Chapter 295 Chapter 286 woke up and was shocked

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  Chapter 295 286. Woke up and was shocked and
  in pain.

  Faint uneasiness, darkness, pain.

  The rustling sound, Hades recognized in his dazed consciousness that it was the sound made when the paper was rubbed. The paper model was the same as the one Sejanus was flipping through.

  He opened his eyes.

  The dim, familiar ceiling was staring at him, with the pungent smell of disinfectant and the unique smell of medical gel. Why did

  he stay here again?
  Hades opened his mouth slightly and let out a groan of pain and resignation.


  The moment the words came out of his mouth, he realized that he had said it wrong. He subconsciously spoke Barbarus, and the pharmacist who usually looked after him was Terran.

  A glass of water moved from above his sight. Hades took the water and said thank you.

  He stood up with the glass of water and turned his head while drinking. The feeling of cold water passing through his esophagus made him feel much better -

  and then Hades saw Mortarion, who was almost tied into a rice dumpling with bandages. Walkers, who had a fixed brace on his leg, and Gallo, who seemed to have had an arm removed.

  Realizing that Hades was awake, the three men also raised their heads from the documents in their hands and looked at Hades.


  Hades was down for a moment, and he began to recall what happened before he fell into coma. Finally, he remembered that he just wanted to tear Konrad Curze apart with his hands, and seemed to say something to Mortarion. ...

  ...He hoped that the current situation was still under control.

  Hades raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at Mortarion, who was wrapped like a mummy. Facing the original body, the pharmacist could only do some simple trauma treatment.


  The joy in Mortarion's eyes immediately disappeared, but the Lord of Death surprisingly did not get angry. He just nodded silently.

  Hades looked at Vox and Gallo again. He pointed at Vox, who was on the bed next to him,
  "Midnight Lord... Shang Da?"

  Are they really gang members?
  Faced with Hades' shock, Vox looked away guiltily,

  "That's... another Night Lord, who?"

  Not only was his leg broken, Vox's body was covered with bloodshot wounds. With scars that are almost visible to the bones, Hades is aware of Vox's strength. Is there a ruthless person hidden among the Night Lords?
  Or...if the situation gets worse, could it be possible that the Luna Wolf will also take action? !

  Vox muttered under his breath.

  Hades didn't hear clearly,

  "What did you say, Vox, who did it?"

  "Senior Garo."

  Hades Brain.exe did not respond.

  Gallo watched in silence as Hades looked at him in a daze. Before Hades could ask, Gallo spoke first,
  "Wox beat him."

  Gallo felt a little funny. He had never seen Hadis before. Dis showed this expression. He watched Hades silently put aside the cup handed to him by the original body, and then lay down tremblingly again.

  Finally, Hades closed his eyes peacefully, as if he had died.

  What made Gallo even more amused was that seeing Hades's reaction, Mortarion and Vox fell silent themselves.

  Of course, Jialuo would not use the word "guilty conscience" to describe the original body.

  As the person with the most relaxed mood in the entire medical room, Gallo admired the reactions of the other people with a strange feeling. The wound torn open by the Vox sickle under his ribs was still aching, but this did not It didn't stop him from feeling some kind of happiness.

  Finally, Hades opened his eyes with a look of despair. The commander was lying on the bed, turning his head with a pale face - what

  he saw in front of him was still the rice dumpling Mortarion, the one-legged Vox, and a Arm Garo.

  Hades suddenly jumped up from the bed and sat up, and then he had to gasp because he sat up too hard. "

  Hades asked with a look of despair,

  "It happened. What, tell me, I can hold on."

  Gallo noticed that Mortarion, who had just been frozen by Hades's actions, was visibly relieved.

  [Great...I thought you were out of your mind, Hades. ]

  Mortarion murmured, he patted Hades with the document in his hand and motioned for him to lie back,

  [Recuperate first, the matter has been resolved.

  Then Mortarion helplessly saw Hades staring at him in a daze with a dreamy face.
  Hades never figured it out. The matter was solved... Then why were Gallo and Vox also in the medical room?
  What kind of plot direction will lead to the scene before him?
  Hades finally chose to give up thinking briefly. He couldn't figure it out. He needed more information...

  In the end, Hades chose to ask the question he was most concerned about first. He stared at Mortarion seriously and asked to,
  "Did you win?"

  Then Hades looked at Mortarion in horror and showed the most brilliant and a little scary smile,

  [I won——]

  Mortarion didn't He didn't panic and said proudly.


