Chapter 294 Chapter 285 The Trial of Mortarion

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  Chapter 294 285. Mortarion's Trial

  From the beginning, Mortarion had only one goal -

  he wanted Konrad Curze to feel the pain and feel what Mortarion was going through. pain of.

  It doesn't matter whether it's swords, words, truth or lies. As long as they can leave scars on the monster named Konrad Curze, then Mortarion will do it without hesitation. Hold the weapon by the hilt.

  Pain can only be repaid with pain.


  The sound of bursting wind suddenly sounded, followed by a huge metal collision, and sparks exploded in the space, illuminating two crazy and twisted faces.

  【What are you doing? ! Mortarion!

  Koz screamed, waving his power claws almost crazily, and the gloomy blue light struck down like lightning.

  【You don’t understand! You can not see it! None of you believe what I say! I'm not lying to you! ! ! ]

  Koze suddenly sprinted forward, and his agile figure immediately jumped from the sky above Mortarion. He hoped to rush over, drag Sevita away, and then leave - no, no, no

  , this was not the process he imagined. It shouldn’t be Sai!

  But Death's dull scythe hit Koze straight, and the scythe rod hit the flesh, making a heavy muffled sound, accompanied by the rustle of cracked metal.

  This blow was filled with great anger.

  Konrad was hit hard and rolled on the ground in embarrassment for several weeks, with dust flying everywhere. The tall and strong primarch quickly stabilized his body and bared his fangs at Mortarion like a wild beast. .

  There was a brief standoff, both Primarchs sizing up their next attack.

  Mortarion sneered. He picked up the incense burner hanging on his body and stretched out his hand to pull it. A crisp sound fell to the ground, and along with hissing poisonous gas, they floated out from the incense burner visibly to the naked eye. In an instant, they were there. A thin layer of fog spread on the floor.

  The pungent breath lingered on the tip of Coze's nose. Coze's pupils narrowed unconsciously. The gas floated lightly near his armor. With the caress of the mist, the metal made some slight, imperceptible hissing. Hiss.

  As the mist spread, Savita, who was lying on the cold floor, almost unconscious, groaned unconsciously.

  Curze felt his breathing quicken.

  [Your little bat can’t die. ]

  Mortarion said slowly and logically, as if he was appreciating the voice of Sevatar before he died,

  [At least he can't die now, but...]

  [Look, Conrad, this place is full of poisonous gas, and I can't say anything. Will he die soon? ]

  [Let’s see if you can take him out of this place by then. Can you beat me, brother? ]

  As Mortarion spoke, he lowered his head slowly, and he stretched his hands towards the ammunition at his waist.

  In the brief interval when Mortarion's eyes left Konrad Curze, the Night The sword of the Lord has reached his enemies!
  The muscles were tense to the limit at this moment, and the sharp claws scratched the helmet. The Lord of the Night grabbed the flesh and blood from the wound without mercy, and then quickly left - in the blink of an eye, Mortarion, who had been slow just now

  , He instantly grabbed his wrist and pulled him in his direction.

  In the other hand of the Lord of Death, he held a very small grenade compared to the size of the original body.

  Mortarion smiled at him.

  [I can see it, but I hope you continue to see it.

  The next moment, the Lord of Death directly crushed the grenade with his bare hands!
  However, there was no huge explosion impact like the usual grenade! After the fierce white light, countless ashes flew around the two of them.

  Curze, stalled.

  For the primarch, this was long enough. Mortarion quickly let go of his hand and reopened the distance between the two.

  He admired the gray-white powder falling one after another, dyeing Conrad Coates's messy black hair gray.

  In the hall, the intensity of psychic energy began to fluctuate instantly.

  【How about it? Did you see how your bat cub died? ]

  Mortarion sarcastically said.

  What responded to him was Konrad Coze's meaningless and painful scream. Coze howled like a beast that was suddenly blinded by bright light and hid back in the darkness. This giant monster hid himself. Among the stacked instruments of torture.

  Under the poisonous gas mask, an almost tearful smile appeared at the corner of Mortarion's mouth.

  He guessed correctly.

