Chapter 23 22 The Story of a Barbarus

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  Chapter 23 22. A Barbarus story

  warning, these are knives! If you can't stand it, please jump directly to article 29. The author really doesn't know how to change these articles, so book friends who can't stand it should skip ahead.

  Already warned three times! I tried my best(_).
  is an ordinary Barbarus woman.

  For the first half of her life, she was the epitome of hundreds of millions of ordinary Barbarus girls.

  Herrera was born in an unknown village close to the territory of Nakre. From the beginning of her memory, her world was composed of dim poisonous gas and endless fear.

  She stayed ignorantly in the room filled with loess blocks, eagerly waiting for her parents to return.

  Her mother would touch her cheeks with her chapped hands when she came back, smile at her, and then turn around to make porridge and cook.

  When she was older, she would hold her sister and step on the mud pit road in the village. She would stand at the entrance of the village and look into the distance, waiting for her parents to return home from farming.

  In the distance are high mountains shrouded in poisonous gas. The vague mountain tops are hidden in the shadow of mist. My parents once said that the real owners of this planet live there.

  Herrera was still young at the time, and she didn't understand why the lords could withstand these poisonous gases that could kill people.

  When she was old enough to pick up a hoe, her parents took her to cultivate their own fields. She picked up the hoe and dug away the bitter clods one by one.

  Her sister stood at the entrance of the village, continuing to look at her and her parents, waiting for their return.

  The alarm bell in the village rang, and night was approaching. She ran back to their home with her parents, a little scared and excited.

  Her life disappeared in the day-to-day farming, and in the poisonous breath of every minute and second.

  She once walked boldly and curiously toward the end of the field, where the thick poisonous gas was like a physical wall, imprisoning the humans inside.

  Herrera raised a hand and carefully touched the poisonous gas that seemed to be alive with the tip of her hand. It slightly corroded her fingertips. Herrera exclaimed and quickly pulled out her fingers. The pale traces of corrosion were obvious. on it.

  Herrera didn't understand. Is there really life on that high mountain top, on that high mountain where the poisonous gas is tens of thousands of times thicker and more powerful than here?
  But she found out that night.

  When the gray night fell, the yellow air slowly climbed up the city wall -

  the puppets of the slave catching team broke through Herrera's impregnable city wall like tearing paper. Those creatures that completely violated the laws of physics, those who were The monster forcibly brought to life by witchcraft just stood at the door, staring at her and her family with its stitched eyes.

  The puppet, which was about two and a half meters tall, seemed to have been sewn together randomly from corpse parts. The thick black hemp thread was roughly exposed in the air. The end of the knot was soaked in the skin, and the pus and yellow blood cells overflowed from the flesh and blood. The liquid climbed up the knot and floated in the air. The middle knot is a yellow scab.

  It pressed its bloated body against the door, its cloudy eyes staring at Herrera with malice.

  Her parents had almost fainted from fear, but they still hugged her and their sister tightly, trembling all over.

  It didn't work.

  Like a chick, she was lifted out of her warm and fragile nest, evaluated, and then put down again -

  she was too thin and did not meet the strong standards of the lord's experimental materials.

  The parents and sister were picked up one after another for evaluation. The father was put down, and so was the sister.

  Mom was taken out.

  Her mother stared at Herrera in despair and collapse. She was completely defeated. Her tired eyes were now full of tears. Her mother looked at them, as if she hoped that they would continue to live well, and she seemed to hope that they would save her.

  However, Herrera, her father, and her sister were all completely overcome by fear.


  Threatened by death, my mother began to struggle violently in the hands of the puppet. She danced her limbs wildly and struck in vain against the giant hand holding her.

  As if he had seen something interesting, the puppet's ugly face turned away, revealing a strange and cruel smile.

  Its other hand, stained with mucus, stretched out easily and casually, and directly twisted off the limbs of the bottom layer one after another.

  Blood, fleshy foam, red blood, and white bone spurs poked out. Those small red dots fell in the black gloom, and instantly turned gray and deteriorated under the touch of the mist.

  Mom is screaming.


  Herrera fainted.

  When she woke up, there were only three of them at home.

  Life must go on.

  After that, Herrera took farm tools and went out to farm with her father in the early morning every day, and ran home every evening with the sound of the bell.

  The walls she had thought would protect their village were useless, and the village was just as dangerous as the wild, but she would still run back with the people when the bells rang.

  Already used to it.

  She returned home, touched her sister's face with her chapped hands, smiled at her, and then went to cook porridge.

  Her mother has not yet taught her how to cook, and her father is only a vague and silent silhouette in her life.