  Outside the medical room, the pharmacist Io at the end of the corridor listened to this earth-shattering shout with confusion... Finally, he decided to shout to his pharmacist teacher Leo who was resting... It seems

  that Master Hades woke up, and Io didn't feel that he could face the legion commander, commander, first company commander and seventh company commander independently.

  Especially the commander.

  Just when Io shook her head urgently, the medical room was already high. Hades laughed and high-fived Mortarion, who was also laughing, and greeted the Night Lord in Barbarian. Vox and Gallo were stunned.

  Hades didn't know why he wanted to laugh so much, although he laughed so hard that the wound on his chest began to hurt.

  While he might later face the endless consequences of Mortarion's deed, for now let him serve Mortarion Gossamer for a moment.

  To be honest, Mortarion is definitely the most petty person Hades has ever seen in terms of revenge and complaint.

  As early as on Barbarus, Mortarion had already mastered taunting without any teacher, and if any lord caused the Death Guard to fail for a moment, then in the final lord killing... Mortarion would definitely get it back Come.

  Hades had already thought that this battle was probably quite brutal.

  They laughed completely regardless of image for a while, and then Hades stopped laughing, although the corners of his mouth still couldn't stop turning up.

  "Mortarion, let me ask first, what is the current situation? We are not facing revenge from the Night Lords or joining gangs, are we? And the Luna Wolves, have you given them an explanation?"

  Motta Li An waved his hand indifferently,
  "It's all settled, you don't have to worry about it for now. ]

  Hades raised his eyebrows,
  "Why do I not believe it so much?"

  Mortarion puffed out his chest and pointed at Vox and Gallo behind him,
  "If you don't believe me, you can ask them.

  This is not something I feel comfortable saying, and Vox was sweating silently, but it was obvious that neither Mortarion nor Hades cared about this.

  Vox watched Hades' eyes move towards him. He swallowed and prepared to answer -

  Senior Hades looked away,
  "Galo, there is no emergency for the legion now, right?"


  Vox felt as if he had been stabbed in the leg again. Senior Hades obviously trusted Gallo more than him!
  Why - why is this? ! He is obviously a Barbarus, why does Senior Hades always believe in Gallo? Of course Vox knows some twists and turns in politics, such as winning over Terrans and so on... "By the way, what are you two doing

  ? Why did they start fighting?"

  Hades asked this time while looking at Vox.

  Vox's inner thoughts were momentarily interrupted.

  Vox felt a little guilty...but he did the right thing at the time, and the results now prove that Vox was right...but he still felt incredibly guilty...he was right, and he was loyal. Lord Mortarion naturally wanted to follow the original body... but he still felt guilty.

  Well, Vox knows why Senior Hades trusts Gallo.

  He...he is not willing to give in!
  But if Vox were to choose again, he would still choose to follow Mortarion without hesitation. It was because of the original body that he was born, and Vox knew this.

  Perhaps because Walkers' silence was too long, Gallo's calm voice sounded,

  "It's nothing. After you fell into a coma, we didn't have the same opinions. I had a few words with Walkers, maybe because Walkers cared too much. You were not in a stable mood at the time, so we started fighting."

  Vox quickly spoke, then added to Jialuo's words,
  "Yes, I was quite angry before and misinterpreted senior Jialuo's advice, which led to some conflicts. "

  Whose family breaks their legs when they have a conflict?"

  Hades moved his eyes back and forth between the two in confusion.

  If you want to believe it, Hades must not believe it. How could he be so cruel during a conflict? He even suspected that Vox and Jialuo had killed each other.

  Facing Hades, who had just woken up from a coma... the three people present worked together to downplay the conflict.

  ...Everyone knows that the commander is the one who is most afraid of seeing conflicts within the legion.

  It was rare to see three people with such a unified voice... and even a harmonious atmosphere. Hades decided... to pretend to be confused first.

  After all, since Gallo said it was okay, it proves that the unpleasantness has passed -

  although Hades is still curious about how Gallo and Vox got into a fight? No matter how you deduce it, they can't fight each other?
  ...Afraid that Mortarion is going to do something radical and Gallo doesn't agree? Only martial arts advice?
  Hades thought silently and looked at their reactions. This was most likely the answer that was close to the truth.

  That's really hard to say...

  Hades moved his gaze towards Vox, who was obviously beaten badly. Gallo was probably really cruel. He said,
  "Gallo... maybe you can be gentler next time." .