  Konrad Curze, he has erratic prophetic abilities, and it's related to psionics.

  But what pleased Mortarion the most was the pain the prophecy would bring to Konrad Curze.

  For him, that was enough, he already knew what to do.

  Mortarion stood in the hall. He listened to Konrad Curze's wail and the weak breathing of Sevatar. The mist steamed around him. After verifying his conjecture, at this moment, death The Lord is obviously invincible.

  The load of ammo hanging around his waist clearly agreed with him.

  The next moment, the blinded Curze once again rushed out of the shadows, waving a claw at Mortarion in an attitude that even more wished for death!
  Mortarion happily accepted the blow. He stared at Conrad's pupils that were obviously trembling abnormally, and let out a clear sneer. In an instant

  , the sound of metal hitting was like rapid raindrops on a stormy night. , danced wildly, one after another, one knife followed the other, each sound was crisper than the other, and each knife was faster than the last!
  The two demigods almost turned into shadows. Sparks burst out and illuminated the hall, and swift shadows flickered beneath their feet.

  In the gap between the sword light, Mortarion turned his words into a sharp blade and stabbed Curze violently——

  [What did you see? He's not dead, right? Otherwise you wouldn't continue to attack me. ]

  [But I will tell you, Konrad Coates, you can't even decide the fate of your own cub!

  Konrad Curze also responded to Mortarion with his angry howl, each claw more cruel than the other. If Mortarion is not defeated, he will never be able to leave here, nor can he save Sai!
  [You are just a smug blind man! Use your pathetic little tricks to try and take back the last bit of your pathetic self-esteem! ! ! ]

  But Mortarion stared at him, into Curze's eyes. Would his eyes reflect the death of his heir?
  【Pathetic little trick? you are wrong!

  The next moment, Mortarion once again had an extra ammunition in his hand, and Coze, who had been warned, immediately tried to retreat. White light burst out, and Konrad Coze hid hideously back in the bunker in the darkness. Just now It was just a sneak attack from Mortarion, and he was ready for it now.

  Konrad Coates stared at the half-mad figure, preparing for the arrival of the prophecy. The weak prophecy would not slow down his pace, but would instead let him know how he should kill the enemy in front of him at the next moment.

  He concentrated his attention tightly, and faint phantoms, those that represented the possibility of the future, had begun to emerge. The
  next moment, the dust exploded, and the burning feeling immediately boiled in Conrad's reason -

  no - prophecy , the prophecy is being weakened!

  At the moment when Curze was stunned, Mortarion's scythe and his words had arrived at Curze, and the two primarchs began to fight among the debris of torture instruments.

  [How do you feel now that you are blind too? ! ! ]

  Mortarion laughed and used his scythe to split the torture instruments that blocked him from chasing Curze in the jungle. His armor was torn apart by the sharp adamantine equipment, but he didn't care.

  【Am I blind? I've seen more than you! ]

  [You are a madman! Conrad Coates! A complete rotten person! ! !

  【Do you still want to trade your supreme Primarch status for peace, and the price is just a few of your cubs? ! No, no, no, no, if you want to feel the pain, use your own soul! ]

  Curze wailed and shuttled between the torture instruments. He tried to fight back, but the ammunition in Mortarion's waist told him that rashly closing the distance now would only bring him a new round of pain.

  [I have long fallen into the abyss of pain. Sinners must be punished. I have seen the punishment destined for me! And you, what qualifications do you have to judge me? ! ]

  Mortarion reached out expressionlessly and smashed a metal incense burner again. The thick mist almost left dew on their armor.

  【What qualifications? ]

  He felt the mist surrounding him. In addition to the necessary anesthesia and inertia, it also contained hallucinogenic and sensitivity-enhancing drugs.

  [What do you think of this identity as the victim’s best friend? ]

  [Have you ever felt the revenge from the innocent souls under your hands? !

  The next moment, two grenades landed next to Coz, exploding into two bright fireworks.

  With unimaginable agility, Konrad Curze jumped out of the way of the two grenades' core blasts, turned around with a scream, and pounced on Mortarion, who was charging towards him.