  The porridge she cooked for the first time boiled and burned her hand.

  it does not matter.

  She will die.

  Will die like my mother.

  It doesn't matter, everyone is like this.

  It really doesn't matter.

  When the evening screams rang out again, Herrera hugged her sister tightly and huddled in the cupboard at home.

  Her father had gone crazy when the screams started.

  Perhaps recalling the tragic situation before his mother's death, his father collapsed. This gray-haired man in his twenties opened the door of the house and ran out like crazy.

  He tried to escape, but that would only lead to death.

  Herrera wanted to save her father, but she couldn't.

  There is only death.

  The barking pustule hound on the village road quickly pounced, blood and flesh flying.

  It doesn't matter, everyone is going to die.

  She hugged her sister tightly.

  But Herrera wanted her sister to live just a little longer. She wanted her to go through the poisonous fog and see the world outside the village, even though it was a barren and barren land.

  Herrera patted her sister's head gently. Her sister's hair, like hers, was dull and messy due to the corrosion of poisonous gas.

  "Shh, sister, go find daddy. You stay here and don't move."

  The younger sister was crying, and she pulled Herrera.

  "Don't go, okay, let's go together, sister."

  Herrera pulled her sister's hand away.

  "Be obedient and live well."

  Then Herrera started running, and she didn't look back.

  She started running, her calves shaking, her heart pounding, her lungs spasming - she was going to die.

  She ran desperately onto the road, and the pustule hounds that were tearing at her father's body saw her. Her father's flesh and blood mixed with the hounds' saliva dripped from her lips wrapped in flesh.

  Those fangs were pointed at her.

  Herrera wanted to scream, to shout something, to tell them that she was not afraid of death.

  But she was completely gripped by fear, slowly grinding through her bones and tearing apart her flesh.

  She couldn't control herself anymore, she stopped, trembling all over, and couldn't take another step.

  No, I am brave, I use myself to exchange my sister's life.

  I am brave.

  Herrera thought desperately, but as if all her bravery and pride had been penetrated, the hounds salivated, raised their heads and ran towards -

  towards their house.

  No! ! !
  Her sister! ! ! Lysa! ! No! !
  Herrera wanted to run, she wanted to save her sister, she wanted to save her sister! ! !
  She wants to save her sister She wants to save her sister She wants to save her sister She wants to save her sister She wants to save her sister She wants to save her sister She wants to save her sister She wants to Save her mother, she wants to save her sister, she wants to save her sister, she wants to save her sister, she wants to save her sister, she wants to save her sister, she wants to save her sister, she wants to save her sister, she wants to save herself
  No one can save her sister .

  She has lost everything she can rely on, she has no reason to live, her life is a meaningless gloom, she has never accomplished anything, she has never accomplished anything, she Just live and then die meaninglessly, without value.

  It doesn't matter, Herrera, everyone dies.

  it does not matter.

  Tears and snot covered her face. Herrera felt that she had collapsed and that she had gone crazy. She knelt down in despair and clasped her face tightly with her hands, covering her sight with her hands and tears.

  Nothing is of use anymore.

  She doesn't care about any of this anymore.

  Come eat me, come tear me apart.

  I'm a useless piece of trash, and even my sister doesn't have the courage to protect me.

  She is tired.

  She gave up.

  However, she didn't hear her sister's screams.

  The sound of the blade cutting through flesh and blood was heard, the pustule hound whimpered and barked, and the muffled sound came -

  Herrera was no longer able to understand all this, and she followed the inertia and continued to cry desperately.

  "Don't cry."

  A hand reached out, gently took her hand away, and carefully wiped the tears and snot on her face.

  "Your sister is not dead, please comfort her."

  "Don't cry, you two, we have already killed these hounds."

  Herrela was still sobbing uncontrollably from the so violent crying.

  She looked up.

  The young man held his sobbing sister in one arm, his face obscured by a gas mask, but he was certainly smiling.

  He turned against the light, and the white light outlined his figure.

  The man squatted down, holding a sickle in his other hand.

  "You were very brave just now, sacrificing yourself to attract the attention of those hounds, right?" "

  Brave girl, join us and protect your family together."

  "By the way, my name is Hades, and I am a death guard."

  This is Herrera's story before she joins the Death Guard.

  This is also the story of Herrera's renewed hope.

   Put a Barbarus girl here.

    The QQ group number is added to the introduction.

    Received a round of text messages with recommendations! ! ! Oh oh oh! Yeah,

    ヾ() is too easy to mess with

  (end of chapter)

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