Chapter 22 21 Wheel of Fortune

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  Chapter 22 21. Wheel of Fortune
  In the vast Warhammer universe, a tiny planet floats quietly in it. Looking from the distant space, it is a yellow-green blurry planet - Barbarus.

  In the trajectory of this world, there are countless mediocre and endless individuals -

  they are born in this world, struggle to live, and then die silently.

  I don’t know why I was born, I don’t know why I died.

  But persist in thinking, obsession, and greed - the taste of life, struggling to live, unwilling to die.

  Just like human beings in thousands of other worlds.

  Maybe the humans on Barbarus are better or worse than humans in other worlds?

  But no matter what, thousands of years of life have already made these humans, whose average age is less than twenty sidereal years, accustomed to it.

  Life is a kind of inertia. People are busy revolving around their own inertia. In their brains that are unable to realize more, inertia is the law. Maintain the inertia, maintain life, and survive.

  Like silent animals whose vocal cords have been corroded by poisonous mist, they work on the barren land of Barbarus day after day, living in eternal oppression and fear day after day.

  Perhaps, one day for thousands of years, one of them broke out in this oppression, became angry in this fear, he rose up, grabbed the knife, and faced the oppression of the tyrant!
  ——But no matter what, he must have failed.

  The creatures that made the change have long since died, but human history on the planet is still, as always, maintaining its established trajectory according to inertia.

  This planet revolves silently around its own star, and the god of fate is silent, wordless, and actionless.

  Until the landing of the nursery cabin falling from the sky.

  Until the Lord of Death walked down from the high mountains where the poisonous fog never disperses all year round.

  These gears of destiny, which had been completely stagnant and repeated for thousands of years, received instructions from the Supreme God. The loose and rotten gears began to close, and the ashes-filled machine began to operate, with gears and gears rattling and turning slowly.

  ——The fate that has been carefully planned begins to turn.

  The protagonist is a distinguished guest from outer space, and the supporting role is a slave who has repeated the script for thousands of years.

  He joyfully brews His wonderful soup, and everything is ready and perfect.

  Seven times of careful preparation, seven times of careful blessing, seven kinds of ingredients, and seven centuries of preparation.

  Seven blessings, seven curses, seven bundles of destiny, the thick soup has already exuded a charming taste.

  All things are corrupt and all living beings are immortal.

  The merciful Father had already prepared everything for His beloved Son. He looked at His unique Son.

  In the eternal and great garden of the loving Father, a place has already been reserved for His beloved child!

  On the most beautiful, rich, charming and comfortable fertile soil of the great garden, on the loveliest, warmest, most comfortable and most pleasant wilderness that can be seen at a glance from the window of the father's manor - the abscesses of flesh and blood are covered by the industrious people

  . Rot flies tirelessly lick it, the rotten scars of thick phlegm are reluctantly donated by cute ghouls, the bones of disaster stand upright through the smelly mucus, and the retched carrion turns into soft and warm ground.

  The Nurglings chirped and sang on the branches, the Great Unclean One came out to offer his treasures, the scabies bees buzzed, the rot flies buzzed, and the plague toads happily praised their grandfather's kindness in their pus!
  This is such a warm family! Every member is nervously and expectantly preparing his warm and comfortable mansion for this upcoming child. When he arrives, countless filth and filth will break out of the ground under the command of the loving father, and endless blood, flesh, and pus will appear. The sores will rise before the loving father's gaze, and the child's favorite abode will appear before him in its entirety.

  That child, that poor child who has not yet fallen into the arms of his loving father, he will love it here, he will praise everything!

  Oh, what a great and loving father! What a great and loving father!
  All the creatures in the great garden could not stop smiling as they thought of this coming favorite, that blessed child! They whisper blessings in their hearts.

  However. However.


  An uninvited guest has arrived on the stage of repetitive stagnation.

  The audience from afar applauded before the loving father.

  A loving father who is immersed in cooking the soup of destiny neglects those changes that are small enough, so that the most insignificant changes begin to accumulate.

  He neglected.

  Changes outside of destiny and changes within destiny came to Him at the same time. The former was too small, and the latter was too difficult to deal with.

  No! His children will be His! Mortarion, His beloved! You can't take him away!

  The loving father waved his arms to drive away the annoying guy in the distance, while the Nurglings were busy throwing suitable materials into the soup pot.

  The loving father grunted in response to his old enemy, which again drew his attention helplessly.

  The visitor from outside the world thus got a respite from the gap between his father's eyes.

  The Lord of Change is screaming, the script is repeated thousands of times, and it is time for the script that everyone is watching to end! ! !

  Change, change, change, incomprehensible, change from outside the world!

  Nine levels of change, nine levels of subversion, nine levels of banter, the thread of destiny is endless!

  Abandon the fascinating and amazing past, present, and future!

  Change itself is the reward, change itself is the goal, the changes condense the infinite mystery, everything in the world follows the rules, and the rules are the contempt and restraint of all this!
  He saw this wonderful change. The chaotic and uncertain time of the subspace showed him endless changes, separated from the mystery of the world itself.

  The arrogant scream penetrates everything, and the ecstatic scream disturbs everything!
  He screamed, and the labyrinth of endless changes began to change and dance again, imprisoned in it, and the creatures lost in it once again began to escape from endless changes.

  Break the rules, stir up destiny, and tease the world.

  [Emperor's Dream]
  "My lord, there is an Omega-level interference distortion in the subspace star area near us. It is expected that within six sidereal months, the subspace jump will become difficult." "Except for the subspace moving in a specific direction

  . Space jump, the subspace in this direction is quite stable."
  This is an invitation, this is a clear indication+
  +This is a transaction+
  The golden eyes are condensed with the wisdom of mankind since ancient times, and they are shining at this time color.


  The next few pictures are knives, knives, knives!

  Book friends who can’t stand it are advised to jump directly to Chapter 29 and don’t look at these pictures! ! !

  Book lovers who like cruel paintings can directly read
   Letter to a Loving Father and Get Eternal Life! ! !

    Look at this author, he not only believes in Nurgle, but also believes in Khorne. In addition, he also likes Tzeentch very much.

    But we don't like Slaanesh.

    I show my cards, I am the Chaos Party. (Of course, the protagonist is from the empire)
  (End of chapter)

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