  Although these two grenades made the scenery in his sight slightly blurry, this did not hinder the Lord of the Night's attack!

  The Lord of Night struck first. He clung to Mortarion, used his power claw to restrain Mortarion's hand from grabbing the grenade, and stabbed Mortarion's neck with his other hand.

  Mortarion turned around and let Curze, who was wrapped around him, slam into the torture rack beside them. The sharp thorns directly tore the connection between Curze's helmet and neck, and blood immediately poured out.

  But Curze was not repelled by the severe pain. Mortarion finally threw away his clumsy and too long scythe, and directly tried to block Curze's crazy scratching with his hands.

  The two original bodies began to fight in the pile of torture instruments, with blood and flesh spattering. At this moment, both of them obviously lost the necessary reason and began to attack each other with all the attack methods they could think of.

  Those strong and tall instruments of torture were torn apart in the fighting between the original bodies, and silence fell in the darkness. The two original bodies had extraordinary perseverance. The blood they spilled almost filled the entire hall, but the fighting still did not stop time, as
  if after a long time.

  Finally, a figure stood up unsteadily from the darkness and ruins. He was shaky, but he still held on and did not fall.

  Conrad Coates struggled and staggered over to Sai's body. Sai had stopped breathing, and his chest, which had been penetrated by the Hades lamp, already showed a sickly dark green color. No, no, no, no
  . No, the prophecy just now told him that Sai would not die. Why? Why? ! Why? ? !
  He had obviously discussed it with Sai before, so why did it end like this? !
  Is this the future he has chosen?

  Covered with wounds and confused, Konrad Kurtz could no longer hold on. He knelt down next to Sai's body and howled loudly, like a wounded beast.

  The pain surged up like a tide. He messed up everything. He didn't kill the monster, but he also lost his first company commander's life.

  Midnight ghosts never cry, but Conrad's vision began to become blurry. Hazy white dots appeared in his dark pupils, and they grew bigger and bigger.
  In the pure white light, Kurtz Blinking in confusion.

  He found himself in a sea of ​​torture instruments, with ashes surrounding him like rain.

  Coz opened his mouth.
  That was a prophetic scene just now!
  He turned back suddenly, only to see Mortarion's scythe that had arrived, suddenly enlarging in his sight -

  Curze's pupils narrowed violently.

  There was a rustling sound. He opened his eyes and saw Mortarion's broken cloak being dragged along. No. No. He wanted to use force, but found that he could not move. As if he noticed that he was awake, the monster turned around
  . , smiled at him.
  He fell into coma again.

  Darkness, pure darkness surrounded him, they surrounded him, making noisy sounds, but they did not change into anything else. This is rare. Even if he controls the night, the Lord of the Night cannot enjoy a completely dreamless, pitch-black night. of dreams.

  [Scum, wake up.

  A faint voice came from the distant other shore.

  Koz was immersed in complete darkness and did not want to pay attention to the sound that made him subconsciously nauseated. The

  next moment, his entire face began to hurt, and a severe suffocation feeling strangled his neck. He felt that the flesh and blood in his respiratory tract were pouring. Peeling off, blocking his windpipe -

  Curze suddenly emerged from the darkness. He tried to gasp for breath, but it only made himself more painful, as if claws were tearing at his internal organs, screaming curses. his life.

  His vision gradually became clearer, and a pair of yellow eyes were staring at him with interest.

  Directly above Curze's head, Mortarion was looking at him with a smile. He could see the dry scars at the corners of Mortarion's mouth -

  where was the mask?
  His eyes moved down Mortarion's arm. The metal tube connected to the mask was wrapped around Mortarion's arm, following him.
  The mask was now pressed on his face, and on his face The flesh has rotted to the point where the bones are exposed.

  Curze screamed. He tried hard to struggle, escape, or give Mortarion a blow, but his heavy body could not lift any strength. At the same time, he found that his limbs were nailed to their original positions by the removed sticks. land.

  Mortarion licked his chapped lips.

  【woke up? ]

  Curze looked at him angrily, trying to kill Mortarion with his eyes, but the Lord of Death was obviously not deterred by him, and he took off his gas mask for Curze with great interest.

