forward slightly, the warp storm was raging, and it was the first scream of Slaanesh's birth that dispersed the warp storm, and the Emperor took the opportunity to launch the Great Crusade.

  But... but...

  "Why so fast?"

  Hades asked, he couldn't remember -

  "This is the price that must be paid for the change of fate, or in other words, this is their warning to me.

  " Space storms inevitably require rituals, costs, and time, but observing it does not require it to have happened. There has never been continuous time in subspace, and the ending may happen before the beginning.

  The Emperor put on the golden armor. He looked down at Prospero. He saw a flash of blue light. Prospero was supposed to be an important anchor point for destiny, but due to the interference of outsiders, it obviously shifted. track.

  All the contracts carefully buried by the Lord of Change have failed. They should have fallen one after another like dominoes, finally knocking down the biggest card - the Empire.

  But now the whole game has been disrupted by outsiders, and all the exquisite and subtle layouts have lost their original meaning, except for the spirit summoning rituals engraved on the planet, and those people who have stared at the subspace for too long... ever-

  changing Lord, what else can you come up with?

  The Emperor knows his enemies, the cunning and the cowardly, and he will only hide behind the card table unless the last round is shattered and he needs to start a new one. Still the same.

  The Emperor thought, endless predictions, provocations, half-truths, lies, all lies.

  But this will be a new beginning, the end of a failed game, and the beginning of a brand new game.

  What will they do?

  But no more tricks, the Emperor looked down upon them.

  "There's no need to play the recording."

  He opened his mouth and watched the first drop pod crash into Prospero's ground.


  He escaped.

  In other words, he never wanted to face him head-on.

  The rain was still falling, and the Emperor began to walk down from the tip of Prospero's pyramid, which was closest to the warp. The Wolf King followed behind him, and the Emperor felt that his hands were empty.

  He gave the Eye of Magnus to Leman Russ, who the Emperor believed would make the right decision at the right time.

  He saw the miserable state of Prospero's people in the darkness. The blinded and the stupid escaped, they gathered tremblingly under the protection of the Death Guard and the Space Wolves, but the wise and wise could not escape their fate. They might More or less, they were all tainted with the breath of subspace -

  and at the right place, at the right time, under the right inducing conditions, they were bitten by their own greed and paid the price.

  But there was only so much He could do, and no more, and the Emperor realized with disappointment that He was not even willing to set off a grand fireworks for him.

  Or maybe He puts His power elsewhere.

  Put it on... His true goal.

  The Emperor thought about this matter, and the apparition just now seemed to still be before his eyes. He thought of Horus, he thought of Magnus, he thought of the Webway - who could it be? What exactly will it be?
  Could it even be Sanguinius? Could it be Leman Russ?
  Golden flames ignited along the edges of the pyramid as he walked down. The golden light drove away the chaos that was originally attached to the pyramid. He stepped onto the ground and saw his son Mortarion calmly Standing in the rain.

  Mortarion looked past him,

  [Leman Russ,]

  the Lord of Death hissed,
  [You just left a word about being optimistic about the front, and then rushed forward.

  The emperor raised his hand, he frowned,

  "He's just worried about me."

  Mortarion sighed loudly, bowed exaggeratedly, and shook his head mockingly,
  "I'm busy with the war."

  He narrowed his eyes and made way for the emperor who was advancing straight forward. As far as his eyes could see, he saw those people burning, and the golden flames cut through the darkness like lights in the rain.

  This is not like the behavior of a general or a warrior.

  Mortarion was silent, but he still followed silently.

  The Emperor walked on the dark streets, with each step lighting up several souls. He was originally unable to do this, but he listened to the whispers of the believers to him - Lorgar fulfilled what he expected of him.

  The Lord of Mankind purified this planet, purifying this planet that had become an abandoned child. After a brief drama, the Lord of Change abandoned it, but the Lord of Mankind would not do this because this was once the residence of humans. .

  The entire planet seemed to be on fire, and golden light filtered through the walls of the fleet, reflecting Magnus's soul.

  Most of the Thousand Sons were back-bitten by their guardian spirits. Some clever Thousand Sons cut off their souls in time and cut off the connection with the guardian spirits. Others survived because they never summoned the spirits.

  In Prospero, as far as mortals are concerned, only servants and children who have never touched books with their hands survive.

  In the Warp, Prospero's burning symbolizes another thing, the annihilation of one of the most critical anchor points.

  They all witnessed it.

  Now they can sit at the same table in peace.

  Tzeentch laughed.

   Alas, my writing about subspace is vague and confusing. Tzeentch is like this. I'd better go play in the mud in the garden of my loving father.

  (End of chapter)

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