  Hades helplessly looked at the uncontrollable smile on the corner of Gallo's mouth, and Vox, who felt that he was already thinking about restarting his life. When did Gallo become like this?
  Mortarion coughed.

  Ha. Dis seemed not to have heard, and continued,
  "Gallo, Vox, are you here...approving documents?

  "Yes, because the legion commander insisted on being treated in this medical room and working at the same time. "

  Hades waved his hand, "

  I will do the rest. You go back and rest first." "

  The two of them also knew what they were doing. After saluting, they left directly. The two pharmacists who had been waiting outside the medical room also changed dressings and other treatments for the two of them. Listening to the sound go away, Hades smiled

  . He smiled and stared at Mortarion with shining eyes,

  "Quick, quick, quick, Mortarion, tell me how you fought, I want to hear the details! "

  Mortarion chuckled, and he decisively threw the document in his hand on the bed. Then the Lord of Death used the only ability in his life to describe the scene vividly and began to give Hades details about him. How to catch that damn Curze.

  As he told it, Hades was amazed.

  Mortarion told how he wrote the letter to the Night Lords. The primarch cleverly used The art of language and pressure forced the Night Lord to choose an internal fight that could calm his anger.

  Then he told how he speculated on the image and psychology of Konrad Curze. The Lord of Death said smugly, thank you Holland Russ, had it not been for his quarrel with Konrad, Mortarion would not have understood Konrad's ideas so well.

  As well as the prophecy, relying on the visions he had seen, and Konrad Curze With the sudden outburst, Mortarion could roughly deduce that the Lord of Night was greatly affected by the psychic prophecy.

  Mortarion told how he grabbed Curze and then crushed the stone directly in front of him. White bullets, how he swung his scythe to inflict as much pain on Curze as possible.

  And words, Mortarion used words to hit Konrad hard, picking a few that he thought were good He shared his exquisite sentences with Hades - some of them even rhymed!
  Hades listened with interest at first, but gradually he realized something was wrong... Wait, a one-on-one challenge, ah? What? , didn’t he even win over Horus?

  Mortarion deliberately skipped the part where he contacted Horus at the end, because he knew that Hades could definitely hear what he wanted to do through those words. ...

  Although Mortarion had already said what he was doing, he still thought...there was no need for Hades to hear those words.

  Hades gradually changed from listening with interest to listening with fear. .

  Even if Mortarion has had fighting experience before, the fight with Curze is definitely not easy. If you are not careful, Mortarion may... ...

  looking at him smiling and recalling the past. Mortarion, Hades suddenly realized that Mortarion was really angry this time.

  And very, very angry.

  Hades swallowed silently, and at the same time realized that the Night Lords were indeed unlikely to be able to launch any attacks now, because the only two people in the legion who could command large-scale operations were probably lying dead now.

  Finally, Mortarion finished speaking, but the Lord of Death was still not satisfied and decided to let Hades see the video he recorded now.

  But before that——

  [How is it? ]

  Hades nodded,
  "...beyond my expectation... quite exciting."

  Hades added,
  "very exciting."

  Mortarion's operation... silenced Hades, and he Looking at Mortarion meaningfully,

  "So... you let Sevatar live on purpose?"


  Mortarion said,
  [I don't know whether the bat cub is alive or not. ]

  Hades opened his eyes wide in surprise,
  "Didn't you give him the antidote?"

  [Yes, that's because he gave you first aid. ]

  Hades suddenly realized something,
  "Wait a minute, what you gave to Curze was a white bullet, right?"


  Mortarion shrugged indifferently and started to turn on the projector,
  [That's just an ordinary grenade. .

  Hades's pupils were shaking,

  【The white bullets are almost running out, I need to save some to cover the journey back.

  Okay, open, Mortarion thought with satisfaction, and once again began to appreciate his "brother's" pain.

  Hades turned his head slowly... He saw the projection, the tortured, bloody face...

  He was happy to see Curze receive punishment, but... What happened to Mortarion?

  Hades once again refreshed his understanding of Mortarion.

  ...Mortarion is terrifying.


  The video ended with screams. Mortarion crossed his arms and thought about the scene just now. He felt that he needed to play it again.

  And Hades's voice sounded faintly,

  [Huh? ]

  "You are a bit...extreme."

   4.5k updates.

    Today there is no more... Tuhunying
    said that I need to think about how to start a big rebellion. Please, I have overturned six or seven complete ideas in the past few days.

  (End of chapter)

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