  Curze watched helplessly as the mask was stained with his flesh and blood, and part of the tip and bridge of his nose followed the mask away.

  [I didn’t bring a pick-me-up, which was a mistake. ]

  [Later I realized that my air could produce a similar reaction.

  Mortarion was still staring at Curze intently. He threw the gas mask aside casually, and the metal tube connecting the mask was violently torn off.

  [First of all, it's impossible for your cub to come over. The poisonous gas has spread. They know nothing except that you are still alive. ]

  Mortarion, smash it, slap your mouth,

  [Secondly, you are still alive, and your son is still alive, shut up, listen-]

  Mortarion died mercilessly with stained hands. Pressing hard on the disfigured mouth of Curze, Curze's teeth made a clicking sound, and then Mortarion nervously made a silencing gesture.

  Curze was forced to be quiet for a second. He could hear the drumbeat of the blood rushing through his veins. In addition, there was also a
  faint breathing sound, a breathing sound that did not belong to either of the two original bodies.

  [Look, he is still alive, and we can judge him next. ]

  [In your quarrel with Horus, don't you love judgment the most? Since we are brothers, I will choose the form you like. ]

  Mortarion released his hand on Curze's mouth. He rubbed Curze's power armor in disgust, and then took out the potion from his belt while muttering to himself.

  [I am not unreasonable - compared to you, Conrad Coates, I only wish you to achieve my pain, I only wish for revenge. ]

  [The process of the trial is very simple. I will repay you as much pain as you give me. Well, the trial is over. ]

  Mortarion narrowed his eyes and shook the potion in his hand.

  [But obviously, just one Savita is not enough.

  【You are not in enough pain. ]

  [He is not even your best friend of the same generation on your home planet. ]

  Konrad Curze opened his eyes wide, he wanted to say something, but his vocal cords were corroded, and he couldn't say anything except a whine - Mortarion did it on purpose.

  Mortarion looked at his brother with feigned annoyance,
  [What's going on? Haven't you even made any friends on your home planet? You don’t even have subordinates, what did you do on your home planet? Wouldn't even a single human being come near you? Can you only rely on your pathetic genetic seeds to confuse some ignorant and innocent brats? ]

  Mortarion stared at his "brother" "gently".

  [So, since you are a bad person who doesn’t even have a friend, I have to find a way to make up for my pain in other ways. ]

  Mortarion was silent for a moment, Curze couldn't move at all, and Sevatar's breathing became more harsh in this short silence - he could be broken at any time.

  [You like prophecies very much, right? ]

  Mortarion began to inject the potion into Konrad Curze,
  [I have already guessed that you attacked my commander because of your damn prophecy, right? ]

  Conrad's breathing began to quicken, his pupils dilated, and Mortarion's words became distorted and distant.
  [A little hallucinogen, a small gift for "brother", is not respectful, after all, you gave me so much. What a surprise.

  Mortarion carefully lifted Konrad Curze and made him half-lying so that he could see the dying Sevatar.

  The swollen, dirty flesh and blood bulged on the wound that penetrated Savita's chest.

  Mortarion expressionlessly raised a bomb in front of Konrad Curze.


  Then the second one,


  Then the third one,


  The fourth one, the fifth one, the sixth one.
  [Now, tell me, my brother, if I leave now If so, is your Savita still alive?

  And Coates didn't seem to hear his words. He was stunned, his muscles twitching abnormally, as if he was dragged into the boundless hell by the prophecy,
  [Conrad Coze? Conrad Coates? ! ]


  Mortarion slapped Curze cleanly, and not much skin could be seen on the face that was in close contact with the bomb.

  [Is Sevatar still alive? ]

  Curze was trembling, and his eyeballs seemed to explode. Mortarion felt that Conrad's pulse was too fast, so fast that he could burst into blood at any time.

  So Mortarion gave Konrad Curze another dose of sedative.

  [Is Sevatar still alive? Don't challenge my patience, Conrad. ]

  Curze stared at Mortarion, and blood began to ooze out of his eyeballs.

  The blood pressure is still too high, Mortarion thought silently.

  So he gave Cozz another shot.

  [Give me an answer, or else——]

  Mortarion raised the white bullet in his hand.

  Curze began to nod, then began to shake his head. He shook his head randomly, obviously being knocked out.

  Mortarion admired Curze's pain, and he was happy.

  When Kurtz finally stopped, he wiped the blood splattered on Conrad's face,
  [Now we move on to the second step.

  Mortarion said, he stared at Conrad, because Mortarion was too tall, he had to tilt his head slightly and stare into Conrad's eyes with his own eyes.

  [Apologies to my commander. ]

  Mortarion raised a tube of potion in his hand. He glanced at Curze, and then moved the tube of potion in front of Sevatar.

  [If you hold yourself to justice, then why won’t the criminal apologize to the victim’s best friend? ]

  [You don’t have to apologize, but this way you at least have a certain future. ]

  [Now, apologize. ]

  Curze trembled like a convulsion again. Mortarion had become bored with the repeated pain. He looked at Sevatar boredly, waiting for his third step.

  Finally, Curze's lips moved. Mortarion didn't know whether he succumbed to the prophecy, the fate of Sevatar, or his non-existent sense of justice?

  But he recorded this scene and took it back to Hades to play.

  [Finally, it’s the third step. ]

  Mortarion stuffed the potion in his hand into Koz's curled hand, which could not be held tightly.

  Then he put a grenade into Curze's other hand.

  [Now you have a medicine that can save your bat cub, but no one can save your bat cub except it. ]

  Mortarion put away his usual smile and looked at Curze expressionlessly.

  [But I can’t say because it could also be poison. ]

  [In this regard, I will give you two ideas.

  Mortarion pointed at the explosive in Curze's hand casually,

  [This is a white bullet, you open it close to Savita, and then use your damn prophecy. ]

  [Or, let me tell you, I, Mortarion, the Lord of Death, will not be a rotten person, scum, or scum like you. ]

  [Okay, bye. ]

  Mortarion stood up and casually patted the ashes on his body,
  [You can continue to wait for the Empire's trial of the Night Lord.

  He kicked away the steel bar nailed to Curze's right hand, and Konrad Curze's arm was twisted into an abnormal angle. Mortarion ignored him and left directly.

  Carrying the weight of Conrad Coates' pain, and his apology.

  The laughter of the dead rang out in the deep corridor of the Night Veil, and the poisonous gas of the corpse filled the air with him, but no one among the Night Lords dared to step forward to check.

  The Avengers crawling out of Hell will become one of the Night Lords' deepest fears.

  In the darkness left by Mortarion, Konrad Curze crawled to the side of Sevatar in a twisted and painful posture.

  He couldn't see anything clearly, and the world became chaotic in his eyes.

  He trembled and paralyzed his arms to Sevatar. He should. He should have
  just said that Mortarion was not constantly increasing the strength of his psychic powers. Whenever Curze fell into the deepest part of the prophecy, the evil darkness would immediately Drag him out and throw him to the shore like a dehydrated fish.

  He stared at Sevatar.
  He saw it, he didn't see it, he was dead, he lived, he saw it, he didn't see it! That's not what he saw! He can't see! He doesn't want to see it!
  The hand holding the ammunition kept shaking and twitching -

  the touch brought him back to reality.

  Sevatar was not dead yet. As if he was having a flashback, he still opened his eyes and held Curze's hand holding the ammunition.

  He shook his head.

  Curze has completely collapsed, but a large amount of medicine has accumulated in his blood, making it impossible for him to escape and stay away from here. He can only stay here and watch Sevita die little by little.

  Sevatar's eyes moved to the tube of potion.

  He just looked at Conrad Coates as if to say, he didn't want to die.

  He doesn't want to die.

  Curze trembled, staring at the potion with all his courage.

  Sevita's breathing gradually became calmer, and Conrad Curze lay beside Sevita.

  He whimpered, the Lord of Night never cries, and blood streamed from his face.

    revised three editions of the manuscript, and this edition will most likely be refined. Sorry for the late posting.

    Update 7/14
  (end of this chapter)

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